#1 Raeda

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Eda and Raine woke up cuddled up next to each other.

It had been 5 years since they had first fell in love, and even though a lot had changed, the two of them still felt the same way about each other.

"Morning, love," Raine whispered softly, smiling at Eda.

"Morning, sweetie," she said, nuzzling themselves into Raine's chest.

"Sleep well?"

"Like a baby," Eda beamed, "What about you?"

"Great!" Raine exclaimed

Eda and Raine's daily morning routine was one that they were practically used to by now.

There were things they always did at the same time, no matter the day.

They always started out by cuddling for just a little longer than they had to, just to make sure their day started off perfectly.

After that, they would get out of bed, and both would get dressed and brush their teeth at the same time.

Eda was already cooking breakfast when Raine came down.

"Smells good," Raine said, walking into the kitchen, "I take it we're having eggs, bacon, and toast for the fifth time this week?"

"Mmm, how'd you guess?" Eda laughed, putting their arms around Raine's waist, "It's kinda just a tradition now."

Raine smiled, leaning in close to Eda and kissing them on the lips, "Well, as long as we both still enjoy it, that's what matters. I love you,"

"I love you too," Eda said, smiling.

They would then spend the rest of their morning together, talking and joking like they always did before they went off to work.

They made sure to say good bye, telling the other that they loved them.

Eda made sure to give Raine an extra long kiss before heading out the door; she knew that she was going to be stuck in a boring meeting with her boss for the next three hours, and she wanted to make sure that, even though their time together was cut short, that they would still have a wonderful day.

After breakfast, the two of them headed out.

They worked at separate places, and since they weren't sharing a schedule, they had to make a habit of having some time to themselves.

Raine walked through the library, checking to make sure that every book was in order, while Eda sat behind her desk, making sure her shop was running smoothly, and that everything was in order.

Eda, of course, took the opportunity to make some of her usual business deals, while Raine got the chance to look over some books that she had been planning on reading later.

After walking through the library and checking up on all the books, (and maybe skimming over one or two herself), Raine headed over to the archives to check on the history section.

"Oh hey, Raine," Willow said as she passed them. "Come to check on the archives?"

Raine nodded, "Yeah, just taking a peek. Making sure everything is in order,"

They both smiled at each other and said the other's name as a greeting before Raine headed off into the archives

Raine was having a great time, both getting to read their favourite books and doing a job they loved. (They even got paid for it which was an unexpected bonus)

As Raine continued to walk through the archives, they realised that the sun was setting, meaning that they would have to head home soon. Even better was the fact that Eda got done with her meeting earlier than expected, so it would be less of a wait.

Raine began to head for the exit, eager to see the love of their life again.

Raine made it home safely, and, as usual, Eda was waiting for them at the door.

Eda gave them a big smile, "Hi, cutie. How was your day?"

Raine smiled, running through the door, "Fantastic! Honestly, I should be the one asking you that."

They gave Eda a kiss on the cheek and walked into the house.

Eda followed close behind Raine.

The two of them made it to wherever their living room was, and Raine kicked their shoes off, before falling down onto the couch with a tired sigh.

Eda also sat on the couch, resting her head in Raine's lap, "Are you tired, sweetheart?"

Raine smiled, "Yeah... The job is a lot more tiring than I expected. But all of it is worth it if it means I get to spend the night with you."

They sighed as they leaned back on the couch, staring at the ceiling, the glow from the setting sun casting a gentle light across their face.

"I love you, Eda," Raine said, turning their head up slightly, "You mean everything to me, and I can't imagine living without you."

They spent a moment in silence before Raine continued, "How was your day, love?"

Eda smiled softly, "Better than it could have been... All thanks to you."

They leaned forward and kissed Raine on the cheek, "You're perfect, and I love you to the moon and back."

It was a silent, comfortable moment.

Eda was the first to break the silence, speaking up again, "I love you. More than I could ever begin to describe."

What they said was true; they loved Raine more than they had thought was possible; more than either of them had thought was possible. And if there was one thing they knew, it was that, if Eda had to choose between Raine and everything else in their life, they would chose Raine. And it would be the easiest choice they would ever make.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Eda looked into Raine's eyes, "Is something wrong? You seem a little out of it," She didn't want to ask, for fear that asking would make Raine upset, but if she didn't say anything then and there, then that would be just as bad, if not worse.

(By 'Out of it' I mean like not in a normal state of mind)

"Raine, please, tell me whats wrong. We need to talk about this."

Eda was starting to panic now. She didn't know what to do, and she was starting to get scared. She would do anything for Raine, and if something was wrong, she wanted to fix it immediately.

They sat there for a few moments, before trying again, "Please, Raine-" Eda looked back into their eyes, "Tell me what's wrong; I won't judge, I just need to know."

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" Eda asked gently.

There was worry in her eyes, the last thing she wanted was to make her partner uncomfortable, so if there was anything that she could do, she would do it instantly, if it meant that they could be happy again.

Eda didn't want to force Raine to say anything they didn't want to. She knew that Raine would tell her when they were ready, but the worry in her eyes had only grown stronger.

Even so, she tried her best to just let them be, while also making sure that Raine knew that she would be there if they needed anything.

"I love you, and I mean it," she said softly, "Just know that I'll always be there for you. No matter what."

Eda paused, "We could just sit and cuddle if you'd rather," she suggested gently, "Or we could go and watch a movie if you feel like it. Even if you don't say anything, know that I'll never be mad at you, and that, no matter what, I still love you more than anything."

Eda smiled, hoping that their words would help..

"If you need to be alone, I'll stay out of your hair, and be here if you need something later, okay?"

Eda really hoped that what they were saying was making things better, and that it really did show that, no matter what, they thought that nothing could possibly come between them and Raine

Eda stood up and kissed Raine on the forehead, "Let me know if you need me for anything, okay?"

Before they could say anything else, they walked into the hallway, giving Raine as much space as they needed as they left the room.

(Wow ✨1364 words✨ well I hope y'all enjoyed my writing cause I had no idea what I was doing and my brain now hurts(ಡ‸ಡ) so bye)

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