CXLVII. An Unexpected Arrival

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Eight Months Later

"Mom? When's the baby coming?" Dean asks as he listens to her stomach.

Destiny laughs, although the sound is tired. "Due date's in a little less than a month."

He huffs and crosses his arms. "I'm tired of waiting."

"You and me both, kiddo," Taylor comments as she walks by.

She stops to ruffles the boy's hair, making him giggle. "Auntie Taylor..."

"Hey, I'm just saying, the sooner we can all get used to the crying and screaming, the better," she says, shrugging her shoulders as she flicks her ombré hair over her shoulder.

"You've been asking every day, Dean," Leonardo comments as he walks into the room. "You know, that won't make the baby come any faster."

Dean lets out a long breath. "I know..."

Raphael, Annalise, and Michelangelo, who had followed the blue-masked turtle in from the kitchen, nod in agreement. Donatello and Sarina wait in the lab, making preparations. The other Hamato kids are inside the dojo with Master Splinter, getting their daily exercises in.

"How you feeling, Des?" Raph asks.

"Alright, just tired." Destiny sighs and leans back against her pillow.

"Hey, it'll be fun to have another baby around!" Mikey says.

"" Annalise bites her lip. "Do you even remember what Mitch was like as a newborn?"

Mikey stops, his face twisting into a small frown. "Right."

Annalise laughs. Destiny smiles, starting to get up. Suddenly, there's a wave of pain and she feels something snap inside her. She lets out a squeak of pain and surprise. Leo is at her side in an instant, one hand on the small of her back.

"Leo...something's wrong," she says through gritted teeth, holding her large stomach.

"Donnie! Sarina!" Raph hollers.

"Dad? What's happening?" Dean asks, his eyes wide.

"Dean, go get Master Splinter and your cousins," Leo orders, hardly wavering his eyes from his wife.


"Your little brother or sister is coming. I've got to help your mom."

Dean nods and races away. Destiny whimpers as she feels another wave of pain, her legs trembling as Leo scoops her into his arms. Donnie and Sarina race from the lab, their eyes wide.

"It's early. The baby isn't due for another-" Donnie mumbles.

"Just help her!" Leo yells.

They get Destiny into the lab, Leo setting her down on the bed. She focuses on her breathing, her eyes squeezed shut and her limbs trembling.

"Something isn't right. Hurry," she gasps.

Leo moves to her side, running his hand over her hair gently. She keeps her eyes shut, biting back whimpers.

Donnie and Sarina work quickly trying to figure out what's wrong. Thankfully, they made an x-ray device for emergencies such as this.

"Donnie, this isn't good," Sarina says, looking to her husband with wide eyes.

"What?" he asks.

"Placental abruption. She's got to deliver this baby now, or she's gonna lose it."

Leo's eyes widen and he grips his wife's hand. She pants heavily, her eyes half lidded and her face getting paler by the second.

"We need to get her to a hospital," Leo says.

"We can't!" Donnie insists.

"We've got human patches!"

"And both you and Destiny are mutants. This baby is going to be a mutant, and the human doctors will...dissect it or something."

Destiny whimpers and they shut their mouths instantaneously.

"How about not freaking her out?" Sarina snaps. "It's not too late. She's going into labour. If she can deliver it, it'll be okay."

Destiny hears next to none of this. Her vision is going in and out of focus, but she never releases her grip on Leo's hand.

"Des? Honey? You've got to stay awake, okay?" he murmurs, looking down at her as he feels panic swell in his chest. "Please..."

She nods, continuing with her breathing. The next procedure is a blur to her. She's pushing, there's intense pain, and then...a black out. Leo notices as soon as her hand goes limp, Sarina hurrying away with the newborn cradled in her arms.

"She's passed out! Donnie!" Leo calls, anxiety obvious in his tone.

Donnie moves to the couple's side with some equipment while Sarina examines the newborn. Although tiny, the little turtle girl is healthy in almost every other aspect. She sputters a few cries, her eyes shut tightly.

"Leo, you've got a daughter," Sarina reports, cleaning the baby off.

Leo pulls his eyes away from Destiny, his heart racing. "A girl?"

Destiny's eyes open slowly as she reawakens. "Girl?" she mumbles.

Leo kneels down next to his beloved wife, holding her hand and pressing a gentle kiss to her knuckles. Donnie places a damp cloth on her forehead, trying to bring her temperature down.

"Leo, here," Sarina says softly, giving him the soft pink bundle.

He takes the precious little package, cradling her close to his plastron. He gazes down at the little turtle, his eyes softening with love. She's so frail and tiny, but she's his.

"Hey there, baby girl..." he whispers. He looks up at Donnie and Sarina. "Do you think Dean could come in?"

"I'll get him," Donnie offers.

The purple-masked turtle heads out of the lab, followed by Sarina. Outside, they meet the anxious faces of their entire family.

"Donatello, is Destiny alright?" Splinter asks. Every other adult asks the same question in unison.

"Placental abruption. She's just...really tired." Donnie smiles with relief. He looks down at the kids, every face lit with excitement. "Dean? Do you want to come meet your little sister?"

"Sister? I've got a sister?" Dean asks, his big blue eyes amazed.

"Go on and get in there, you dummy!" Copeland shoves him forwards, smirking.

Dean doesn't even bother running, taking the the air as he flies to the lab. Leo looks up as he reaches his side, touching down as he watches his parents.

"Is mom gonna be okay?" the little boy asks.

"She's just going to have to sleep for a bit," Leo answers, looking to his sleeping wife. He switches his attention back at his son, smiling. "Say hi to Venus."

Dean peeks up over the blanket, his eyes widening at the sight of the baby turtle. He reaches out his finger to her, and she grabs it gently.

"Oh...she's so pretty," he whispers. "She looks like you, dad."

Leo chuckles. The baby opens her eyes slowly, revealing them to be a warm emerald green. She coos, putting her big brother's finger in her mouth and sucking on it lazily.

"She's got mom's eyes!" Dean says excitedly. "Everything is so perfect!"

Leo laughs. "How about you pick her middle name? Hamato Venus just doesn't cut it."

Dean furrows his brow, his wings flapping with concentration. "Luna! the moon," he decides after a moment. "Is that good?"

Leo kisses his forehead. "Venus Luna Hamato. It's more than good."

The wolf-raven boy hugs his dad's arm. "I love our family."

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