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There are certain people who claim that music is necessary in their daily lives – in other words, they practically cannot go a day without music. This idea may overstate the importance of music; in most cases, however, music virtually is a crucial element in our lives at different times.

Although there are a multitude of recreational activities for us to choose, music is still the top priority for most people. The reason is that when listening to music, we can isolate ourselves from our busy lives. Moreover, music can refresh our mind. Take myself as an example, after a day’ toil, listening to music is a blessing for me because it is so joyful in the music world.

In addition, music can impact the emotions, be it pleasure or misery. For example, pop music is obviously necessary to a party as it could enhance the atmosphere of the party. On the other hand, it could a spiritual healing to listen to same melodious music because it probably would reduce our laments and could render an encouraging effect.

Furthermore, music can reflect the culture and history of a country. Take “Fato” as an example. “Fato”, which depicts the history of an era of the discovery of ocean, is such a famous and appealing piece in Portugal. Nowadays, this conventional music is mixed with the modern music and, it becomes one of the most popular music in the world.

It is doubtless that music is of great importance in every aspect of our lives, whether it is the private lives or the culture and history of a nation. Though nowadays there are a variety of leisure for our choices, to a certain extent, I believe that music still is prevail option because it is so enjoyable in the “music world”.

Music connects people, think of all the different places bands and musicians travel, all around the world. The Beatles, Madonna, The Spice Girls, The Rolling Stones, Michele Jackson and many others whose music has touched the world. You don't even have to understand the language of the lyrics, but you can here the sorrow in there voice, the anger, the happiness, the romance is all in the tone of there voice and the rhythm of the music. Have you noticed how many social music sites there are, where you can make playlists and share them with others over the internet. Making playlists is the new way of making a mix tape for that special someone.

Imagine living life with out the vibrant sounds of music. You can't, can you. Music has always been here. The soulfulness of R&B, core thumping beats, rapid electric guitars, the tender sounds of the blues and country. So why are schools trying to take it away from learning children? Schools across America are cutting music classes and other curricular activates, in order to push more time into reading and math. Although reading and math are important skills to have in life, music is also a great thing to have.

Music is very important of people’s living because you can see that in daily life, it is always to have music combine with people’s activities, for example, when you go to work in the morning, you will see al lot of people with headphones that walk along the road, when you are working and you listen to the radio for reducing stress. In my opinion, I think that music is important to many people because music can be people’s friends and reducing stress, music is important part of advertisements and movies, and music is symbols of countries or groups.

When people must stay alone for a long time, they will feel very lonely. So it must be better for people to carry cd-man for being their friends. When people feel very stress, they will find something that makes them fresh and happier. Music is one thing that people will choose.

In advertisement, the purpose of advertise is making people to interest and can remember their products. Music is an important role to make people interest because when you see advertisements and hear music that is very nice, you will remember that product easily. Like advertisements, for movies, it is very easy to make people impress in that movie if there are impressive soundtracks.

Finally, humans are social people, so persons must stay in various organizations, and every organization must have one purpose that everybody must know. The best way to make people can go along with organizations is music. For example, in every country, there must be nation music to make people love their nations and, in school, there must be school music to make students love feel being apart of their school.

Because music can reduce people’s stress, is an important part for selling products and movies, and is symbols of organizations, so it can be concluded that music is important for people.

Music is an important art form. Many people like listening music for different reasons and at different times. Why is music important to many people? One of the most popular reason is relaxing. Music, especially pop music can make people feel relaxing. After a day"s work or study, we sit in the sofa and listen to the radio or recorder. It is playing our favorite songs. We may forget all the fatigure. If you feel sad or lonely, listen to music, we will feel relieved. 

Aother reason is music can be benefit for young people"s brain developement. Many famous scientists can play some musical instuments very well. Eistein is a good violin player. Maybe you don"t know that Feyman is a good hum player. When we play some instrument, both of hands must be using harmonious. It is very good for brain developement. 

Many people who like music have many other reasons. Someone think music can encourge us to face difficulty. Beethoven"s famous masterpiece, the Fate, is one that can shock our heart. France"s national song, the Marseilles, united French people to defeat foreign enmey. Music is an important elment of a culture, if you want to comprehend a culture, listening to its music is necessary. Everyone like music for different reasons. What is yours?

In a research project when I was a freshman at the university, it was noted that mostly interviewees listened to music as a routine habit even though they were different from others in terms of careers, ages, and sex. This is a real testimony that music plays an important role in daily life of each one. In my perspective, the reason for this phenomenon is that listening to music helps people have a balance status to overcome difficulties; in addition, it is a good way to strengthen the human brain's development.

To begin with, music brings out comfortable feelings for everyone and helps them to deal with the difficult real-life situations. In fact, people often become troubled with many different reasons in work or private life. Normally, people often choose to listen to music at that time because of its wonderful power to ease pressures and tiredness; therefore, they can easily return to normal status and continue to do their work or activities efficiently. As for me, I often enjoy some soft songs after becoming stressed in work. Relaxing by listening to favorite songs helps my head rest refreshed. Shortly after that, I always feel happier and nicer to everyone and my thoughts are more clear and focused and I can accomplish a heavy workload. Thus, music energizes my mind and body giving me a higher degree of concentration.

Moreover, besides concentration, music also has a good impact on helping the brain's development. In reality, many scientists claim that listening to music for at least twenty minutes a day can intellectually stimulate the active of nerve fibers in the brain, especially for a newborn baby and some that are still in the embryo stage. This belief makes pregnant women frequently open and listen to classical music with the high hopefulness that their children will be an intelligent person in the future. From my own experiences, each time I was stuck on a business problem, music is always the best way to enhance my inner-creativity to have new ideas. Consequently, listening to music obviously has a good impact to the human intellect.

In short, the good effects of listening to music leads me to believe that music is an important part in each individual’s spirit via bringing comfort, balance, and creation during the hard time in daily life. In my cases, music usually provides miraculous powers to help me encounter the overwhelmed tiredness to come up with the new solutions in order to succeed in business. As a result, I strongly recommend listening to music for people up the creek that is an effective method in search for the well-balanced space in their minds and spirits.

Music is very important to many people. Mostly, people are fond of music because music acts as a communicating, relaxing, expressing tool to people.  

First of all, people communicate through music. As music describes different situations of life, people would understand the meaning of the songs and the events happened on the world. People may choose their favorites kind of music. Also, fans of that kind of music may organize as a group.   Not only communication, music would refresh people's brain. Because people have chance to select their favorite songs, they would relax their mind from those songs they like. If they are tired, or when they are working, music would help to stimulate their brain.  

Finally but not least, people may express their emotions through music. For example, if people have a good mood, they would like to dance with a nice melody. Furthermore, people would write a song. Through that song, he shows his love to his lover. Sometimes people are unhappy. Then they would listen to sad songs based on that they think the same feeling indicating from the song.  

In conclusion, people may gain communication, brain relaxation and expression from music. Consequently, music plays an important role in art and entertainment.

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