61. Annalise Leaves for College

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Mikey and Annalise hold each other close as they stand in the alleyway. She runs her hands over his little mask tails, smiling sadly.

"We'll text and FaceTime and Skype and whatever you need to do. We're gonna be okay," she promises.

"But I won't be able to cuddle you and kiss you and hug you..." he whimpers, burying his face in her neck. "I won't be able to play video games with you or be able to relax you when you get stressed over your homework..."

She shuts her eyes. "Yeah..."

"But...I know you need to follow your new dream. Develop video games and...and all that." He looks up at her, his baby blue eyes big and watery. "Just, please don't forget about me."

She laughs a little. "I wouldn't even dream of it, Mikeykinz."

He pulls her into a long kiss and she returns it. They can't tear themselves away from each other, both wanting to stay here in each other's embrace forever.

It's Annalise who breaks away first, placing one more tender kiss on the beak of his nose. She she squeezes his hand before turning and walking to her jam-packed Volkswagen Beetle, a rental. She climbs in and Mikey walks to the window. She rolls it down, allowing him to lean in and give her one more long kiss.

"I love you, Annalise Hughes," he murmurs. "I've loved you since the first YouTube video and I still love you now."

"I love you too, Hamato Michelangelo." She smiles. "From the comment sections and after."

She starts the engine, rolling the window back up as she pulls away. She drives off, letting a few tears slip down her cheeks.

Mikey watches her disappear down the road, his heart breaking.

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