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Legolas's pov:

All that I could see in the dark and musty cave was the dragon's large red figure slidding deeper into the darkness. The closer I peered at the dragon's skin the more scratches and scars I noticed. Why did this humongous creature have so many markings? What things has he gotten himself into?

Abruptly, we both stopped in a very cool spot in the cave. It was dimly lit by torches melted into the wall. I never realized how handy the dragons could be until now. "So this is where you will catch fish for us." The dragon beside me growled softly as he leaned back on his haunches.

"Do I look like a creature who can easily catch fish?" I snorted and shook my head with annoyance. I lifted up my left foreleg to give it a rest. I studied the dark limb with a soft frown. It was slightly swollen, so it had to be sprained at the very least.

"Use your horn." The dragon grumbled as he played with the cool water of the silent cave.

"Why can't you do this yourself?" I neighed with frustration as I walked as strongly as I could towards the lake without showing the pain it brought.

The dragon sighed deeply for a long moment which filled the air with a hazy cloud of smoke. "Just do this, unicorn."

I sighed and closed my eyes. The unrestrained power that flowed through my body felt wonderful and for a moment I allowed it to heal my leg. A slight smirk appeared on my face as a plan of escape ran through my head. First, though, I had to catch this dragon a fish. My magic zoomed into the water while surrounding every molecule. My forehead creased as I concentrated on lifting the water high into the air. My ear flenched as I heard an audible gasp escape the dragon. Slowly, I forced the water to swirl in circles while making the blobs dance together in a warm, blue glow. I took a quick glance at the dragon and found his look of amazement to be quite ridiculous. My attention returned to the water as I sorted between the fish and the lake. Then, suddenly my magic disappeared which dropped a pile of fish on top of the dragon and the water back into the lake. A bold smirk bloomed across my features. "All done."

The dragon roared angrily and swatted away carelessly at the pile of fish surrounding him. "I grow tired of your rude games, unicorn." The beast's chest seemed to glow ablaze as a strange, eerie yellow light blossomed up his throat. Slowly, that other magical creature left the pile of fish and stalked slowly towards the unicorn.

My ears immediately flattened against my skull as I began to back away from the angry beast. "I... let's talk about this, dragon."

The dragon's eyes seemed to glow brighter than ever as he slithered his way quickly after me. "I've met my limit!" His roar thundered around the cave which sent the stalactites shaking like a dying leaf tossed about in the wind.

Tears immediately dropped from my wide, dark eyes as I simply faced my oncoming death. I could not defeat the beast in front of me and the only other option was to accept it as fate. My legs buckled and the last image I saw was the dragon's sharp, dagger like teeth headed towards me. As my world fell to darkness, I shivered and whimpered as hot, steady tears rolled down my cheeks. Another moment passed by which left me confused. Why wasn't I dead yet? Surely the dragon had already ate me. Slowly, my dark eyes peeked open only to find the dragon smirking down at me. "What?" My voice wavered as unsteadily as my shaken heart beat.

"One more chance." He growled and turned briskly away from my fallen form.

I stared after the disappearing red figure ahead of me and finally rested my head when he was out of view. I tried to stop trembling against the cool dirt floor, but it was no good. I wanted more than ever to escape at that point, but thinking of good plans in this state was difficult.

"UNICORN!" A familiar voice roared from the dark shadows of the cave.

A soft squeak escaped me as I bolted up. My heart thundered at unsafe speeds in my chest. Part of me was sure I would faint. "I'll be right there!" I called ahead meekly and hesitantly. My legs trembled as I tried keep a steady gait into the dark depths of the cave. I summoned a low blue light from my horn which acted as a bright blue lantern. The shiny, damp rocks around me glittered as I passed which brought me a slight sense of comfort. Soon, I stumbled across a small cavern in which the dragon was silently awaiting me. He leaned against his back haunches comfortingly while offering me a cold glare.

"Let's just be very clear with each other." The dragon slithered his purple tongue naturally as he spoke. "You have no other option but to serve me from now on. If you work with me, life will be much easier for you."

"Alright." I neighed slowly as I pawed the ground awkwardly. "It would make me feel better if you promised not to scare me like that again." My tail swished in part annoyance and fear. This dragon knew how to completely get on my bad side and he didn't even care.

The dragon tilted his head as he contemplated over my words. "Alright, unicorn, I promise not to lunge at you like that again."

I let out a huge breath I haven't realized I've been holding. The exhaustion I've been fighting quickly took hold of my body as my eyes began to slowly close. I felt my hooves give way as I gave into darkness. A flash of red ran through my narrowed vision, but I was too tired to find out what happened as a sweet darkness drowned my consciousness.


*knocks out from writing this at 3 am*


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