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Shivaay diligently upkept, sleepy Annika on the bed, it was already morning, six o'clock to be precise! he remembers how ignorant she acted yesterday night, when he told about the limited space they had for two people on that hospital bed, also he gave an excuse about the hospital rules for visiting hours, she was unchangeable, she wanted him to stay the night with her. Well when you own the hospital, these excuses rarely works. Annika knows it, thus had hardly any effect on her. Well, does anyone other than her knows what it needs to compell Shivaay to do something? He had to agree, he wasn't planning to go back home though. His back ached, constantly being in same position for hours, but its not new, he had lots of experience of forgoing his health for her sake. When he rested her head on the pillow, ever so carefully she wiggled a little, scaring Shivaay, having disturbed her sleep, patted her head with atmost care, whispered sweet sleeping talks in his own amusing way, Annika is like a baby to him, also, his babies probable mother too! which she is not aware off. He kissed her forehead, lips lingered a little more than usual, he looks at her with a despair, not being able, to be part of her heart! He was disappointed, not fully but there remained an ache of not having that place inside her heart! But nonetheless, he knew he is important for her, almost life taking important, and he is very happy with whatever he has. This reminds him, of her request, about their relationship, last night. He had to decide for both of them. He knew relationship with Tia is not happening now, and about future ? He needs a clear mind for it, however hurt he is, he knew for the fact, Annika is right!
He won't love anyone, but her, she is his life. But, what if , she falls in love or someone falls in love with him, and he felt inclined towards someone, what will they do? How the equation will be solved? They can't continue this situation through out their life? Yes, they are inseparable, they care, love eachother but is this enough to go on in life? Well, earlier he thought, it was but after Annika's distressed situation he had to think again, about the situation and his decisions in life. His priority in life is Annika, and will always be, but what about Annika's choices? She is confused, she didn't voiced that she loves him, falling in love for her has chances, and he can't let her harm herself, thinking Shivaay going away from her. He thought, occupied with these threatening thoughts he reached home, tired and exhausted. Down casted enthusiasm and lethargic steps, he opened the front door without giving any hid to the surrounding, taking him by surprise, a giant man leaped on him, crushing him into a tight hug, he for seconds Shivaay was taken aback by that heavy weight, but hug was warm and comforting, when, strangling himself from the grip, he finally saw who it was!

"Om, you're here? Oh my god!huh... I am so happy to see you man! I missed you so much!" Shivaay cheered, probably after a week, he initiated hug this time, breathing out a huge sigh of relief; his Knight in shinning armour. Omkara is Shivaay's younger brother but he is like his friend, whom he trusts more than anyone, may be  he is the only one with whom he can pour his heart, without being judged.
Omkara, mature Oberoi, he understands human relationship, nature like no other. Humble, empathic and understanding, he is known for his sympathetic behaviour. For him every human being is same, irrespective of the relationship he shared. Be it a low stature employee or his own brother who is capable of winning everything, he look at things as a neutral man.
After meeting him Shivaay knew whom to approach for his so called messed up life!

"I don't believe you got leave? Why didn't you inform me? I should have picked you up!" Shivaay was happy to have him here in difficult time. Coming home for Omkara is Also not very easy, he knew how drained he would have felt taking that decision. It's been two whole years. Away from for two years is not easy, not that he was not able to, but he avoided it.
Joining army, wasn't at a all happy decision for him. It was completely situational and on pressure decision. Majority of members were against it; he had good fortune here, well set up buisness, luxury and freedom to choose any profession. Though it's a noble job, it's risky and well as life threatening. Om is very stubborn at times, tired of jhanvi's constant irresponsibility, ignorance towards her life, a bad brekaup phase and search for own ambition led him to choose this.
Omkara always admired uniforms, fascinated, he felt different air around people with batches and caps with national  flags, he use gey amazed by them, when he got opportunity to join them for nation, he didn't hesitated and bagged the opportunity. Just after his joining he was posted to Srinagar, from that day he only talked over call or video calls, once he admitted to Shivaay, that this is what he wanted to do.
At least he wasn't regretting his decision, everyone thought, excluding Jhanvi, she always believed he has been brainwashed, by Annika. She rarely gave time to om or Rudra for that matter, raising priyanka and dipped in her own sorrow shw forgot about her other children but it was kate for her, when she realised thay they are her lifelines,they became too far to reach.
In spite of venoms around,the younger Oberoi's were bonding well, gave a damn about others.

"Are you mad? Why would I inform, when I was planning to see this surprised face of yours. You don't know how much I missed you all, walking over those silent road always took me back to our alone time. You know I even called dadi, but I guess she won't be coming before autumn. Anyways I am very Happy to see you after so long." Omkara said his smile reached to his Otherwise,intense eyes.
" But... why are you looking so tired? And are you coming from office? At this time?" Omkara was finally able to subdue his excitement, and saw a tired looking Shivaay.

Only now, he scrutinized him and observed, that Shivaay was walking like a limped man, disheveled hair, formal clothes- minus the perfect creeze his trademark, but everything was a miss, so was his twinkling eyes. He is tired, also looked overworked.
His brother is a workaholic but shine in his eyes never was absent, today it has something very depressing in them. Omkara is tensed, now he can see vacant mansion too, there's no chirping or chaos, usually happens at these hours.

"Is everything fine Shivaay? Where are you coming from? I didn't see Rudy, Annika and Prinku. I met mom, but she didn't say anything. And choti ma? She was not in her room!What happened?"  Shivaay looked at him smiling a facade smile.
Om's will worry for Annika. He looks distant from  family, but he cares for everyone. Living far from everyone didn't isolated his love. He knew he would be dishearten, Annika was doing good, panicking him, especially when he came after such a long time would be a mistake. With a genuine calmness he told him.
" Rudy, is out for his basketball match, will return today. Prinku must have partied last night, so must be with her friends, you already badi ma, dad is out of country ane mom must have gone to Temple. And as you can see here I am!" He deliberately skipped Annika, expecting he won't catch it, but whom he is fooling? If she is his everything than she is om's elder sister. He always takes advice from her.

"And Annika? You didn't mentioned her! Where is she? " Omkara now was sure it's about Annika, but he wanted to know what it was.

"Wo... actually om....She is in hospital admitted yesterday, but don't worry she us fine...just for precautions! she'll be discharge by today, I am coming from there itself, she is..." He saw a line of tension forming over om's face! He was partly angry, and partly sad.

"Now you'll hide things from me? That too about Annika? Shivaay...." Baffled he said raising his hands on air, and pressing his forehead, with desperation.

A thought occurred to him, Why didn't his mother told him anything, seconds later, he was compelled to think, is it  because of her? Annika is hospitalized! Her dissension is not unknown to him. He has warned Shivaay many times about her, capability of doing anything, to harm Annika.
As if Shivaay read his thoughts he added,
"No. Badi ma has nothing to do with this, Annika unknowingly ate chillies, its alright Om, she is fine now, anyways it wasn't that serious. She was to be discharged yesterday itself, just for observations....you know." Shivaay cleared the air of suspicion.

"Is she fine? How irresponsible of mom, she didn't even hinted about Annika! Sometimes she acts so immature! Why even I am expecting this? Tell me Shivaay is she fine?" Omkara said frustrated with his mother, she didn't changed a bit!

"Yes, she is fine. Completely fine, I left her when she was in sleep, came here to freshen up, I'll change and will head back to her, you can see by yourself, come with me. she is completely fine, she'll be happy to meet you." Shivaay assured him, but Om's suspicious eyes didn't miss the sadness around his face.
" Are 'YOU' fine ?" He asked and blue eyes filled with sparkling water, they ditched Shivaay and couldn't keep secret.
Shivaay's eyes moist, a faint smile told, how miserable he felt. First, because Annika is hurt, and second, because of things going in their life. It's getting over his control, omkaara may not have guess the reason but he knew Shivaay is not doing good.

"Shivaay...you can.." his words were interrupted by a fully grown bear hug, it was their bear like brother who acts like a 10 years old. Rudy ran to give crushing hug to his brother, almost running over Shivaay, and injuring Om with his weight over him. Though, Omkara has grown in size and strength, credit to military training but Rudra is a giant! 80 kilo's. Even for a military man, he was too heavy to carry.

"Omg O...I can't believe it, finally you made it! I thought I'll have to either join you at border or smuggle myself to meet you. I still can't believe you are here... finally!" Rudra chimmed with happiness, he was missing his old golden days, three of them having a chill time. He loved being around these two. They were his buddies and nothing is better than their company.

Rudra's entry interrupted a serious conversation, both looked half smiling at him, but he felt it. He even noticed Shivaay's was still on his office attire, he looks at his big bro and raised an eye to ask the obvious question.

"Is everything fine? Why you two are behaving as if I spoilt your romantic moment!" He said with a naughty grinned, and he looked around to see other people, he could not voice it out, but he felt silence. Om, ignored his intriguing eyes, asked.
"What did the doctor say?"
Hearing the D word, Rudra realised that something is wrong, and his tube light glowed, " Bhaiya where is AD? Don't tell me she is not well!" Rudra loves his AD, like he loves his bhaiya, she is like mother, which he didn't get in Jhanvi. Also, a sister who understands and supports him, and something happening to her is painful.

Shivaay gave a slow nod, he wanted to avoid telling him but he also deserve to know.
"Why? I mean what happened to her? Where is she? I what to meet her, bhaiya tell me she is fine! And why didn't you informed me! I should have been with her." Rudra was restless now, Shivaay keeping his hands over his shoulder, and assured that she is doing fine. Just hospitalized because of precautions.

"Hey, don't panic okay! I was with her till this morning, she is fine, actually snoring in her hospital bed. Let us all, get ready and have breakfast and then we'll head to meet her.  All three of us are tired,  I, urgently need a shower; because of her I had to sleep in these." Shivaay said indicating his clothes.
" lets just freshen up okay? We have a lot ot catching to do." They disperse for theirs respective rooms.

Breakfast became a silent affair, nobody talked more than required, general questions and nods, they didn't had appetite for food. All three of has a special bond with her, Omru were first friends of hers, after Shivaay exclaimed her to be his friend, they happily took her inside the group, and named 'Anishivomru' together. Without wasting any time, they walked out of house, Shivaay packed food for her, content with completeness, he drove to the hospital. She'll be so happy, he thought.

"Such beautiful bond they share with eachother, I wish they remains like this forever, kisi ki nazar na lage..." Pinky said doing her trademarks action of nazar utaroing.... Jhanvi scoffed, rolling her eyes in disagreement. " What bond,she is just an attention seeker! Just think Knowing that you're allergic to something, who eats it's without a purpose? And she claims to be a mature girl! You know people like her always need sympathy to go on...".
She is interrupted by Pinky's loud voice, she wasn't shouting but indeed irritated.
"Jethani ji...I know, you don't like her, I understand your thoughts too, but at least have some humanity, at least see the situation first, before saying anything." Jhanvi didn't paid any heed to her.

"Uff Pinky... you're so blind... can't you see your son is going away from you. You're such an innocent sheep, that girl is a chameleon, understand that! first, my Om now Shivaay. She'll take away everything from us. Haven't you seen, how Rudy is  going away from me" Pinky glared, Pinky always felt jhanvi's pain of loosing hee husband but sometimes she crosses lines.

"Nobody can take away, love from others jethani ji....if your son loves Annika more than you, then it's your fault! Its because you are unable to give love they desire. And about Shivaay, he is not going away from me! He is my son, he very well know how to live every relationship, with complete dedication, he will not do such things, ever!" Without waiting for Jhanvi reply she stormed out of her sight.


Chains dragging her legs made it impossible to move, room was dark, no lights no air to breathe, suffocating. Visibility only made her see the ropes tied to her hands and legs. Movements are restricted, she is not scared of darkness, but unable understand what is happening? Last time she remembers, Shivaay was by her side, she was holding him, but suddenly why she is all chained up? She was trying to call him, in spite of her whole strength, voice refused to come out.
Her voice choked with every word she said, Taking all her strength she called him again, trying hard to shout, trying to touch anyone who's is possibly there, forwarding her hands which were tied, nobody was there, couldn't feel anyone. Hee voice came like a whisper... "Shivaay....."

Annika is covered in perspiration, fingers trying to catch something, sweat beads covered face, voice ruffled, it wasn't clear, almost like a mumble, she is dreaming. She is High on sedative, it's common for her to get such dreams, because her body reacts to medication, it warms itself up, creating a chain of dreams for her, strangely this particular dream reoccurs everytime.

O'BROS, were in jolly mood, Rudy again cracked a joke and Shivaay spatted him on his head, they found ward empty, it was personal ward for VIP patients, they were surprised to see, only Annika, she was mumbling something. Looking at her, Shivaay ran to her; forgetting everything.

He is aware of her conditions,it isn't new for him, he even advised nurse to sit by her side, if anyone calls her, dream breaks and she come back to normal but if there's delay in going that, the sweat create major temperature problem. He was. Annoyed that nurse did give heed to his advice.

"Yeah, I am here...I am here.... Annika!see, your Shivaay is here,no need to panic okay! I am here, I am not leaving you, open your eyes, it's just a bad dream anu....see. Shivaay is here." Shivaay whispered kissing her forehead gently, telling her soothing words, her fingers found his skin, she touched his face and realised it's him. As if, the trance is broken, she opened her eyes, saw him, there wasn't any expression on her face....

"You're here? I was locked inside that room. where were you? I was so scared.." she said in same dazed voice.

"It's okay! it was just a dream, the same dream Annika. See I am here with you. And.... You won't believe whose here?... look " He said gleefully.

Annika shifts her gaze from Shivaay to other two standing and her eyes brightens automatically, she hurriedly sits up, and  abruptly looks towards Shivaay, who leaves space for two of them. Omru, comes running to her and hugs from both sides.
It's kind of mummy meets her children situation.

"Oh my god, this so amazing Om! When did you came? You didn't even informed, how bad! OMG...You have changed so much...these muscles, rough hands and your hair? Where is my innocent vulnerable Omkara? Where did you hide him haan." Annika said cheerfully, nobody actually even imagined, he will join the army? He was too innocent and dreamy for that  worlds, he was more of an artist in his colleges days. Writing poems and painting in solitude, use to be his pass time but leaving everything he went for a noble cause, Yes! they appreciate his choice but deep down they thought he is running from home. Today looking at his appearances they can conclude, that may be they misjudged him.

"I didn't tell because I wanted to surprise you'll but seems you were planing a one for me... what is this Annika? Such carelessness?" Om complained.
Annika gave a sheepish smile.
"Don't start, I have got my doze already! Didn't you see his face? From yesterday, he is looking at me like he'll eat me up". Shivaay rolled his eyes on that comment.
Om shrugged," i know, he must have scolded you and cried later, possibily more than you." om grinned. Annika bit her cheek to control the invoice laughter.

Other side, Rudra was pouting, like a baby, he felt ignored, he too, came today after a long week,but nobody looked at him, either it's about Om or Shivaay.

"You forgot me AD?" Rudy whinned, angeling her eyes, a wide smile spread over her lips, such a treat to watch him pouting, he looks so different from what popularly Known for. Rough, tough, masculine body free spirited nature and play boy image doesn't go well with this cute innocent child. He is still in his childhood, needs attention everytime.

"How can I forget, my munchkin?" She pulled his cheeks and gave a side hug to grinning Rudy, Om gave 'nothing can happen' look to him, and laughed at his antics.."Drama queen".
He was pulling Rudra's leg when, nurse entres, all eyes shifted to Shivaay, ready to slaughter an innocent goat, his eyes dramatically changed into an angry bird, nose flared,deep blue eyes narrowed. They can hear an angry whistle something like train....he was ready to charge over the poor soul.

Shifting gaze between two, they were uo for butchering. They are helpless, this part of Shivaay is avoidable, he can't be controlled and better to be on watching side then experiencing. With his looks it seemed the session going to be a long one.


I was missing om, so here he comes....and good news, I got a good plot for Om's story, well, this story belongs to shivika, it's juts I'll introduce Gauri and a glimpse of a love brewing up... Rudy have to wait a little.

I didn't realised it's already seven days to last update. Sorry I made you wait so much.

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