A day with N

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Ken's POV
I started making smoothies for everyone, except Leo. Leo always has a cup of coffee in the morning and reads the newspaper. In the morning, I always make organic and healthy smoothies for everyone to brighten up their day. I had to make N an extra healthier smoothie this morning because he was feeling sick. "Smoothies are done!" I said.

"HOORAY!" Everyone exclaimed. I handed a smoothie each to Hongbin, Hyuk and Ravi. I kept N's smoothie for now, and I'll give it to him later. When everybody got their drink, they all took it and gulped it all up.

"Does it really taste good guys?" I asked everyone, blushing. They all nodded their heads and continued drinking their smoothie.

"GAH!!!" Ravi exclaimed. "That was DE-LI-CIOUS! Thanks so much Hyung!"

"You're welcome. Just leave your glass in the sink. I'll take care of it."

"We're done as well." Hongbin said beside Hyuk. "I'll bring the glasses to the sink. Thank you Hyung, from the both of us."

"Yeah yeah... Just put the glasses in the sink and get out of here you crazy kids!" I laughed and walked over to get my own smoothie. I took a small sip out of the glass, then put it down. I saw Leo, Ravi, Hongbin and Hyuk putting their shoes and jackets on. Then they all went to the door and opened it.

"Bye Ken and please take care of N while we're all out." Leo told me.

"Don't worry about him Hyung. I'll take good care of him." He walked out the door and the three others followed. I closed the door after Hyuk stepped out, then I locked it. "AH.... Alone at last. Now I can drink my smoothie in peace, but I should probably give N-hyung his smoothie first." I walked to the kitchen and got N's smoothie off the counter. After I picked his smoothie up, I carefully walked over to his room. "N-hyung?" I knocked, "I've got your smoothie, and I'm coming in." I quietly walked into his room and went towards his bed. He had a small light, but otherwise, it was pretty dark.


"I'm here Hyung, do you want your smoothie now?"

"Just leave it on my desk please, then can you come and lay down with me? Just for a little while, I'm feeling a little lonely." I put the smoothie on his desk, then walked over to him on his bed. I took my slippers off and gently laid on his bed. "Jaehwan..." He called me by my actual name. "Turn your body around and please face me." I did as I was told and faced him. He looked helpless and REALLY sick. He seriously didn't look that well. "Jaehwan, ottokaji? What do I do?"

"Ummmm.... Do you mind telling me what you're talking about Hyung?" I was honestly so confused. He needed some help, but I had no clue what kind of help he needed.

"Don't play stupid with mmmee... I'm talkingg aboutt Leoo and Ravii. Don'tt telll anyonee, SSHHH...." His words were slurring and he spoke very softly. He must've thought I knew what he was talking about, but I'm still clueless. Then out of nowhere, tears were forming in his eyes. "Jaehwan, I'm scared."

"What are you scared of?" I asked him.

"Of being alone forever. Leo and I have been friends for quite a long time, but now Ravi has stolen him away from me. I've been keeping a secret from him, and the rest of the members." He took a deep breathe, then exhaled. "I love him Jaehwan. I love Jung Taekwoon." He let his tears fall down his face and he didn't bother to wipe them away. I felt really bad for him, this is serious. It kind of reminds me of myself and my love for Hyuk. Hyuk and I have been friends for a long period of time, but now he's gone off with Hongbin and left me in the dust.

"Don't worry Hyung, I'll always be here for you." And I wiped his tears away. If it's one thing I hate, it's seeing people cry. I pulled him towards me and gave him a hug. I rubbed his back and told him, "Don't cry anymore Hyung. You will never be alone, and don't ever forget that."

"T-Thanks Jaehwan. I'm really feeling much better now." He looked into my eyes and I looked into his. I was getting up from the bed to let him rest, but he grabbed my hand. "Wait, don't go. Stay with me until I fall asleep." After about twenty minutes, he fell fast asleep. I was in his room for a long time, and it was about dinner time when I finally left his room. I wonder what Leo is going to cook tonight, I'm really hungry. I didn't even get to finish my smoothie from this morning. I decided to call Leo and ask him to start dinner. Then I should call the rest of the members to come home.
I started to feel much better after that LOOONNNGGGG rest. I dreamt of unicorns and rainbows... :) Oddly though, I remember someone in my room. I think it was Ken, but why would he be in my room? Was he taking care of me or something like that? I looked over to my desk and saw a smoothie that he made. There was a note attached to it saying,

'N-Hyung feeling better!'

I grabbed the cup and sipped the smoothie. Egh.... It was really warm, I think I'll put it in the fridge to make it cold, or maybe I'll toss it... I walked out and heard everyone talking and laughing. As usual, Leo was wearing his apron and cooking. The three others were just talking, except Ken. He was sitting down on the couch, with his hand on his forehead. He is fast asleep, probably from taking care of me all day. I shouldn't disturb him, but he does look cold. I got a thin blanket and covered him with it. I told Hongbin, Hyuk and Ravi to talk softer, so that they wouldn't wake Ken up. He took REALLY good care of me, and whoever takes care of me, is always tired out after. I know I am really hard to take care of, especially when I'm sick. I walked to the kitchen and asked Leo, "So Leo, what did you do today?"

"I spent the day with Wonshik." ...spent the day with Wonshik.... When he said this, I felt as if a part of me had died.

Trying to hold back my tears, I asked him,"Like what kind of stuff?" Wonshik walked in the kitchen to get a glass of water, in the middle of our conversation.

"We walked around the park, ate food and just talked. How was your day N-hyung? Do you feel any better? You sounded awful this morning..."

"I'm feeling much better, thanks to Ken of course. He spent the whole day taking care of me, and now he's asleep on the couch." I rubbed the back of my head and smiled.

"That's good" Hongbin interrupted, "Maybe tomorrow, since you're feeling better, we can all go and do something fun together, or something like that."

"YEAH!" Hyuk yelled.

"Ssssh!!!" We all shushed him.

Leo told Hyuk, "Ken is tired and he is sleeping."

"So what did you do today Hongbin?" I asked him.

"Hyuk and I talked out our problems and we finally got together." He gave Hyuk a small smile. "Then we went to the arcade and played some games."

"That's good, that's good," Ravi said.

"Now since Ravi and I are a couple," said Leo, "And that Hongbin and Hyuk are a couple... When are you and Ken getting together, N-hyung?" Everyone laughed, even I did, although I'm not sure if that will work out.

"Haha, Leo. I don't know if that will happen." I told him.

"Uhhh..." Ken groaned as he walked towards us. He tripped on his feet and was about to fall, but then I took a huge step and caught him just in time. "Thanks N-hyung." He said.

"Just be more careful next time" I instructed.

"Okay," He stood up straight, but then he leaned against the wall. "Leo-hyung, I'm hungry. What's for dinner?"

"I'm making you some noodles Ken, go and sit down."

"Mmmhmm..." Ken said.

"Seems like someone caught your sickness Hyung," Ravi teased me.

"He's probably just tired out, tomorrow he'll be fine." I felt guilty seeing that Ken wasn't feeling too good. After a while though, he started to look much better. Then Leo was finally finished making dinner and we all sat down and ate. He really is the best cook I know, but he is really the best in everything.

"I'm done," Hyuk said.

"Me too" Hongbin said after.

"Same here" Ravi stated.

"I AM FINISHED." Ken shouted.

"I'm full..." Leo whispered.

"I'll clear the dishes" I said.

"Can I help you with the dishes?" Ken asked me.

"Sure, I could use the extra help." We brought in everyone's dishes, including our own dishes, and began washing them. "By the way Ken, thanks for taking care of me today. I know how hard it can be to take care of me when I'm sick."

"About today... Do you remember what happened?"

"Not really, no. Why? Did something happen?"

"Uuuhhhh... No. Nothing happened. You were quiet and just rested all day. Glad you're feeling better now thought." He smiled and turned back to the dishes. For some reason, whenever he smiles, it just makes me happy. I don't like him or anything like that, only as a brother. Besides, even if I did like him, it wouldn't work out! He's straight, so he wouldn't be flirting or dating anyone in this dorm, which includes me. As Ken put the last dish on the drying rack, I asked him,


"Yes Hyung?"

"Since you took care of me today, I want to repay the favor. Do you want to do something like go out for coffee or something? My treat..." It was quiet. I feel really stupid for asking him this, but I just felt that he was hiding something and I had to find out if he really was hiding something or if he wasn't. And also, I did want to owe him back somehow. He was thinking, I guess, then he answered me.

"Sure. Let's go for coffee tomorrow?"

"Whatever time is great for you." I smiled and finished drying my hands.

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