Chapter 3

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Aecha's text went on: Is there any possibility you could spare a few minutes sometime this afternoon for a video call? I know you must be super busy, but is there any way?

I glanced at the time on my phone. Chile's time was 12 hours behind Korea, so I had the rest of the night to make it.

I gave the table a glance. Video calls weren't something I was a fan of either but I knew I'd feel super guilty if I ditched on him.

Turning back to the screen on my phone, I typed out a text back and sent it before I could take back my words.

Sujin: I'm out getting dinner with my brothers rn, but sure, maybe as soon as I get back to our hotel I can try.

Aecha: Let me know when you're ready, then. I'll let him borrow my phone. It's pretty important that we talk to you. I have some information you should hear preferably soon. Will you make it tonight?

Sujin: *thumbs up*

I looked up at the table and smiled as the boys confirmed the food orders for us to share.

Exhaustion was biting at my limbs and mind. The inclination to deny the offer was clawing at me, but she sounded like it was important and I wasn't eager to dismiss that either.

The boy's conversation continued around the table with laughter and energy.

"We're opening up the rehearsal to 500 people?" Taehyung asked a staff member as he held a plate of food to pass around. There were a few recording our dinner for their newest documentary to come out in the next year or so. I was well aware that anything I said or did during our meal might be watched by thousands of fans at some point.

It was just another thing to get used to.

"To 500," the staff confirmed. "We're going to draw for winners among those who bought the best seats."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "That's hardly fair. If those fans already have the best seats, why should they also get to see the soundcheck?" I mumbled the last part under my breath. Jungkook looked up from his phone and at me, but only for a second. No one else heard me.

"What will we rehearse?" Namjoon asked.

"Let's do a group song," suggested Jungkook.

"Well," Hoseok added, "We have to do Not Today... 'Stigma', 'Lie', and 'Begin'. Done." The boys laughed. "What does the maknae have to say about that?" he asked.

"We'll do 'Reflection', 'Awake', and 'MAMA' in Brazil," Jimin said.

"Yeah? Then we'll only do 'Lie' in the U.S." At the comment, even the staff were going into a chorus of laughter. I didn't get it. They were putting the solos out of place and into positions?

Remembering Yoongi had excused himself from the table to work, Jimin asked, "A song of the person who's not here. Suga. What's his song?"

"First Love."

"I think MAMA is the most exciting," Jimin added.

"Oh, really?" Jungkook asked, standing up from the table. "Play it, play it hyung," he said, pointing to Hoseok.

"Ah," the elder nodded, pulling up his phone.

"Jungkooook," I whined, seeing him about to imitate Hoseok's dance to the song. Hobi was already laughing.

"Hey mama," the song played, and Jungkook broke into the choreographed moves with a dramatic flair, making fun of the way Hoseok did the dance. "Ijen naege gidaedo eonjena yeopae, hey mama, algae ahgimeobsi jousyoetgiye beotimmok-ieottgiye, hey mama..." Luckily, all of the boys were laughing, and Jin's windshield-wiper laugh was on full power.

After the first chorus and we'd all had a good laugh, Hoseok turned on Lie.

"Oh. Oh no," I said to him, glancing at Jungkook. "Don't make him do Lie too-"

My wish wasn't heard as Jungkook hopped up and started the dance from the first few beats. "Naege malhae..." As the intro to the song played, he dramatically waved his body as he stood up from the crouch, and right on time, he did the body roll and popped his hand above his head, imitating Jimin's dance exactly. "Neowhi dalkomhan misoro naege.... Naege malhae, soksa kideuk nae gwitgae malhae... Don't be like a prey, smooth like a snake..." It was as if he knew the original dance himself, other than the fact he was making it look funny. After he did the intro moves the boys were all laughing again. I couldn't help but join in. It only got louder when he did the torso pops.

My eyes searched around the table. It was so good to see all the boys laughing their hearts out, and for real. There was a camera at the end of the table, but no one minded. It was a nice moment of peace from the craziness of travelling and an escape from the reminders that told us we had the big concerts coming up in the next few days.

We were escorted back out of the restaurant with security staff when we were done with the meal, and I wasn't even surprised to see the fans there, just as many as were there when we came to the restaurant. Had they really waited outside the whole time we ate?

They stood back, obeying the guard's arms that warned them not to step any closer to us or our walkway. We had a clear shot to the vehicle, but the eyes were heavy on us. So were the screams, and the calls of each member's names as they came into view and then left into the white van.

During the car ride back Namjoon talked excitedly about all the scenes he hoped to visit while we were here. The Gran Torre Santiago, the mountains, a few museums we passed. He'd said he'd kill to go out super early in the morning to avoid fans and explore the outdoor scenes during sunrise, though he admitted it'd probably be alone since no one else would want to get up super early in the morning when they didn't have to.

As we were in the elevator heading to our floors, a voice behind me said, "What is it, Sujin?"

I looked up at Hoseok, and wondered if he had seen the messages on my phone. When I checked the phone that was sitting on my hand, I saw the screen had shut off. That wasn't it.

"What do you mean?"

"You look... distressed. Are you feeling okay?"

I hoped a nod would suffice. "I'm tired."

"Ah, that's understandable. Are you going to go get some rest in your room when you get back?"

"Maybe," I shrugged. "I don't know." My tone was slightly on edge as I spoke to him. I was just frustrated and annoyed at that point with everything. Suho seemed like the only person that wouldn't exhaust me to talk to, but I didn't know if I'd have time for a conversation with him if I talked to Aecha. "Goodnight Hoseok."

My pace quickened as I left the elevator and started down the hall, reading the numbers as they passed and I got closer to my room. Catching the glance of one of my brothers was the last thing I wanted at the moment.

I took a deep breath as soon as I entered my room and let the heavy door slowly click shut behind me. I regretted my mood change towards Hoseok, but I couldn't deal with it at the moment. Petty, I knew.

My shoes slid off at the door and I dropped my purse, hat, and sunglasses on the bedside table before flopping onto my bed. My phone laid on my stomach, face up, looking back at me for a moment. I tried to hold a staring contest with it for a few moments, and then threw it to the side of me and sat up.

"Darn it."

I turned on the camera on my phone to check my reflection. Lately, I'd been able to put more light into my eyes, especially after the events from the October of last year. Sadly, there was no evidence of improvement tonight. It faded behind drooping eyes with bags underneath, frizzy hair that stuck up in random places, and a face of excess oil in certain areas.

After an attempt to smooth down my hair and rub my eyes wider, I decided it was just Aecha and Chinhae, my old family. I wished they wouldn't be too concerned if they noticed my fatigue. I wanted to show them that I was doing better.

A shaky breath turned into a sigh as I pulled up my messages and looked at the button that allowed me to FaceTime the contact. Part of me wished she wouldn't pick up and I'd be excused for the night, but I pressed it, letting it ring as my camera showed the image of me selfie-style. After about ten rings my screen resized into a small rectangle at the bottom and the top half turned into the familiar yellow lighting and white walls of my childhood home. Only the top of Aecha's hair was showing as she shuffled around.

"Sujin!! It's so nice to see you! Oh my, how are you doing?"

I put on a smile and offered her a lighthearted laugh. "I'm doing great! How are you?" I could taste the lie swimming on my tongue. It was terrible.

"Good, good, let me find Chinhae. He'll be so happy you called."

I nodded at her and listened, noticing the various sounds around her I could hear through the phone's speaker. There were other children walking around, opening doors and conversing amongst themselves.

Aecha's voice was muffled as she talked to someone which resulted in pounding feet that came towards the phone.

"Sujin!" His voice came out in a bright burst, and I couldn't help but laugh when I heard it. The sound brought energy into me.

"Hey Chinhae, Aecha said you had some news for me?"

The boy took the phone in his hands as I watched the ceiling, recognizing him take it downstairs with Aecha following.

"Mm hm! One second Sujinnie, I'm going to the couch."

"Alright," I laughed, waiting as he got settled and Aecha took a seat next to him. I smiled, remembering the fond memory of the day the boys took me home. I could see them all gathered on the same couch, crowding together. I remembered wishing they'd take Chinhae home and all the first impressions I had about them.

"Okay, okay, Sujin you know how you have a home now? And you're with those cool boys?"

I nodded, smiling a little. There was a feeling growing in my mind that I knew where this was going, and while I wanted to be hopeful, I didn't want it to be false. "Yeah?"

"Someone said they would consider taking me home! And he is an artist too! Like me! And guess what!"

My mouth gaped open. He wasn't going home yet, but he had a chance.

I didn't get to reply to his first announcement before he was going again, flinging a piece of paper in front of the camera.

"He gave me his favorite piece of art!" Chinhae's voice echoed through the phone as his picture passed the camera in a blur.

"She can't see it," Aecha chuckled, taking his small hands in hers and holding the picture more steadily for me to see. It was a scene of Seoul at night from a rooftop, displaying the bright city lights and tall surrounding buildings.

"Wow, they gave that to you Chinhae? That's nice, you're such a lucky boy! And I hope maybe they'll take you home."

He brought the paper down and inspected it himself.

"Aecha, who's in the family?" I asked

"The couple includes a step-mom, but she's been married to the husband for fourteen years. The father had a girl with his first wife, she's nineteen and just moved out. But with the current mom in the household, they had a fourteen year old girl and a seven year old boy! I think it's perfect for Chinhae, and he and the youngest boy get along really well from what I've seen so far."

"Aw," I cooed, "that's... just perfect. That's what he needs."

"Yeah," Aecha agreed. "I know it's exciting news, but Sujin, I think I have something you'll want to hear."

"Oh," I straightened up from my seat on the bed, "yeah you mentioned that. I'm curious now."

"Right," she let out a small puff of air, "You had your birthday a few months ago, right?"

"Yeah," I nodded, "December third." It had been the day before Jin's. As I thought about it, my mind went back to the memory. That morning, I woke up extra excited that it was my day. I knew the boys would make it special, but besides that, I belonged. I was more important here than I had been at the home, and I had a family.

I hadn't gotten to sleep very easily, so that night at around three in the morning I found my way to Taehyung's room. My inclination had first been to head to Kook's, but I didn't end up heading to his room. I knew he was exhausted from the day before because of a rougher schedule not only that day, but the whole week. Luckily, I knew I wasn't the only one looking forward to my birthday, since it was a Saturday and the boys managed to get the day off.

"I don't remember the last time I was this excited about my birthday," I told my brother as I wrapped myself in the blanket I'd brought from my room and laid down next to him. "It sounds kinda sad, and don't worry, it isn't supposed to be. It's just definitely a new feeling and it's making it even more exciting."

"Did Aecha do anything for you at the orphanage?"

I nodded as much as I could. "She tried, but with about twenty-five kids under one roof it's hard to do much. I don't even blame her." I thought for a moment. "It was like that for a lot of things, honestly. That's just how it worked. Since I've come to live with you, it's easier for me as well, because I can know how it feels to be able to love a few people more than you could ever love twenty-five. Seven is a fraction of that."

He laughed. "You're right. But... I hope you like being loved more too."

A small giggle rang from my voice as he placed an arm around me. "We're, for absolute sure, going to make tomorrow the best day of your life."

"Oh," I said, raising an eyebrow, "you plan to top the day you adopted me?"

A smirk spread across his face. "Of course, Sujin. As your brothers, we're going to spoil you."

"That's gonna be a challenge."

"One we're totally up for. I promise."

"I trust you, Taehyungie."

"Good." He smiled before it faltered lightly. "I'm glad you trust us, but I'm sorry."


"Being an idol."

"Ha," I laughed, "you're sorry for being an idol."

"Dude, a lot of things suck because of it. You saying you trust me... it just reminded me of how often we feel obligated to do really, really great for our fans because of what they do for us and such."

I thought for a moment. "Well you don't have to feel obligated to me, I'm family and I stay no matter what. If anything, it'd be the other way around. You adopted me. It'd be up to you to give me back."

"We wouldn't ever give you back."

"I know that, Taehyungie."


"And you should know that I won't ever expect something from you, because I am family. Not like the fans." I thought for a second. "I don't even think they do, either."

"It's just that feeling you get. Think about it this way... If you have 250 followers on Instagram, how many actually see your stories?"

I shrugged. That was my average following for a while when I first came to be with the boys. "Uh, like 60 at most."

"Right, and how many likes did you get on a post."

"Never more than 50."

"Exactly. Out of 250 people that claim to be your friends, only about 50 of them care enough to be actively friends with you. Maybe the others don't even consider themselves your friend. They just... 'know' you, or know of you."


He laughed, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. My point was, we might have a lot of fans but it always feels like you can't trust the number. If 50 out of 250 are strong fans, how many out of the thousands are real fans of us? Only a fraction of them might be, we just don't know. I bet most of our followers or fans just follow us because they know of us. Or cuz we're just a kpop group. Or maybe they've heard like, three of our songs and liked them, but they don't even 'stan' us. Don't you think about that?"

I thought for a moment. "I didn't really, no. But you've seen the proof in other ways, haven't you? The screaming fans at your concerts that only get bigger and the venues that size up every year. And the crowd that meets us at the airports. I mean, people who just know of BTS don't spend money for a concert ticket or travel to an airport just to get a glimpse of you."

"Those are the fans we can count for sure. But really, we can't always feel good about counting more than that."

"I see what you're saying, that's fair." I laid back on the bed. "But what you have is enough, right?"

My brother nodded, pulling the covers up around him more and settling in. "It's enough. If we can lessen the pain of our fans in any way, from 100 even to a 99, it's enough."

"Well then, Taehyung, you've done more than enough for me."

Hope you enjoyed!

Kai wonders what you guys think will happen in the next chapter! Please leave a comment if you don't mind sharing your thoughts! Kai also wants to recognize that there was no Subo in this chapter :( Sad times :( and yes, I mean Subo. Suho Subo. Tomato Toemahto. :)

Also, two steps forward!! BTS still won a Grammy in my heart. They deserved it but we will keep moving forwards! Let's stay by their side and help them keep moving!

Please stay safe, healthy, and happy! See you all next week!


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