IWTFYBIC (Updates!!)

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I know it's been a while since that fic has been updated. But, trust me, I've gotten back to working on it. I'm also trying to improve the quality, as the first two chapters are.. lacking. That doesn't mean I'll be going back to fix those two, no, but I'm trying to make future ones better. 


No one was moving, matching the robots. Nothing was happening at all. The guns still pointed at the other 15 students, everyone was still panicking, the likeness.

But then, a loud, childish voice cut through the air. Ryoma's eye twitched in annoyance at the eardrum-bursting noise. 'Where's it coming from?' he thought to himself. Whatever it was, he wanted it to stop, and NOW.

 "Puhuhuhuhu! I am the god of this new world~!"

Ah. It was coming from the stage.

 As if everyone could read his thoughts, they all turned to the stage. Ryoma followed suit.

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