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" I said, I am not going to do it, there are certain principles in my life, they are my  priorities too, above emotions, relations and love for my family. I had to look for the interest of everyone and the thing which you're asking, is not itself illegal, it's immoral too and I won't agree to any of this."

The Shivaay' beast' roared inside the mansion, its unusual for him to loose his calm, inside his abode but getting this kind of anger in his voice, it was clear something big has happened, Om and Rudra were having their useless banter when Shivaay's anger reached to them, Annika was still inside her bed, it was too early for anyone to gather for breakfast. when Om reached the hall, he saw Jhanvi and Shivaay were standing in front of eachother, as if they were quarreling about something, and it wasn't hard to guess, Shivaay's anger was directed towards her.
Pinky sat devasted on the sofa nearby, messaging her forehead, she must have witnessed eveything that passed between them, Shakti is out of country for few weeks. When Omru reached the place, Annika was walking slowly towards them. By the time everyone grouped around two said person, the silence was killing everyone, it's useless to ask anything to anyone, Jhanvi was glaring at everyone and Shivaay stood away from her looking other side.

"Now, look everyone's here, let them decide what they want, you're are no one to take decision in their favour, Shivaay! I respect you and believe you are capable of doing lots of things, that's the reason I approached you, otherwise, you also know how I can manipulate entire board of directors for the things which I want. It's their right Shivaay, you can't take away their right from them! And for whose sake? This, Annika! who is no one to us! Bloody outsider, because of her you're being unfair to them, your brothers and your little sister!" Jhanvi said, a little distracted by people around, Knowing she had to fight a great deal with everyone for this, even her sons.

"What's going on Shivaay? Why mom is behaving so weirdly?" Om asked, he can guarantee she is upto something unethical, when she said those words about Annika, like that, he guessed It's 'Mrs. Tej Singh Oberoi' taking over her.

"It's nothing Om, I have eveything sorted out, don't worry, badi ma is a little stressed about her sons future." Shivaay said not meeting their eyes, Pinky had enough of this lying now, she glared at her son and stood up, " How much you'll gonna hide it from them Shivaay? They have a right to know. Specially now, when she has turned all against you. Protecting your brothers is a good thing but at what cost? sometimes they should decide too."

"Choti ma what happened? What did mom said to bhaiya"? Rudra asked he was already loosing his temper.

"She is been asking this for a year now. Everytime she had to disturb Shivaay, when he is already having troubles in life, Shivaay will you just speak up, tell your brothers, it's  related to them too." Pinky instigated him, meanwhile Annika was continuously looking at him, he was looking different, thinking, hard. May be because of all fuss, or may be not, but why he isn't making any eye contact, may be it's nothing to do with this. She thought, it bothered her to see him like that.

"Oh! come on, its not a big deal Pinky, why are you acting over the top? I'll tell, you. There is nothing to be ashamed of, I am asking for something which I deserve and my family deserves." Jhanvi said looking at her sons.

"I asked Shivaay to change the share holding ratio from old to new, just that!" Jhanvi said as matter of fact.

"What Does it says?" Annika asked, almost guessing what it must be, while Jhanvi gave her a sly look.

"So predictable, when it comes to money Annika is all interested!" Her remarks didn't felt good with anyone, if Annika is least interested, then it's in money, specially the one Oberoi's make.

"Will you utter the whole thing, quick?" Om shouted at his mother for being too cunning at this time. With a low flinch she looked at Shivaay again, and said,
" I wanted to shuffle the shares holdings and make it into four equal parts, between Oberoi children, if we have total of 80% shares including Annika's shares, leaving the other share holders. If we merge the shares, every Oberoi children will get it will be 30% each to you, Rudy, Priyanka and Shivaay. That's all I wanted!" Jhanvi said, a little scared of her sons reaction. There was complete silence, everyone knew what she is planning to do. The Oberoi hall looked like a haunted place, eerie and scary.  Annika wasn't thinking anything, she has only 10% shares on her father's name, she'll be more than happy to give it away, but she knew Shivaay and Omru won't let her do that. She wasn't bothered about that too, she was still looking at Shivaay, he wasn't turning or looking at her, which is bothering her to the core now. Is he thinking to do what Jhanvi aunty is saying? May be feeling guilty about it? Or he is hiding something.

"What did Shivaay said?" Om asked, Knowing the answer.

"He said he won't do it, it will be as it is. Shivaay's 35, you, Rudy and priyanka sharing the other half of seventy percent shares from your father's , which makes only 11 point something for each of you."

" All I am saying is, why not make it equal for every obeori child, like Tej and Shakti use to have, their shares were directly transferred to their children, making Shivaay having the majority, because he didn't have to share it with anyone but you three have to share it. What is 11% in today's market, this is so unfair, Tej's children just getting minimal of shares. He is the one who made Oberoi industry, his hardwork, he made Oberoi industry this huge, his children deserve to be equal. Gradually, your shares will be more distributed to your children, and what will they get penny?  That's all I am asking, tell me if I am wrong ? Tell me, thinking about your future is wrong?"

"Off course it's wrong, what about Annika haan? Just because you don't like her you'll snatch her rights too haan, jethani ji? I won't let this happen, my daughter will not compromise because of your jealousy!" Pinki replied to jhanvi's unconventional demands, brothers were listening to eveything with ease. While Annika was thinking.

"No. Pinky ma, Jhanvi aunty is right, anyways, I don't want shares in Oberoi industries, it was my father's wealth, I am happy handling his business, so if Jhanvi aunty feels Omru and Priyanka needs the shares then let it be, I won't be starving after that! Right? So Shivaay....I think you should listen to her." Annika gave her point. But next moment she saw a fury eyes which were glaring at her like they'll eat her up, whole. She was taken aback from the reaction.

"Will you just stop giving your precious suggestions, Annika? keep that to yourself!" Shivaay flinched, after saying it a bit rudely, he clearly knew, she is not interested in the shares but being a guardian, friend he knew what importance those few shares had, she always tries to give away shares, she was warned by him to not get involved in this mess, but he regretted how rude his words came out.

"I mean, I am handling this ,so don't ...." He said finally turning to Jhanvi, " Badi maa, I can understand your point, I offered you the alternative suggestions too, why your hell bend on same thing?" This time he was calmer, Om was clenching his jaws, he had enough of this drama already. Everytime, his mother has to talk about it, he left this house just because of these things, now, when he came back after two years, he is standing in same porch again. While Rudy was getting anxious, if Omkara was getting angry Rudra's frustration was a bit higher than him, he sees this drama everyday, its always about money and shares, he wanted his life to be a smooth and happy journey with his family but because of this wealth of Oberoi's he never finds peace.

"What did you suggested Shivaay?" Pinky asked, she can't do anything in particular, it's always Shivaay who decides for the family, but she wants to make sure that both her children's rights are not compromised. Her questions got the attention of everyone.

"Badi ma, wants Oberoi brothers to share equal rights in eveything, so I suggested which is ethical too, that my and Priyanka and Omru shares to be equally divided, not Annika's, well technically she isn't an Oberoi, so if we had an equal share it's right too and suggestively good idea." Shivaay was confident that this is best idea of all. Annika moved to say something but before her Om spoke, "Off course not, why would you give your shares to us? Shivaay we all know what you have done to business, nobody ever reach to that level, not even our father, you made the empire, and you worked hard for it, keeping eveything secondary for business. And us! me and Rudy, rarely participate in business, it's your hard work Shivaay, we can't take your input, when we had nothing to give. So this is not acceptable, I have a better idea." Omkara said out of the blue, well he is right too, Rudy and him are not businessman, Omkara already choose his career, Rudy doesn't want to join the business, he is happy being a free bird and his dream and aspirations doesn't have business in mind. They just need money to live a livelihood, that's all, which they are anyway getting and knew for the fact Shivaay will always put them above him.

"Shivaay do the reshuffling of the shares and dissolve my shares equally to all the share holders, I am taking back my rights from Oberoi industries." Om's words shocked everyone, Jhanvi was panicking now, if Shivaay agreed she'll loose eveything. The process of Om's words were sinking in, when Rudy added, "Do the same for my shares too, but I want my shares to be transferred to AD." That was the blow in Jhanvi's head, she sat with a thud and knew decision of her sons,they choose Shivaay and Annika over her and now she don't have anything to say. Before shivaay could argue Om said.

"This is the best way to solve the problem Shivaay, this women, Mrs tej singh Oberoi will never understand our love, she always lived in greedy environment, for her it's always about money and she will never have enough of it, if you give equal shares too, later she'll come up with something or other, just end this. Anyway, I don't want property, I am earning a good amount of it for my future, I am happy living a mediocre life, I just need my family to be with me, so shares rarely matters to me, at least after this this women won't have anymore reason to create chaos in your life."

He turns to Jhanvi, " What kind of women are you? Out of all people mom, I never thought you're so blind to not see what is right and wrong? Can't you see how unfair you're to Annika! Because you think Dad died because of her? Really mom? 10yrs old she was just 10! You blamed her for something, which she herself is struggling with! She can also blame Dad for her parents death! Don't you think?" Omkara was not shouting but he made sense, while later Rudy added.

"Its always her hatred towards her, she tortures bhaiyya too, she knows how much he cares for AD, and because of that concern, he will do whatever she says to him. I had enough now, though I don't know what I want to become but I don't need money. My bhaiyya, will sponsor my education and he will look after me, so I don't need future safety, I want my family to be happy without any problem. Bhaiya has so many things to look after and you? Always give him tough time with these nonsense." Rudy was on Verge of crying now.
Shivaay hugs him with happy tears, he never thought his brothers love him so much. After hugging Om too he spoke.
" No need to so such thing, badi ma is not wrong when she asked for the equal rights, so it will be like that, our share are to be equally divided, whatever you said is enough for me, that's my earning." Pinky was quite okay with that, equal property does not really takes away the share from Shivaay and Annika's share are with her too. And her other two sons will get their right too, she felt proud of Omru and she loathed Jhanvi for her act. Nobody can actually argue with Shivaay so with faint refuses they all agreed. So it was 17.5%  to each. Which isn't a bad thing, Omru were still opposing, it's Shivaay decision now, nobody can oppose, he ordered his legal team to prepare papers, he had to inform the board of directors too. He got busy with phone calls, Omru walked away fuming at Jhanvi, while Pinky was sad but satisfied with the situation walks away. Annika was still standing there, looking at Shivaay, he was ignoring her a big time, after last night's conversation, she thought he has forgiven her for her stupidity but he was not bothered to look at her, or talk to her this was breaking her.

After few calls when Shivaay realised a constant eye on him, he looked at Annika, her face told she is upset, he walked upto her, both stood silent, looking at eachother, waiting for other to say something first. Shivaay phone rings and he moves back to his room, and Annika stood there baffled. Her stupidity cost her friendship? She thought.


The day went on with a gloomy environment, nobody actually realised they were unexpectedly silent, eveything that happened in the morning was enough for them to keep a silent environment, however, the most hurt was Annika, she was cancelling every meeting for the day, sitting on her cabin, she was thinking and feeling guilty for her actions, Shivaay wasn't talking to her, she knew his anger isn't subdued, he covered it up, just for her sake, till the time she is completely okay, while last night his entry to her room kind of made her relaxed, only to realise later, that he isn't okay at all, the way he was avoiding her and that shout. She know him and can guarantee it was his frustration that came out, whatever she did was wrong and may be that's the reason he is angry, but she wasn't sure why exactly he is avoiding her? It wasn't making any sense, usually he scolds  for her nonsensical acts. This is first time, he is ignoring her, she tried to give reasons for its but couldn't find anything else, may be whatever happened in the morning, that made him act like that. It was confusing and she was having though time solving it, sitting on the chair. She felt lonely after so many years she felt she had on one to go to. She realised how important Shivaay is for her.

In her dismay she dialled his number, after few rings he picked it up, he wasn't sounding any different, he said hello, Annika was silent for a moment, Shivaay was waiting for her word, when he felt some sniffing and realised she is crying, a deep sigh and he leaned towards his chair, he asked her, this time like he cared, " Why are you crying?" He said and the sniffing got louder into small weeps, " Do you hate me now?" She asked. Not hearing any replies, she continued, " Look, I know you're very mad at me, and you should be, I didn't realised earlier but I understood you have not forgiven me! Shivaay please don't do this, don't make me alone! You know right, I don't have anyone except you! Be angry, be mad and show your frustration but don't me silent, please." She said almost on Verge of breaking down, unaware, Shivaay can never be angry on her. It's just he is trying to figure out things, he was giving a little bit of space to himself and Annika too, and now it's enough, hide and seek game has to get over, either this way or that, it's decision time.

"I am not...." Shivaay couldn't continue, he just took a full breath and said again.

"Meet me at our place, right now." And got up in hurry, yes he was anxious too, to meet her, see her as if it's been a while they have met, it's been ages they saw eachother.

Annika ran like a mad women, she can't believe she longed for him this much, finally  she reached her old house; their place. There were so many beautiful memories resides in that place for her, good bad, happy, sad, she always felt nostalgia going there, but today, she wasn't thinking about anything! it was just him. She saw him coming, shining like a bright star, fair god of beauty, never ever occurred to her how handsome he looks. Their eyes met. Moment their eyes met, her pool of emotions burst, she had no clue why she is crying! Why she is behaving like a woman in love ,but she did felt that way.  Like lost love birds they hugged, taking breath out of eachother! It was forceful, bone crushing hug, like their broken pieces will mend with that hug. Not leaving a possibility for air to pass through, they stayed like that for eternity, neither they parted nor loosen the grip. It's for the first time , after hospital incident, they were alone and hugging eachother.

"I felt so alone.. I am sorry, sorry for eveything I did, I know you're angry but Shivaay don't leave me alone please, I don't want to loose you, I have already lost my world, my family, I have only you with me, please, even if I do mistake be my side, scold me and punish me, but never leave my hand!" Annika weeps on his shoulder holding him tight. Shivaay was soothing her with a smile, he knew it was hard for her to stay away from him, even he felt the same longing. His intension was not to hurt her, it was just to give it a time to think how he should confess his love and as destiny has it, he found perfect time, her desperate desire to meet him sounds perfect set up for him. He didn't planned any special arrangement,knowing the answer can be negative too, never the less, he unwrapped her from himself, wiping off her continuous tears he smiled, a genuine happy smile, his apprehension regarding her thoughts started to fade, may be she is not aware of her feelings, like Om said, confused regarding her emotions, which means Shivaay can try at least once for their togetherness.

"I thought you had a condition of not being able to cry? It seems it's cured now, look at you, your eyes looks like a Niagara falls! Annika why are you crying? I won't leave you ever! You know that, then?" He said pecking her little red nose, she looked down, embarrassed and playing with his buttons,not meeting his eyes she said sniffing," I hate being alone, even if whole world is with me, and you're not there I feel vacant, as if my world is lost somewhere in the universe, why weren't you talking to me? And you scolded me, in the morning, do you know how bad I felt." She said still not looking at him, not Knowing what she felt at that moment, yes, there were emotional breakdowns in her life, but this one is different, may be equation are changing!

"Scolded? Who me? No. I didn't, I didn't scolded you, it was just high pitched voice I said not to get involved. Annika don't lie alright I didn't scold you." Shivaay said in defence.

"Okay it wasn't exactly a scolding but you were rude. And you didn't talk to me!" Annika said grumpily, which was very cute but Shivaay had other plans in his mind, he wasn't interested in admiring her antics.

"Actually, yes I did avoid you, wait a second before you start assuming things, I was thinking something for us, you said you want me to decide about us, you and me! Right? In the hospital!" Annika nodded in repsonse, now intrigued to know his decision, she wasn't expecting anything, and suddenly Shivaay kneeled down on his knees and taking out a small red box from his pocket presented a small solitaire, it was beautiful heart shaped ring with a small diamond at the centre. She was admiring the ring when he said those words, she never expected, but it was blissful, it sounded like she was dying to hear those words.

"Marry me Annika!"


Hey Friends

I know your anger must have reached to the moon, and you're entitled to do so. I have nothing to say in defence. I was not busy, could have easily posted few posts, but I didn't feel like.
Reasons unknown but particularly this story is taking a hell lot of energy from me, first my initial plan didn't work out, next the plot has to be changed, now that plot looks so lame and boring, and I like to keep things balanced, reality but little bit Drama for the sake of entertainment.
Now again I am on the way of changing the plot, initial story is same but the treatment would be different.
Shivaay's proposal was not planned for now, but he did it. So let's hope this time I am on right track.

Do tell me how do you feel about it.

And sorry for the delays



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