CXXXV. Learning To Fly

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"Are you sure, Destiny? I mean...he's only two," Leonardo says.

"Baby ravens start to fly at fifty days old," Destiny points out.

"What do they do when they're two?"

"That's when they start nesting." His eyes widen, and she laughs. "Either way, he's grown. He's got flight feathers, and I think the sooner the better." She moves closer to her husband, resting a hand on his arm. "He's already been trying a bit inside the lair, but outside is better. If something happens, I'll catch him."

He takes a deep breath. "Okay. Be careful...and don't strain yourself." His game flickers to her stomach for a second as he rests his hand over the spot.

"Of course, baby."

He leans forwards and gives her a sweet kiss. She smiles lovingly as they break away.


"'s bright," Dean says, awed.

"Honey, it's night time," Destiny points out.

He blinks a few times, confused. "But I see fine."

She laughs. "We've both got wolf eyes. We've got good night vision."

His lips part as he looks up at his mom. "Cool!"

"Do you know why we're out here?" she asks as he piggybacks her.

"I'm gonna learn?" he guesses.

"Yes! You're gonna learn how to really fly."

His face becomes thoughtful as she takes off. She flies easily to the top of a building, holding her son carefully. She lands, looking over the city briefly before setting Dean down. He gazes out at the view in complete awe.

"I'm ready?" he asks.

"Your wings have lost all the downiness," she says. "I think you're ready."

He grins. "What do I do?"

"Spread your wings."

She demonstrates, and he follows her lead. His wings, although still small compared to his mom's, are big and beautiful. The black of the feathers seem to shimmer in the light of the moon.

"Start with some flapping, just to get an idea." She flaps her wings a few times. "Just like the practicing in the lair, remember?"

He flaps them eagerly, lifting a little bit off the ground. He giggles with excitement.

"Like that?"

She smiles proudly. "Good. You'll be flying in no time."


What feels like hours later, the two wolf-raven mutants perch on the edge of the building, wings spread.

"Watch, Dean," Destiny says.

She pushes off, giving her wings a flap. She glides for a bit, only flapping every now and then to keep herself in the air.

"Can I try, mommy?" he calls out to her.

She does a banking turn and soars back. She lands beside him, laughing softly at his shocked reaction.

"Don't do anything too crazy, alright? I'll catch you if something goes wrong," she promises.

He nods, shuffling to the edge of the building. He takes a deep breath, flapping his wings a few times as he jumps. Destiny stands, her wings taut as she waits.

Dean comes zipping back into the sky, laughing as he does a few spins. She gasps as she takes flight, flying to his side as he flies unsteadily. She places one hand a little below him, ready to steady him should he need it.

"Good! Now land!" she calls.

He tries to turn, but he wobbles. He lets out a short scream as he careens towards a building, not sure of how to angle himself. Just before he crashes into the building, Destiny swoops down and catches him, securing him in her grip. He hugs her neck, his grin bright and wide.

"I did it! One day, I'm gonna fly and save people just like you," he says.

She smiles, her wings aching slightly at the memory of the night of the Shredder's demise.

"Yeah. You will," she whispers, kissing his nose.

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