Eating time

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Ken's POV
"So, where were you two?" N asked.

"Oh... I-We were...ummm..." Hyuk started saying.

"We were folding Hyuk's clothes. He folds REALLY bad and I went to go and teach him." Hongbin said after interrupting Hyuk. He always seems to be interrupting Hyuk when he's speaking. Maybe he thinks that Hyuk can't speak on his own or something like that.... I really have no idea though.

"Whatever you say Hongbin...." N said. "ANYWAYS, can one of you go and get Ravi and Leo? The pizza is here, and we have to eat it while it's right?"

"Yeah yeah...." Hongbin muttered.

"WAIT!!!" I exclaimed. "I'll get them, you three get the plates and the drinks. I'll be right back..." I started walking to Leo's room, but was stopped by the lovers themselves. "OH!!! Leo-hyung! Ravi! I was just coming to get you two. It's time for pizza!!! YAY!!!" I mini-celebrated, then quickly walked away from them and went straight to where we were going to eat.

"SOOOOO!!!! Leo.... Ravi...." N started saying, "what we're YOU TWO doing? Folding clothes?"

"Uhhhh.... That's exactly what we were doing. I mean, if we have time to fold clothes, why not do it? Am I right?" Ravi replied after. I still don't know whether to believe either of them if they were 'folding clothes' or I they really weren't. Sometimes, well most of the time, I'm just clueless.

"THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I MEANT!!! SEE N-HYUNG!!!! FOLDING CLOTHES IS NO CRIME!!!" Hongbin protested. He never gets this loud, oh well. Maybe he's just frustrated with N. I know I get frustrated A LOT with him.

"Mmhmmm.... Doesn't matter anymore...." N whispered to himself. After his comment, it went silent. It always goes silent nowadays, so someone usually had to break the silence. And that person is usually me.

"SOOOOO.... I'm hungry!!!! Let's eat?" I said. After I said that, everyone looked at me, like nothing had happened.

"YEAH!!!!!!" They all screamed.

"I'll go and get the pizza then. Be right back guys!!!" I waddled into our kitchen and picked the pizza box of the counter. We all opened the box and noticed how many slices there were. Since we all get REALLY hungry, we have to divided the slices in certain ways. Since there was a total of 20 slices, some of us would have more than others.

"Wait wait wait...." N held his its in the air. "I'll have 2 slices. I'm not that hungry tonight."

"Same here." Leo quietly said.

"Okay, that's a start. 4 slices down, 16 more to go." I stated.

"I'll have three. And so will Hongbin" Hyuk said.

"HEY!!! Hyuk????" Hongbin said, but shut up after Hyuk gave him a death state-ish. I have no idea what's ping on between them, but I've never seen Hyuk like that. Perhaps they're in a fight or Hyuk just wants some pizza.

"OKAAYYY.... 6 more down. 10 to go." I stated again. " How much do you want Ravi?"

"I'll finish whatever is there."

"Well I guess Ravi and I will share the remaining 10 slices." After we all agreed how many slices we were going to eat, we all grabbed for our first slice and started gobbling it up. After about one hour, the entire pizza was finished and we all just sat there, feeling super full.

"W-Wonshik?" Leo said.

"Yes... Taekwoon?"

"I...don't...think....I...can...go...out tonight. Mianhae"

"It's alright. I can't either. I'm feeling really lazy right now. I may just-" And he passed out. Right there, on the couch. All you could hear was his terrible snoring. He wasn't going to wake up until noon tomorrow, probably.

"Oh Wonshik.... You stupid fool." Taekwoon whispered.

"Well!!!! I'm going to bed now. See you all in the morning. Night!!!" N said.

"We'll go too. Come on Hyuk" Hongbin said, clenching Hyuk's hand, bringing him into his room. They shut the door, and didn't make one sound after that.

"Hang on Hyung. Stay here with Ravi." I ran to the closet and grabbed an extra blanket, then I ran to Ravi's room and snatched a pillow from off his bed. I then, went back to where Ravi was asleep and handed the pillow and blanket to Leo. "These are for Princess Ravi." I chuckled.

"Thanks Ken. I'm sure the princess will need it." He gently lifted Ravi's head and slid the pillow under his head. Then he took the blanket and covered Ravi, so that he wouldn't be cold. After, he took off the snapback that Ravi was wearing and laid it on the side table beside him.

"Well goodnight Leo. See you in the morning." I said and walked to my room. As I was walking, I heard Leo whisper something to Ravi, but I didn't want to get involved in their relationship. I just hope that someday I can get a special someone that I can spend my days with. It can't be Hyuk anymore, but hopefully I'll get over him soon. I reached my door and for some reason it was open. I never leave the door open, so I wonder if someone was inside. I walked in and flicked the light on, then I saw somebody in my bed. They were covered up in the blanket and was laying on the left side of the bed. "Uhhh.... Hello?" No answer. "Helllloooo????" Still no answer. Who could this be? Is this, N-hyung? I pulled the blanket off his face, and I guessed right. It was him, but what was he doing in MY room? Oh well, I'll just sleep in his room then. I grabbed my pyjamas and went the washroom. I did all the good stuff in the washroom, like brush my teeth and change. Then I went into his room. It smelt A LOT like bananas, but that's his favourite I suppose. I crawled in his bed and laid down looking at the ceiling, thinking. I thought of my day, of N and always, of Hyuk. It will never be him and me, so all I can so is dream and that's it. I slowly closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep. I wonder what would have happened if Hyuk and I ended up together.... It will never happen, never.

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