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Sun beamed with  morning glory of its arrival, everyday it pours life to earth in its own way, unaltered, unfathomable and unnoticed. Nobody actually express sun's existence but actually it is the lifeline of our nature, our life depends on it. Scenario at  Oberoi mansion-a home for India's top business family is experiencing the same hustle bustle of someone's arrival. The house helper are in toes, a seconds delay is treated as an inattentive behavior, gathering and dispersing are silent affairs, coordination is at coexistence right now. Synced in a line like robots, when they heard a loud scowled, a lady in her early forties stood with an annoyed look and a crossed arms over her chest presented her authority, geared up in bright yellow Patiala kurta with a heavy embroidered shimmering dupatta over, she was fuming with anger. In her 'not so good English' scolded one of the house help.
"Do you thinks this is some kinds of the joke? Aditi? I tolds you....if this flower becomes... um...basi.....then I will burns your all hairs growing like a tree." She said , her words may sounded comic to ears but her intentions are not at all comic. She is hell serious about whatever she said.

Pinky Singh Oberoi is not a devil of a women but there are unaltered priorities in her life, which are not for ignorance, first is her son, eldest heir of the Oberois and second, is a girl, who has filled her life with happiness. Her lonely stay at Oberoi mansion is not so lonely after she arrived in her life. Annika Vardhan Trivedi is not her own blood; daughter of her best friend, now she is her own. How can she even accept a default in her perfect welcoming event. Yes, Annika is coming today, after completing a very good deal with the best Law agency of New York. Six months, it took her dearest daughter to end the collaboration work, return to India. May be her happiness is at high peek but inside, her heart is thumping like a motor engine which is has been jammed by the foliages. Well, the reason for her nervousness is her son.

Shivaay Singh Oberoi is a perfect example of a businessman. Ruthless, arrogant, superior and demanding attention with every breath he takes. Youngest business personality; he has earned the title with lots of hardwork and off course with bad temper. He is a giant in office and business world but like every magician, his life depends on one thing, it's his best friend Annika. That's a long story to elaborate, let's now focus on Pinky who is still scolding poor soul Aditi for her ignorance.

"I want a good replacement for these flowers Aditi! If not by half an hour it is changed, I will sue you!" Pinky said realising it's a wrong word to use, she has heard  her son saying all these difficult words which she don't understand,but how does it matter? She is the boss here!
After Getting her work done with the workers she moved towards the kitchen to check on food-The second addiction of her son after Annika. A small smile crept on her lips when she thinks about their friendship. Fifteen year ago, after that eventful day there's no looking back for them.
Sargam Trivedi was her best friend, a sole human being who never judged her on the  basis of her small town image, compassionate lively and helpful that's sums Sargam Trivedi, Annika's mother. While Harshvardhan Trivedi was their partner in business, a very good human being and Tej Singh Oberois best friend. She still remembers how memorable and happy times they use to spend in eachothers company. Frequent dinners, picnic and get-togethers, they were family more than friends.

Being in the business family rarely gives you opportunity to have such good friends, her husband's relationship with his brother were on the edge when Trivedi's entered in their life. Even she lacked that warmth in presence of her sister in law Jhanvi, Tej's wife, her mother in law Kalyani Oberoi was unable to mend their breaking relationship. Then like bright sunlight they came and cleared the dark clouds of their life.

Life was blissful after that, her memories takes a pause when she saw red chillies been chopped in the chopping board. Her eyes popped out of her sockets like she has seen some kind of ghost and she ran to the cook.
"I told you not the chillies!" She said and fanatically threw them over the bin, cook was surprised and confused! How can he prepare chilli paneer without the chillies? Pinky without giving any attention to his surprised face, continued with  her inspection," You would have been fired if my son saw you with that! Annika is allergic to chillies, even a small amount of pepper chokes her breath, he will kill you if he saw these things in her food." She said, And satisfied with the preparation she went out to call her daughter.

It was a rainy day when that dreadful event occurred, Sargam wanted to buy a property for Annika and Tej was helping Harsh for getting the deal, Harsh was driving when an uncontrolled trolley hit the car and fed away, two men died on spot, leaving memories behind while Sargam was struggling for her life, her condition was very bad may be she wanted to see her daughter before dying, thats the reason after meeting her daughter in hospital she died. Not before taking a promise from Pinky to love Annika as their own. That day and its today in fifteen years Pinky never thought she could fulfill her friend last wish. But it was not difficult too, Annika is a gem, silent, understanding and pure soul, She never complained, never fussed about anything loving her is so easy for them, Specially the was she cared about family.  Nobody ever thought she is not their own.

Pinky dialed her number only to get an automated voice of lady saying the phone is switch off,may be she is still in the flight. She took a sigh of relief when she saw exactly the same decorations at the entrance, finally everything is going perfect.

Her focus changes from main entrance to the lady yelling at the dining table. It's Jhanvi complaining about delay in her food. The staff was busy since morning in preparation for the Annika's arrival, resulting to delay of breakfast, on second thought, she knew Jhanvi is pissed for more than that reason. She hates Annika, sometimes Pinky wonders why such a nice, mature lady thinks irrationally when it comes to Annika! her hatred started after Tej died in car accident, she blamed Trivedi's for that matter, she opposed Annika's stay at Oberoi mansion and the last nail in coffin became Om joining The Army! Jhanvi wanted her son to take forward the legacy of his father but Om never liked business, Shivaay was always supportive towards his brothers choice of career he didn't opposed, but jhanvi believes it's Annika's influence that made Om decide against his mother's wish.  Pinky don't want to believe Annika has anything to do with all these things, she can even ignore the fact that Om and Annika are best of friends. Apart from her deep hatred Pinky loves her jethani.

A realising smile adores her face when she gets those past memories.
How different it use to be back then. Can anyone believe? once Annika and Shivaay use to hate eachother like enemies. Annika was always this apple to eye kind of girl for both the families, only girl child at that time and mature than her age, she was adorned by everyone, Om and Rudra were younger, so they really gelled well but Shivaay! He felt neglected by her sudden arrival,  fondness everyone showed on her, resulted his being rude to her.
He hated whatever she did. Pulling legs planning against her to just irritate her these were common activities he use to do. He wanted to see her crying. He did everything possible, Pinky remembers once, it was after her arrival in this house, one day surprisingly he gave her cream to eat, which was so overwhelming family members thought he is mending relationships! Annika took happily when he said he made it for her. Unknown to her that it is stuffed with chillies inside, nobody at that time knew Annika is allergic. It was an innocent prank but he didn't realised, it nearly took her life. She was admitted in hospital for one whole week after that Shivaay felt guilty, he stayed inside his room for whole one week! skipping everything- food, water and not even talking to Omru. His room's door opened only when Annika stepped inside the house. And then...rest is history, Shivaay asked apologies in his own way , may be that accident shattered him and that made their bond, now he would literally kill who tries to hurt his best friend Ani.

That reminds her where is Shivaay? Last night he was roaming around the house at midnight to check the items for Today, actually he is too fussy about everything, he needs everything perfect, his room is kept like military squad not even an inch of misplacement. Particularly the food he eats, it has to be organic ,fresh and directly from farm, yes, he is that fussy. The bar raises a little higher when it's about Annika. If Pinky starts to explain how these two treat eachother it will take another six months to complete, so she lets that thought away and approaches Shivaay's room.

She is stopped by a crashing sound.A glass vase falls on the floor and thousands of pieces of crystal shouts how angry the said man is! It's Shivaay at his anger best....He is a mad man when gets angry and the first thing he'll do is break the thing next to him, once it was Rudy's brand new bike. Yes..He becomes a hulk , power he posses at his vulnerable time is a concern for the family. But Pinky is surprised, why he is so agitated today? Specially when Annika is coming back...

"Billu? What happened, why are you angry?" Pinky knocked and bit her tongue, another glass broken, how stupid of her to call him Billu when he is already pissed.
" Shivaay , all the preparation done beta, I saw it myself. Why are you angry now? If you have anything to say tell me, I'll rectify it." Pinky said annoyed because of silence from otherside.

"I hate her mom, I hate her. I am not opening the door, I am not going to welcome her and Whatever preparation you've done it's fine with me because now I don't care!....let her come enjoy whatever she wants, to hell with her and her return." Shivaay said shouting in top notch while Pinky laughed in mockery and left saying only 'okay' to her angry son.


Sliding down the window panes of her cab, Annika felt the warmth of the city, there's something magical in India's soil, it's air always soothed her soul, she lived only six months in New York but she longed for her home, every NRI will agree to this, once an Indian always an Indian. Well Annika is not an NRI but she felt too home sick, after leaving Mumbai, her place, home. Most importantly her family. She never even thought Oberois are not part of her life, even in her childhood she felt so happy around them, Om Rudra and Pinky maa, her life use to revolve around these three, yes, off course how can she forget Shivaay for that matter.
He was one of those rich snobbish boy who would break a toy after its touched by someone else. She hated him, but still she felt so inclined towards him, may be that's the reason when her parents died, she reached only for him, he never felt pity of her. She saw people getting tense about her future-" poor soul! Bichari! How will she survive? Poor kid! Such a tragedy that she is orphan now!.." all these statement made her weak, she don't want to fall weak in front of world. Her mother taught her living respectfully, standing for yourself and not giving a damn! about world but those words and her broken heart played along and she felt weak. And then Pinky maa took her, even Pinky was feeling pity over her but at least she was genuine.  She saw Only one pair of eyes saw different, he saw her as she is , strong, free and unbroken. Yes, off course , a little sad over the incidence, she still cries for her parents but she was not broken and only those blue green eyes saw her. And then that day she saw him as her best friend!  She laughs when she thinks how he was unchanged even after her arrival, even after knowing how tragic her life is and honestly that made her more strong. And gradually she forgot pain.
After that whole ice cream fiasco he became her best friend.

She looked at her phone, switch it on and called him first, he didn't pick up, a lopsided smile came into her lips realising the 'fight' they had Just before boarding the plane, she ignored it and called Pinky, she sounded so excited that Annika chuckled at her enthusiasm. Strange how Pinky over the years became such a close person to her, she can see her mom in her. The genuineness she shows is something unexplainable for her.
She hard her saying when she was almost lost in her thoughts,"He has locked himself up Anu!" Pinky chuckled at the other end.

"I'll  see him maa, don't worry, let me come first." And she disconnected call. She took a sigh and murmured " welcome back Annika!" With a smile she looked around to feel the warmth again.


When Annika reached the entrance she felt weirdly embarrassed, only six months and family members are acting as if she returned after ages, watchman to gardener everyone looked so happy, hush..it's so good to come back home she thought. She forwarded her foot to enter but Pinky stopped her grinning like an idiot she came forward with aarti and started chanting something or other, Annika gave a sheepish smile to Shakti who has been dragged and scolded for not behaving as per instructions.

" It's okay maa, I have not won the war, why you're doing all of this.? "She asked tired of her numerous chanting even God must have got irritated.
"My Anu has returned back why wouldn't I. And Shakti jee stops joking around, i know What you're doing standing behind me. Making jokes of me.! Right?" Pinky complained, while both daughter father duo stare at her with smug face.

"Shivaay....come.here now, don't sulk! She is here, don't you want to meet her? She has returned form US after six months beta! Come beta don't be angry!" Pinky shouts on her top high pitched voice. Hearing which Rudy came running to her and gave a tight bone crushing hug. A huge manly body build like a mountain but from heart is a child. Rudra, always loved Annika, she was her sister from his early age, whatever he could not share with his mother or brothers he would always turned up to her and like a shining armour for Rudy Annika always helped him out, sometimes scolding him, sometimes taking decision for him. His huge body almost crushed her in excitement " Oho...stop Rudy, she is choked because of you" Pinky complained. Rudy left her but didn't really agreed to hurting his AD.... 'Annika didi-AD'.

"Chotti ma...why would I try to do that when she is my bank locker!" He said confusing everyone present to clear this confusion he explained" she has all the secret of me which I keep safely with her so doesn't she became my locker..." He ended with a logic jesture and got a smack on his perfectly build arm by Annika, which Annika regretted, being hurt herself. " Wow Rudy this is nice, your workout is really showing out haan..." That's what Rudy wanted for hear. Annika looked around from sofa to see other people but was disappointed, Shakti noticed a thin line of sadness and explained," Annika as you know Om is on his duty will join us only next month, Priyanka is still on her dreamland- princess came too late to wake up early so...only we three could welcome you . Ah!! Well you know about Shivaay soo....don't be disheartened child.." hearing which Annika, smiled she knew Jhanvi will never greet her, so these are the only people she puts her life for. While the most important one is sulking like a teenager.
As if on cue they heard another glass breaking from his room, and everyone gave nothing can happen look to eachother.

"It will continue till afternoon so..lets have breakfast then, I have to be early for college today!" Rudra said sliding his phone, not paying any attention to the breaking sound that was all round. They royally ignored it

"How forgetfuls I have become Shakti ji... Annika you've not eaten anything na...come baby let's have breakfast first then we'll talk about everything. Oh god I am So excited to tells you what happened in Aroras wedding...it was hilarious." Pinky laughed. Getting a draggers from Shakti," daughter has just come after so many days and you want to gossip about weddings. Pinky grow up" Pinky came to reality after getting scolded by Shakti..." Okay okay..lets go...you know I have told cook to prepare something very special for you."

"..... but...how can I.... Shivaay!!" Annika looked towards his room. Pinky smiled" so What? What are you waiting for? go...and talk to sulking Singh Oberoi! I'll prepare for breakfast because I know it's matter of five minutes for you.!" With a wink she left her.

"All the best AD....come with flying colours." Rudy chirped, Shakti nodded.

"Here I come Mr.Sulking Singh Oberoi!" Annika went with slow silent steps .


*Tada!.....The very first chapter of my new book. Did you like it? Any suggestions, request on how you want me to add something on your behalf. Please be free to suggest because it will be a long slow paced story I can add few things if I liked your ideas. Keep the story in mind and tell...... feel free. Please add this in your reading list.

*Important note: Priyanka will be played by Sidhi Karkhanis....and image her as spoiled Brat with an attitude of being an Oberoi.

* Rudy and Om's characters will be shown less initially, till I get a perfect story line for them. No Gauri or Bhavya...unless the focus shifts from Shivika...that will be a long wait. Sorry for disappointing..

Q: Why is Shivaay sulking so much any ideas?

Q: Do you like the bond Pinky and Annika shares?

Precaps: Happiness all around.


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