It's over.

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Ravi's POV
This day marks nearly 10 amazing months with Taekwoon, almost a year. It seems like yesterday was when we started dating. I really want to do something special tonight, just because I feel like it. OBVIOUSLY though, I will of course do something special for our one year together. I'll ask Hongbin for some advice, as I always do.

I got out of my bed, put on a sweater and went directly to his room. Since Hyuk and Hongbin are always sleeping together now, it's hard to know if they're doing 'stuff' in there or if they're actually sleeping. I listened to make sure they weren't doing anything and I knocked. "Hongbin?" I whispered.

An immediate answer came as soon as I knocked, "What do you want Wonshik? And why are you up so early?"

"Couldn't fall back asleep. Question: What can I do for Taekwoon tonight? Like something special."

"I have no idea. I'm not that close with him! Ask N-hyung, he should know. They're best friends for goodness sake! Shouldn't you know that?"

"True! Okay! Thanks Hongbin!"

"Just leave me alone..." He grumbled as he went back into his room. I walked away from Hongbin's room and went to the livin room, where N-hyung was sitting down; reading a book and listening to music.

"Morning Ravi-ah! Leo isn't up yet?"

"No... I just woke up earlier than I normally do, as you could tell. And I figured he should sleep a bit longer... Anyways, I have a question Hyung."

"Ask me." He put his book down and unplugged his headphones.

"What do you think Taekwoon would really like? Something really special..."

"Umm..." He sat for a while, just looking up at the ceiling. Then suddenly he answered, "... Something from your heart. Like a poem, a song... Something like that. Oh! He also like flowers, but I have no I idea which ones."

"Okay. Thanks so much Hyung!"

"No problem! Anything for my Dongsaeng!!!" And he piled up his book again and put in his headphones again. I started walking to my room again, to go to my desk an begin working, until I saw Taekwoon come out and greet me.

"Morning Wonshik... You're up early."

"I couldn't sleep, how was your sleep?"

"It was well thanks. Did you have breakfast already?"

"Uh.." I actually didn't. I should, but I have to write Taekwoon's thing. "Yeah. I did." I lied to him. It feels so wrong, but then again it's for a good cause.


"Just go and have your coffee already! I know you want it right now..."

"You know me too well Kim Wonshik!" He leaped for joy, giving me a small kiss. Then he skipped to the kitchen to get his coffee. After, I came into my room and sat at my desk, along with my pen and paper.

What to write, what to write?!?!?!?

I KNOW!!!!!!!

And I began writing the things from my heart, on this sheet of paper.

30 minutes later...

Even though I've been working for quite some time, I've only finished about a quarter of the whole thing. I have to get this done by tonight though!!! I heard a knock on my door and quickly hid the paper. "Wonshik?" It was Taekwoon. "You okay in there?"

"Y-yeah. I'm fine."

"Alright? Well, when you're done whatever you're doing in here, come an sit with me. Wait, what the hell are you doing in here?"

"Uh... Nothing!!!!" Again, I had to lie to him. I just really wanted him to be surprised.

"Alright Wonshik..." I knew he was being sarcastic, but after he left me alone. Now I could continue writing his thingy.

2 hours later...

"Perfect!!!" I exclaimed. I was finally done writing his thingy. Now it was about time for lunch, and my stomach was killing me. Time to eat!

I slid the paper into an envelope and sealed it. I also realized I wasn't changed, so then I just changed into my clothes for the day. After I went out of my room and saw Taekwoon sitting on the couch.

"You finally came out of your room! Have you come to eat lunch now?"

"Yeah yeah... Come on, let's go eat now." We both went to the table and sat with the rest of the members. There we spoke and ate our lunch that Taekwoon prepared for us.

"Well Leo-hyung, lunch was great, as always." K-hwan said.

"Agreed!!!!!" Hongbin screamed.

"Thank you Hyung!" Hyuk thanked.

"Yah! Thanks Leo!!!" N said.

"Whatever, just make sure you all so the dishes." Taekwoon said annoyed.

"Anyways, after we're done digesting, we're going to practice okay?" N told everyone.

"Ugh..." We all groaned.

"I'm giving you free time right now!!!! Use it wisely!!!" He said after.

After free time and practice time...

"Yeah!!! Time for dinner right?" Hyuk asked N.

"Yes it is. Now let's go back to the dorm!!!" We all ran up the stairs and did what we always do after we practiced. Once we were all done that stuff, most of us were chilling on the couch.

I walked up to N and asked him, "N-hyung?"


"I know it's really late notice and all, but-"

"Can I take the rest of the members out so you could have alone time with Taekwoon? Hongbin told me."

"Oh... Thanks so much hyung!"

"Anytime. Behave though, okay?" I nodded, then smiled.

After he told me that he got everything covered, he went to all the other members and told them. They nodded, same as I, and then they were all getting ready to go out again. "Where are you guys going?" Taekwoon asked.

"Ummm...." Hyuk looked sort of confused, but knew he had to keep his mouth shut.

"We're going out. A friend asked me to me to bring 3 people and myself... So I asked Wonshik if it was okay if you and him were okay not to come with us."

"Uhhhh.... Okay? Whatever..."

"Great! Thanks for understanding Leo!!! Bye bye!!!" N said to both of us, then the test o the members said bye as well. Before they were all out of the door though, N came up to me and whispered, "I forgot to tell you. Soo Eun is coming to drop something off tonight, and she has a key. It's just a heads up, so you don't think there's a robbery or something. Don't worry, you won't even notice she's here."

"Okay Hyung. Thanks!" And he walked out of the door, closing the door.

Soon after they all left, it was finally Taekwoon and I, alone in the dorm. "So um... Wonshik? What's happening?" He looked at me with a confused look on his face.

"Something, alone time. Hang on for just a few more minutes. I have to get something." I put on my shoes and sprinted as fast as I could to the nearest flower shop. I got there in about 10 minutes and was panting a little.

I went into the store and the bell rang. An elderly woman came out from behind the counter and I bowed to her. "Annyeonghaseyo!"

"Annyeonghaseyo, now what can I do for you this evening young man?"

"Ummm.... What's a good type of flower to give to a lover?"

"A good type? Probably roses? It's just my opinion though... Would you like me to get you a bouquet of them?"

"Yes please, but a small one."

"Just a second." She disappeared into the room behind the counter and came out with a small bouquet of gorgeous, red roses. "Here you go."

"Kamsahamnida Ahjumma!!!" I took the flowers and gave her the money to pay for them.

As soon as I got out of the shop, I bolted back to the dorm. After a while, I reached the entrance and gave it a hard knock.

There was no answer. That's a good thing I guess, so he doesn't see the flowers, but why didn't he open it for me? Oh well, I opened the door with my key and slid my shoes off my feet. "Taekwoon? Don't pay attention to me, I'll be with you in like 5 minutes." I ran to my room, put the flowers on my bed and fix myself up. I combed my hair again, making it look neater, then I put a nice collared shirt on. After, I finished the final touches with some cologne. I looked in the mirror and smiled. Tonight was going to be good... When I was done gazing in the mirror, I picked up the envelope and put it in between the flowers. I grabbed the flowers on my way out of my room and made my way to the living room, where Taekwoon should be sitting.

I got half way to the living room, and just dropped the flowers. The poem fell out, but who gives a damn anymore. I hate my life.

"Taekwoon?" He was on the couch, makin out with some girl. It was probably that Soo Eun person... What right does she have to just waltz in this dorm and mash her face with Taekwoon?

He pulled his face away from her's, but she was still sitting on his lap. She had an evil look, when she saw me, but who cares? "What Wonshik? Do you mind?"

"H-Have you been cheating on me the whole time? What happened? Are you-"

"JUST SHUT UP RAVI!" Ravi? Why is he calling me this? It's been a while since I heard this come out of his mouth.

"Ravi? Taekwoon I thought-"

"I SAID SHUT UP. I meant it, Ravi. We're through."

"Huh? Come again?"

"We're done. No more us, no more Wontaek. I'm breaking up with you. It's over."

"Over? What? But why?" The water in my eyes, was beginning to form. The waterfall was almost going to leak.

"I-I don't love you anymore. The spark died and I think it's time to move on."

"Uh... FINE!" The waterfall broke loose and my tears were falling down my face faster than ever. "GOODBYE!" I ran out the dorm, crying my eyes out. I need to go somewhere alone, where no one can hurt me. But then again, I need to talk to someone. As I entered the lobby, I saw the rest of the members coming back from wherever the hell they went. They stopped walking and talking, and I stopped running for a second. I looked at them all with my watery eyes, then fled and ran past them.

"R-shik?" I heard Ken call, I ignored him.

"Wonshik, stop!" Hongbin yelled. Who cares what they had to say?

"Guys, let him be." N told them. "He needs time."

"No, I'm going with him." Ken said and he ran off to catch up with me.

I wanted him to follow me because I wanted him to talk with me. I ran all the way to a bridge just above a highway, standing there looking at the cars pass by.

Jung Taekwoon, I thought you loved me. I thought you were the one. I loved you with all my heart, soul and mind. You were my everything. How could you do this to me? What's going to happen now? Oh who gives a fuckin hell now... It's over.
If there are typos or anything like that, mianhae!!!! ✌✌✌

-stArlight_1993 ✌❤

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