Chapter Three: Jokes, Notes and Crazy Fans

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Jen's POV

As we walked into the room, Graser made a not funny joke, and was laughing so hard. "I'm too tired to laugh, but I want food" I said face planting onto the closest bed, which was Wills. "Laughing and food doesn't make sence" Will said face planting next to me. "Think about what you just said, did that make any sense?" I asked. "Uh, nope" Will said popping the 'P' Mark and Graser just laughed at us. They eventually took a picture and posted our conversation. "Let's go get food" I mumbled to him. "I'm down" he mumbled back. We both got up. I grabbed a room key and yelled "We're getting food!" "Get me some pizza!" Graser yelled. "Salad!" Mark yelled. We then left.

As we walked down the street, with alot of drink and homeless people, we talked. We talked about lots of things, and not YouTube things. Regular life people things. Like our friends before YouTube and who we were considered. We were stopped by a drunk homeless man. Will grabbed my hand. And the guy started to hit on me. "Hey baby, you look fine tonight, you'd look better in my bed" he said stumbling around a bit. "Beat it, buddy" Will said standing up for me. "Aye, man, calm down, there's no reason to be upset" the guy said almost falling. "I am calm, why don't you get a job?" Will asked and pulled me, gentally, past the guy. We continued to talk and walk ignoring the guy yelling at us. We both didn't let go of each others hands.

We finally made it to the Pizza place. We ordered Graser a three meat small pizza and Mark a ceaser salad. We then ordered two single pieces of pizza for us and a smoothie. When we got our order they gave us two straws do one smoothie. Oh well. We sat a table and ate our pizza. "Sorry about, earlier today, when we were in the bathroom, I just was grumpy and mad at the fact of being woken up" I said not wanting eye contact. "It's okay, I completely understand, I would have acted that way, if I were a girl" he laughed a little, I giggled. We finished our pizza and walked back to the hotel.

"We're back!" I yelled "and I've got you're food!". They both of them rushed to where we were they took the food and went back to their beds, and what we didn't know is that they put jolly ranchers in our shower. "Aye! You guys need to record a video! Remember?" Graser yelled at us. We just ignored it. We were going to do that video though. He probably rigged the shower, but whatever. I have no clue what we were doing but Will made me get in my swim suit and stand in the shower. He then came in with a bag of ice. "No! I'm not doing this!" I said closing the shower door. "Nope!" I said with my hands up. "Dine, I'll do it with you" he smirked. I groaned and agreed. He put on his swim suit. "Why are we doing this, again?" I asked since we did this in L.A. at Vidcon in 2014, and Vidcon 2015, and Minecon in 2014 and at Minecon London in 2015, and Pax Prime 2015 and 2014, Pax East 2014 and 2015, he didn't go to Pax Aussie 2014 but I did, he made me do it when he did and I didn't go in 2015 so he made us do it in different places like in 2014 but switched. (I don't know if Will went to all of these conventions, so just go with it), then we did it at Pax South 2014 qnd 2015, it's sorta a Best Friend thing I guess. "Because we do it every time one of us goes on a trip." he smiled and turned the camera on. "Hello everybody welcome back to another video with Jen! As you all know we went on a trip!" he smiled and looked at me. "And we all know what that means." I said not enthusiastic. "I have to freeze my ass off and then turn on the cold shower and stand there for 5 minutes with Will being an ass saying that it's warm to see if body heat works if you tell your mind your warm" I said with a fake smiled. I then turned to Will. "I hate this" I said through gritted teeth. He laughed and we stepped in the shower. He picked up the bag. He then dumped it over our heads. "No! It's cold! I wasn't ready! No~" I said as I reached for the shower nob. Mark and Graser were now watching from the bathroom door. The cold water came down on us and it was blue. "Now I'm gonna be blue! You people are going to pay for this!" I said jokingly angry. I tried to step out but Will grabbed my wrist and pullede back in. "No" I whined. "You can't leave" he smiled. "Yeah I can, this is the worst" I whined. "What do I have to do so you don't leave?" he asked. I smirked. "Kiss me" I smirked as his smirk faded a little. "Have! Your not going to so I can leave" I said attempting to leave. He grabbed my hand and pulled me twords him connecting our lips. "Wilen!" Mark and Graser both shouted as we kissed. He held my waist. My hard were placed on his chest. And if I'm being honest, he was an amazing kisser. I kissed back. Our lips moving in sync. Then Wills phone went off saying we still had one more minute. We pulled apart. That's when the, blue, cold water rushed to me. "Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold" I said as we pulled our arms away from each other. "I'm warm, I'm warm I'm warm I'm warm" Will started saying. I playfully glared at him. He just smiled. I rolled my eyes. This was our signals to each other that we would talk later, alone. He went cross eyes, which ment after the video was uploaded. I just rolled my eyes again which ment okay. Then the finale bell rang saying we could get out. I ran out of the shower and took a toll off the rack and wrapped myself. "I'm so cold, and a little blue" I said glaring at Graser as he laughed. We then stood in front of the camera, wrapped in towels. "Well! If you liked this video, leave a thumbs up and comment if you want us to keep doing this everytime one of us goes on a trip! And subscribe for more! Also go check out this person in the description below! Bye!" Will said and we waved. He then turned the camera off. "I'm getting dressed" I said walking out of the bathroom glaring at Graser playfully.

We both walked out the hotels front door. I was wearing a black shirt that said "Cool Shirt Day", some skinny jeans, a green, white, and black flannel that was tied around my waist, a grey Bennie, and black and white shoes.

Will was wearing a grey sweat shirt, Blue Jeans, his grey Bennie and some black converse.

We walked down the sidewalk, quiet. "I didn't think you would" I said staring at the ground. "Yeah, it was a risk" he said just looking forward. "Yeah, it was, and you couldn't cut it out could you?" I asked knowing the answer. "No, they need proof we stayed in the shower." he said still looking forward. "I guess it's okay, it was my falt" I said looking up from the side walk. "No it wasn't, it was my fault, I actually kissed you" he said glancing over at me. "It was both of our falts" I said looking back down at the pavement aka side walk. "Yeah..." was all he said taking some more small glances at me. "What do you think they will say?" I asked a little worried, I knew my fans were awesome and supported me in everything, but I don't know about this. "Well, some may ship, some may hate, some will support" he said looking in front of him. "Yeah, but we'll ignore them, right?" I said looking up at him. He looked over at me. "Yeah, ignore them" he said taking my hand. "I have a secret" he said quietly intertwining our fingers. "Me too" I said a little worried. "I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours" he smiled looking over at me. "I don't know" I said unsure. "Come on" he smiled at me. Maybe this won't be too hard. "I may have a crush on my Best Friend" I said blushing a little and looking at the ground. "Which one?" he asked. "That's the problem, I'm scared of rejection if I tell them" I said still looking down. "Why don't you tell them now? Call them" he said. I nodded and took out my phone. I stopped and put the number in. He looked a little sad. He never saw the phone number so. I put the phone up to my ear. His phone then rang and he pulled it out and look at it. He then looked up at me. I took my phone away from my ear and pressed cancel on the phone. He just stared at me. I was waiting for the rejection, but I couldn't hear it, so I ran. I ran and ran. I went to the park we were at before. I sat down on the bench, my head in my hands. "Hey! Aren't you QuueenJen!?" I looked up and saw 3 girls, the girl who spoke had bleach blonde hair, she was wearing a pink crop top and Jean short shorts with grey sandals. The girl to the left has shoulder lengthdirty blooms hair and was wearing a blue sweat shirt that was Tofuudigger merch, she had skinny jeans on with black convers she also look older than the other girls. The girl to the right had dirty blond hair with little streaks of purple, she was wearing a purple shirt with the words Phionex Drop High School, and a signature on it, she was also wearing skinny jeans, and purple convers. "Yeah, that's me" I said wiping my tears. "We just watched Wills video! Stay away from him! He's mine!" she said with her hand on her hip. The girl on the right was glaring at me while the girl on the left was just looking down. "Um, you don't own him, he owns him self," I said looking up at them. "I warned you" she said between gritted teeth. "What are you going to do? Your a 13 year old. I can call the cops on you for harassing me" I said standing up, I may not be in the best mood but people can't talk to me like that. "Whatever. Just watch your back" she said then walked away with the girl to the right leaving the one on the left. She sat down next to me. I put my head back in my hands. She side hugged me. I looked up at her. "Tofuudigger?" I asked smiling a little. She nodded and smiled. She wasn't like the other two. "Are you friends with them?" I asked. "No, one of them is my baby sister, I have to watch her, but you seem to need someone." she said looking at me. I smiled. "Thank you. You just made my day a bit better." I smiled at her. "It no problem. Do you want to talk about why you were here in the first place?" she asked sweetly as I looked onfront of me seeing Will in the distance talking to the girls but was looking around for me. "I guess, but can we go some where else?" I asked quickly looking at her. "Yeah, let's go." she stood up and I did too. We walked Wills was. I just hid myself on the other side of the girl. Will looked at us. We made eye contact. "Jen, please" he said and stopped me by grabbing my hands. I just looked down facing him. I pulled my hands from him and backed up. "I'll be back later, I'm scared" I said a walked away with the girl who's name I would soon know was Jennifer, too.

We sat in a new park eating ice cream. I had told Jennifer what happen between me and Will. She was probably one of the only fans that would understand. She helped me bring my mood up. We said jokes and played around being our kid self's. I learned she was 18 and knew Nathan but didn't tell anyone, she also had a YouTube channel with about 99,978 subscribers. I tweeted out her channel and told people to subscribe.

@/JenTweetzz: YO! Go subscrible to my new friend that helped me! She's almost to 100,000 guys! (Selfie of Me and Jennifer)

Her phone then blew up, she then attracted me with hugs. I laughed as we watched the counter of Subs go up. "100k!" I yelled happy as we jumped up and down. "It's not stopping. It's almost to 170,000!" she said super happy! We hugged each other as we cheered. I then got a call from Straub. "Hello?" I asked confused
"Please go back to the hotel"
"They want you"
"I'm with someone, I can't just leave"
"Come on, your Best Friend needs you"
"I don't think he is my Best Friend, I messed things up, Straub. I fucked up."
"Jen, please. He need you"
"You can go, Jen, it's okay" Jennifer said with a smiled. "Thank you" I smiled
"Straub, I'm going now" I said then hung up. Me and Jennifer exchanged numbers and Skype names. I then left. I quickly walked to the hotel, my thoughts racing. What if he's hurt. He might be dead, because of you. No! Jen stop! He's not dead! I walked into the hotel and ran up the stairs. When I got to the room I opened the door to find rose pettles scattered on the floor. I walked a little in. Then there was a heart, with a little paper in it. I opened it. I read it.

Dear Jen,
I never got to say my secret. And I know your scared for rejection, but that was what I was afraid of, but now I know. I'm not going to tell it to you just yet, come and find me, you'll find another clue at the place that was like the place we first met at 16.

~Your Love
William ♥

I then got a text.

Kiing William, Best Friend, Secret Agent Kiilliam, Awesomnessest Worlds Kiing: It's a local one.

I smiled. He was trying to get me back.

Will's POV

I texted her. She must've found the note by now.

Me: It's a local one

Quueen Jennifer, Best Friend, Secret Agent Quueenifer, Awesomnessest World's Quueen: Okay...? Starbucks here I come. You better be there, I hate walking to lots of places.

I laughed a little. This is why I love her, she's funny, she's careing, smart, lazy sometimes, plays Minecraft, into video games, beautiful, amazing. I just hope this doesn't go wrong. I was scared for rejection, but I knew it wouldn't happen. She loved me back. I was at the beach, our favorite place to be when we're together. I just need to not stress. Everything will be okay. It'll be okay, she won't reject you, hopefully.

Word's 2617

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