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Ravi's POV
"Are we driving or walking to the store Taekwoon?" I'm not normally excited about going grocery shopping, but if it's with Taekwoon, I'd go anyday.

"Why would we walk? It's too far to walk from here."

"Well, MY BAD, but I was thinking of the grocery stores that are walking distance. I don't normally GO grocery shopping."

"Haha, well do you want to go to one that's in walking distance? We can..."

"NOPE! You're driving." I opened the passenger seat and plopped down inside the car. Taekwoon did the same on the driver's side. We drove to the grocery store in silence. I kind of dozd off, because I tend to do that here and there. I was woken up by Taekwoon once we got there. As usual, he woke me up by poking me on my forehead, screaming wake up. "WAKE UP! or I'm going to leave you in the car."

"I'm coming, I'm coming."
Ken's POV
I've been spending more time with Hakyeon then I normally do, since we are the only people in VIXX who are single. And throughout all that time, we haven't spoken about 'that incident' again. Now we call each other 'best friends', but I don't know if we really are considered 'best friends'. Hyuk and I WERE best friends, but everything drifted apart. I don't really know who my best friend is now. I miss being Hyuk's best friend though. We would always tell secrets, laugh, have fun, but that's all gone, since he has Hongbin now. I used to love him, not just as a friend, but now I'm having mixed feelings. I can't talk to Hakyeon about it because I just can't. I can't talk to Hongbin because he's freaking Hyuk's boyfriend! I can't talk to Leo about this either, because he creeps me out sometimes. I should talk to Ravi about this, he'll know what to do. I just hope he can keep a secret.

"Hey Jaehwan!" Hakyeon said.

"Oh hey Hakyeon-hyung! What's up?"

"Aye yah... Want to go shoot some hoops or play some games at the arcade?" I wanted to go, but I also didn't want to go. I have to think hard about my feelings, it sounds pretty stupid, but I need to clear my mind of all this stress.

"Not right now, if that's alright with you. I have a small headache."

"I see... Okay then. Whenever you feel like going, let me know! It's just, you look kind of down lately and I wanted to cheer you up somehow. Whatever is bothering you, you know... You can always come to me."

"Thanks, but really it's okay. I'm just a little tired that's all. I'll go and have a quick nap."

"Alright. If you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask me." I walked over to my room and shut the door behind me. I sunk immediately to the floor and tears started flowing out from my eyes. Why is this happening? Everytime I think or Hakyeon, or when I'm with him, I just feel like crying. I needed to talk to Ravi about this. I pulled out my phone and dialled Ravi's number.

Ravi: "Yeobeseo?"

Me: "Ravi, it's Ken. I need to talk to you. It's an emergency, please."

Ravi: "O-okay... Well I'm here, tell me anything."

Me: "No. I need to talk face-to-face. I really need some help. Bye."
I hope Ravi comes home soon, I'm in serious need of help.
Ravi's POV
"...No. I need to talk face-to-face. I really need some help. Bye." Well this is odd. Ken called me and begged for help. He sounded like he was crying too. What is happening to him? What the hell is going on?

"Who was that?" Taekwoon asked.

"It was Ken-hyung."

"What did he want?"

"He wanted to talk to me. I don't know why, and he sounded like he was crying too. He said it was an emergency. Are we almost done shopping? Not to rush you or anything..."

"Pretty much yeah. We got what we needed except the banana milk and whatever Hongbin's favourite cereal is."

"I'll get the cereal, you get the banana milk." I ran as fast as I could to the cereal aisle and stood there, deciding which one to buy. I know Hongbin is my best friend, but I don't know what his favourite cereal is! I'll get a sugary one, he'll probably like that. I to the box and ran to the line of cash registers. I looked to see which one Taekwoon was at and went there. I budded in line some people, since Taekwoon was in the front of the line. I apologized as I walked passed the people though. "Taekwoon, give me the keys. I'll go and bring the car to the front."

"Here." I took the keys and casually went out the store. I don't want anyone to think I stole something. I forgot what the car colour was. Hmm.. BLACK. It was a shiny, sports car. I went over to it and hopped in the driver's seat. I drove it in front of the store and found Taekwoon waiting there with a bunch of bags. I jumped out the car and opened the trunk, to help him put the groceries in. "Thanks Wonshik."

"No problem. I'll drive." We both sat in the car and put out seatbelts on. I started the car and began driving off. Once we finally got to the dorm, we carried the bags up to our floor. I reached for my keys an unlocked the door.

"Go talk to Ken. I'll finish with the groceries."

"Thanks Taekwoon." I ran over to Ken's door and knocked. "Ken-hyung? I'm coming in." I opened the door, got in and closed it behind me. It was pitch black in. All I could hear was whimpering and sobbing. I turned the light on and found him in the corner, with his head buried in his arms, siting on the floor. "Ken-hyung? Are you okay?"

"No.. I'm not. I'm stressed, frustrated, angry, sad, lonely. I need help Ravi. Please help me, I don't want to go through this anymore." He sounded really helpless. What caused his to feel this way? I went over to him and sat down beside him.

"Oh Ken-hyung..."

"Call me Jaehwan."

"Err... Jaehwan, you're not alone. I'm here. And Taekwoon, Hongbin, Hyuk and N-hyung."

"SHUSH. Don't speak their names, the maknae and the leader. They're the reason I'm in this state."

"What did they do?"

"It all started when Hongbin and Hyuk started dating, I guess. I was really furious because I didn't want to let Hyuk go. He was my best friend yeah, but I've had a major crush on him for the longest time. I've never admitted it to anyone before, except you. I was planning to tell him the day Hongbin confessed to him, but Hongbin got to him first. I tried getting over him, but nothing happened. Then Hakyeon-hyung got sick and I took care of him. I figured, you and Leo-hyung should've spent the day together and Hongbin and Hyuk should've spent the day together. If I couldn't be happy, doesn't mean others can't be happy. When I was giving Hakyeon-hyung his smoothie, he asked me to lay down with him. Then he started telling me how he doesn't want to be alone. He also told me that he liked someone, but didn't say a name. And ever since that day I've been thinking of him all the time. Is this normal Ravi?"

"Call me Wonshik. It's normal, if you have feeling for him. Do you still think of Hyuk a lot not, or mostly N-hyung?"

"Well mainly Hakyeon-hyung, but every now and then I think of Hyuk."

"Well at least you're getting over Hyuk, but by bit. Only thing is, you're developing feelings for N-hyung. Are you okay with this?"

"Yeah... It's just, it never occurred to me about having feelings for him. Thanks Wonshik, for helping me out."

"Anytime K-hwan."

"K-hwan? OHH!!! I see, R-shik. Just promise not to tell anyone about this."

"I swear on it." I helped him get off the floor and he was wiping his tears away. In all the time I've known K-hwan, he's never cried like that. It's the first time I've ever seen it happen. I walked out of his room and saw N-hyung sitting on the couch.

"Hey Ravi!"

"Hey hyung! Taekwoon and I bought you some banana milk."

"JINJA?!!?!?! THANKK YOUUU!!!" He squeezed me so tight, I could hardly breathe.


"Oh yeah. Sorry about that." He went to the kitchen to get some milk and I followed him to the kitchen as well. I started helping Taekwoon organizing something.

"Hi Taekwoon. May I assist you?"

"No. Go away."

"Okay then. I'll put the milk in the fridge." We both laughed then continued putting the groceries away.

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