Good morning

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Ken's POV
Last night, Hakyeon and I slept over at his friend's place. We both knew it was dangerous to walk at night, and the taxi people weren't picking up their phone (weird I know?), and especially since we're idols, it's even MORE dangerous. The guest room that was prepared for us was humongous and had two beds in it. Tho would actually make such an amazing room! The bed I was sleeping on was so comfortable and cozy. I was so warm and comfy in this bed, and I didn't want to leave it. I looked over to my left and see Hakyeon fast asleep on the other bed, cuddling with the blankets. I knew I had to begin my day, so I got up and grabbed my clothes. Surprisingly though, they were washed. Did Soo Eun do this while we were asleep? It was even folded nicely too. I went to the washroom and saw two fluffy towels sitting on the counter of the washroom. I dropped my clothes on the washroom, then turned on the water for the shower. After I stripped my clothes of the pyjama-things I was wearing, I tossed it in the laundry basket beside the counter. I stuck my hand under the water and felt the warm water. I stepped in and just let the water hit my body and soak in my hair. I always lose myself in the shower,and drift off into my thoughts and imagination. I closed my eyes just for a few seconds, then opened them and to reach for the shampoo. I squeezed just enough of the shampoo onto my hands, then rubbed it ito my hair. After the shampoo on my head, I had to wash my body. I put some body wash on my hands, then rubbed it EVERYWHERE on my body. Once I was a soapy-monster, I let the water do its job and rinse it all off. The water fell down my body, releasing all the soap and rinsing it off. The water was now filled with soap, and it fell to the floor of the shower, them down the drain. I looked up at the shower head, which was spitting out water. I allowed the water to go in my hair and I moved it all around to get the shampoo out. After all the shampoo and the soap was gone, I turned the shower off and moved the shower curtain aside. I reached for a towel and wrapped it around my lower body and stepped out. I gazed into the mirror and took the towel off, while beginning to dry myself. Once I was completely dry, I started putting on my clothes. My boxers first, socks, pants, under-shirt and finally my shirt. I didn't bother putting on my sweater on yet because it was too got right now. Before I stepped out of the washroom, I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. After I cleaned the washroom and put it back to the way it was, I hung the towel up and walked out to the guest room. Hakyeon was still asleep, so I don't mind making breakfast! I should wake him up though...
"Hakyeon-hyung!" I walked over to the bed he was sleeping on and shook his body. "WAKE UP!!!"

"Mmm? Yeah yeah, five minutesss..." He was still asleep. I went into the washroom again and ran the sink for some cold water. I put my hands under the water, then turned the sink off. I went beside Hakyeon again and yelled,

"WAKE UP!!!"

"To-morrow.." I got my freezing, wet hands and rubbed it all over his face "WHAT THE HELL????" Well at least he was awake now. "JAEHWAN!!!!" He immediate sat up, got his hand ready and chopped me on my neck.

"AYE YAH, Hakyeon-hyung... You don't need to chop me..."


"I was just trying to wake you up..."

"Whatever... OH SHOOT! Breakfast... I have to shower though..."

"You shower and I'll start making it. Come downstairs when you're done."

"Kay!" He pinched my cheeks, took his clothes and ran to the washroom. What do I make for breakfast though?
Hyuk POV
Hongbin and I have been dating for a while now, and we've admitted we've loved each other even BEFORE we got together. He loved me when we performed Superhero for the first time and I loved him when we were trainees. Our relationship is going well, and I love being with him, but... Sometimes I regret things. I regret not being able to talk with Ken, my ex-best friend. I've been with Hongbin 24 hours during everyday of the week and I haven't had anytime to spend with Ken. I've been a really selfish butt and I really hope that he'll forgive me. I lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking about my regrets, wen suddenly Hongbin walks in. "Morning my Hyuk."

"Morning Bin..." I know I didn't look the best this morning, but it's just how I feel right now.

"What's wrong? I hate seeing my Hyukkie like this.."

"It's just... I'm such a fool. I regre leaving Ken aside since we began dating. I've been such an idiot and he probably hates me right now." Tears formed in my eyes, and I was just about to let them fall out until Hongbin ran to me, leaned over and kissed me. He pulled away after, but was still close to my face.

He looked into my watery eyes and said, "Don't cry Hyuk. You aren't a fool. He probably misses you and he probably wants to talk and hang out with you again. Just apologize and I'm sure everything will work out. Trust me?"

Tears fell out of my eyes. He pulled my head against his shoulders and let me cry all my tears out. I removed my head from his shoulder after I was done and looked at him. "I trust you."

"Great! Now since we can't have smoothies this morning, what do you want for breakfast?"

"Cotton candy and ice cream! Better yet, cotton candy ice cream!!!"

"Sanghyuk? We need some nutrition for real fast. I'll take you out for sweets another time."

"Fine then... Fruit salad?"

"Excellent idea! Come and help me chop the fruits up." We walked out my room, Han in hand, and went straight to the kitchen. Surprisingly, there were already some cut up fruit set aside for us, I think. Did Leo-hyung do this?

"Morning dongsaengs..." Leo-hyung said.

"Hi there Hyung!" I replied back.

"I cut those up for Ken, but you guys can use it. Just make Wonshik and I some okay?" We both nodded mad began to create the salad. Leo-hyung walked away and Hongbin and. I washed our hands.

"Hyuk? Can I text N-hyung or Ken-hyung? Ask them if they want some fruit salad later, because I know they aren't home. I nodded head and pulled my phone out.

Me-"Hey Ken-hyung! I know we haven't spoken in forever and it's all my fault. I'd like to talk to you about, but just not right now. Anyways, Hongbin and I are making fruit salad and was wondering if you and N-hyung would want any."
After a few minutes he messages back.
Ken-"No it's okay. We're having breakfast at Hakyeon-hyung's friend's house. See you later!"

"Yeah Hyuk?"

"No need to make N-hyung and Ken-hyung breakfast. They're having over at N-hyung's friend's house."

"Alright. Now come and help me put some fruit in this bowl."
Hey there guys! I'm really happy to see all the reads, votes and comments! Thank you so much for making this happen!!!! Anyways, I'm can't underline the *name* POV
thing anymore because my device hates me. 😭 So instead I will italicize it. (Not that it will make. Huge difference or whatever, but just letting you all know.)

-stArlight_1993 ✌❤

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