CXII. Wedding Night

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Leonardo lays on the bed inside the hotel honeymoon suite they rented, a human patch or two resting on the bedside table. He turns his ring over and over in his hands, smiling as he looks at the paw prints. He can hear Destiny changing out of her dress in the bathroom, and he can't help but smile again. She's really his.

He hears the door click open and she heads into the bedroom. He sits up, his eyes widening a little at the sight of her outfit. It's a simple royal blue and black lace chemise; modest, but still sexy.

"Hey Leo-baby." She smiles.

"Hey...that's new," he comments.

She smirks, spinning around a little. "Yeah. It was one of my bridal shower gifts. You like it?" She swishes her tail a little.

"You're the real Victoria's Secret angel."

She laughs, climbing onto the bed and giving him a long, sweet kiss. When she breaks away, she gently rests a hand on his plastron and scoots to sit beside him, cuddling up to his side. She frowns a little upon noticing her husband's seemingly bad mood, tilting her head minimally.

"Are you nervous?" she asks softly.

He shakes his head. "No...I'm just feeling a little guilty maybe. This was supposed to be that really special night, the day we waited for together..."

She shakes her head, reaching her hand to his cheek. She turns his head so he's looking at her, a fanged smile resting on her scarred face.

"Leo, any time that I'm with you is special," she insists. "We had our first with each other, and it's still us right now."

"Yeah, but...if we had waited-"

She silences him with a soft peck. "We didn't wait, and that's in the past. All you have to think about is right now, when you're with me. Okay?"

He smiles, kissing her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too."

He pulls her closer to him, bringing her lips to his easily.


The next morning, Leonardo wakes first. Destiny lays beside him, his nose nestled in her hair. He breathes deeply, his arm tightening around her bare waist as he presses a few warm kisses to the back of her neck.

She blinks slowly as her eyes open, and she rolls onto her back as she looks at her handsome husband.

"Good morning," she murmurs.

"Good morning Mrs Hamato," he responds, snuggling her close. "How'd you sleep?"

She breathes deeply, stretching beneath the blanket. "Amazingly." She looks up at him, a lazy smile on her face. "I'm still not feeling this whole 'getting out of bed' thing."

He laughs, his cheeks a little pink. "Then we'll just stay in bed for a while longer, hm?"

She shuts her eyes as she nuzzles her face into his neck, sleepy kisses feathering his collarbone. He takes a deep breath, exhaling deeply through his nose as he pulls her against him and they lay there together contentedly.


Taylor stands in the honeymoon suite bathroom, washing off the last of her makeup. She dries off her face, tossing the towel aside and fiddling with the strap of her red chemise. She does a little spin in the mirror, looking at her tattooed arm and the ring glinting on her finger.

She opens the door and heads to the bedroom. She peeks inside, seeing Raphael laying on the bed with his head resting on his arms as he lays on his shell. Her heart jumps with excitement and she steps inside.

Raph looks over at her, a smirk appearing on his face.

"I like that," he comments.

She blushes. He chuckles at the reaction, pushing himself into sitting position. He holds his arms out to her and she moves to him, climbing onto the mattress and settling down next to him. He rubs her tattooed arm gently, breathing softly as they sit there in the quiet for a moment or two.

"It's kind of surreal," she whispers.


They cuddle for a bit before she decides that it's time. She smiles and lifts herself onto his lap, leaning in and pressing her lips to his. He returns it, placing one hand near her jaw as the other rests on her hip.

"I love you," he murmurs against her lips.

"I love you too, Raphie."


Taylor wakes to Raphael nuzzling her shoulder with his nose, his hands on her waist.

"Raphie..." She giggles.

"Morning babe," he mumbles.

She sighs, her eyes heavy. She rolls over lazily, her fingers travelling over the nick in his plastron as they lay there for a bit. His electrifying green eyes watch her, his mouth turned up in a smirk.

"You seem happy," she observes.

"How could I not be?" he retorts instantly.

She laughs. "Good point."

He pulls her against him, kissing down her ear, cheek, and neck lovingly.


Donatello paces outside the bedroom, trying to calm his nerves. He knows Sarina is in that room, getting ready for...for...

He blushes and claps his hands over his face at the thought.

Come on, Donatello. You're twenty-two years old. Grow a pair and get in there to be with your... He stops, his heart fluttering. ...wife.

The bedroom door opens and his posture immediately straightens. Sarina moves into the open and leans against the door frame, a light smirk on her face. She's wearing a purple lace chemise, and Donnie has to bite his lip and pray that he doesn't pass out just from looking at her.

"You okay? You look a little greener than usual," she notes, completely confident.

"I'm just...uh..." He shakes his head.

"At a loss for words?"

"Yes! That's it."

She blushes lightly and moves towards him, smiling invitingly. "It's okay to be nervous."

He laughs sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. She wraps her arms around him and gives him a kiss, smiling up at him.

"What if I mess up?" he wonders.

"Then we'll try again," she responds simply. "What success in life is ever achieved on the first try?"

He looks down at her, smiling lightly as his eyes shine with adoration.

"I love you, my periodic blossom," he whispers.

"I love you too, darling."


Donatello wakes up to the feeling of Sarina laying on his chest. Her hair is a tangled frenzy, falling all over her face in a crazy white mess.

His hand runs up her faintly circuit-patterned back, his eyes shut with bliss. She stirs a little, opening her eyes. His cheeks become a dark shade of red when she looks up at him, and she smiles sleepily as her eyes flash.

"Morning," she mumbles.

He lets out a dreamy sigh as a "hello", brushing some hair out of her face. She sits up, and he blushes again when she doesn't keep the blanket wrapped around her.

"Donnie, you look like a strawberry," she giggles.

He smirks. "I'm shock. Wow."

She flops back onto the mattress next to him, hugging his muscular arm.

"I'm sorry for blinding you momentarily last night," she murmurs.

"I got over it quick."

She laughs softly, and he kisses her forehead.


Both Annalise and Michelangelo, although incredibly happy, can't help but feel nervous. Mikey bounces up and down on the bed inside their suite, trying to calm his nerves. Inside the bathroom, Annalise eyes her orange chemise with slight distaste. She isn't used to the slightly bulky look of her body, wondering whether Mikey will find her chunky.

The only reason she's using it is because it was a gift, so she might as well use it.

She heads down the hall to their room, opening it and peeking inside. Mikey flops onto the bed, taking her in.

"That's...scandalous," he says, his face awed.

"Too much?" she asks instantly, fidgeting in her place.

"No! No...I like it." He smiles as his cheeks turn slightly pink.

He gets up, moving towards her and gently taking her hands in his own. He pulls her towards the bed, her heart starting to thump even louder. He scoops her into his arms as the two of them settle on the mattress, her facing him as she straddles his lap.

"So...I'm not quite sure how this'll work..." he admits, his hands resting comfortably on her waist.

She arches an eyebrow. "Seriously? You don't know-"

"Sorry, I know about that...but, I'm not sure how it's gonna work." His cheeks become a little pink.


"Whatever you need...I could even wear a patch if it's too weird," he offers. She pauses to think, and his face becomes sad. "See? This is why...this is why I kind of wish I didn't fall in love with a human..."

"No, it's okay, Mikey. We'll figure it out," she insists, pressing a loving kiss to his cheek as tears well in his eyes.

"Really?" He sniffs.


He takes a deep breath, a small laugh shaking his shoulders. "Well, you are a little bit turtle now. That'll make it easier, right?"

"Possibly. There's only one way to find out," she murmurs as she leans into a long kiss.


Annalise wakes to see Michelangelo snuggled up against her, snoring softly. She blushes, wiggling her toes underneath the smooth blankets. Mikey snorts a little as he wakes up, giving her a wide grin.

"Dudette, that was wild!" he exclaims.

She laughs sleepily, kissing his cheek. "Mmhmm."

"" He shuts his eyes as he keeps grinning. "I feel I'm on rollercoaster made of pizza that only goes up."

She snuggles close to him, unable to stop smiling.

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