Chapter 20

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Doctor Tina's words kept circling round her mind as she stalked to the infirmary.

"He might not be the Marco we know..."

"If he wakes up..."

"A manifestation of Marco's darkness..."

Round and round, making her feel sick.

She reached the double doors. Her chest was very hot and juttery, and her palms were damp with sweat. Slowly and trepidatiously she raised her hand and pulled over the door.

Beds lined either side of the walls and at the far end of the long clean room was a large arch shaped stain glass window, through which beautiful streams of fresh early afternoon light shone. The infirmary was mainly empty. There were a few general illnesses like the flu, and a couple of mild injuries like sprained ankles. Mewni wasn't too accident prone, being largely magical.

The few doctors padding around checking on the patients were quiet and calm. Star couldn't understand how this place could be so relaxed when her mind was spinning and she could hardly see straight, let alone organise her thoughts properly. She walked through the room, her footsteps loud on the polished reflective floor.

A young, fresh faced male doctor approached her.

"Can I help you, Princess Star?"

"I'm here to see Marco Diaz," she said at once.

The doctor looked shifty.

"I'm afraid Mr Diaz is no longer here..."

"What?!" Star cried.

"I- he's been relocated, that's all!" Said the doctor hurriedly, looking horrified. "He's in the east wing of the castle, under special surveillance."

"Why?" Star demanded.

"We were told he..." the poor doctor looked way out of his comfort zone. "He... is unstable-"

"I've had enough of this," Star said crossly, turning on her heel and setting off for the east wing.

She marched purposefully all the way there. When she reached the small, guarded door on the other side of the castle, she said harshly to the guard,

"Let me in."

"No can do, I'm afraid, Princess," he said breezily.

"I am Princess Star Butterfly, and I demand entry into this room!" she shouted.

"Princess, I'm sorry but I've been given strict instructions to not let anyone in."

"Don't make me hex you," Star growled, momentarily forgetting that her wand was still in Toffee's castle, broken in two, magically sustained so it wouldn't explode. She made a mental note to go and retrieve it as soon as Mewmanly possible.

The guard looked a little nervous, but since Star didn't actually produce her wand, he stood his ground.

"No, I'm very sorry Princess Star, but I cannot allow you-"

"I will send you to the stocks!" Star screamed.

The guard looked taken aback.

"We... do we even have stocks?" He asked uncertainly.

"I... don't know!" Star yelled. "Then I will build stocks and send you to them!"

"Princess," the guard said pleadingly. "I can't. I'm really sorry."

Just as Star was about to argue, they heard a loud, strangled roar from inside the closed off ward and someone shouted,

"Get the ropes! Hold him down!"

"Princess, please, you should leave," the guard said urgently, looking very anxious.

"This is ridiculous! It's only Marco!" Star cried, throwing up her hands. She was certain everyone was overreacting. "Let me in right now, or I'll... I'll..."

But she was saved the need to come up with a threat by someone saying behind her,

"We'll blast you and this door to smithereens."

Turning, she saw Tom.

"You came!" She grinned. "Marco's under special surveillance..."

"I know, I went to the infirmary first," said Tom. He clicked his fingers and summoned a flame.

"So," he said menacingly. "Are you gonna let us in, or what?"

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