Discharged and Heading Home

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At the moment, Izuku didn't know whether to move Eri directly to the dorms or if he should bring her to his childhood home for a few days to get her acclimated to other people. If he brought her to the dorms that's 19 other people she has to meet and deal with. On top of that, he doesn't know how she will react to Tokoyami since he has the head of a crow which was the same as the masks the Eight Precepts were wearing. Hopefully he can explain it to her explaining that he is one of the strongest heroes in the class and wouldn't ever hurt her. That is option 1, now for option 2 he has his mother. Eri would most likely form a connection with Inko rather quickly. However, with how excitable his mother is, he doesn't know how the young girl can react. His best bet is to give her the choice and explain the pros and cons of both so she can decide for herself.

Giving her a choice, that would definitely be a first for her. She had always been forced to do things she never wanted, forced to be subject to those horrible experiments. This will be the first real choice she gets to make on her own fruition. Granted, she would get to make a lot more as the day goes on for what he has in mind but, this one would be the most important. As he enters back into the room, Eri quickly runs up to him and latches on to his leg with a scared expression on her face. He shushes her tears before picking her back up and bouncing her in his arms.

"It's alright, I'm right here Eri. You're ok. Nobody is gonna hurt you." He reassures her, as he does so he walks towards the hospital bed she had been sleeping in and sits in it. He lays her down across his lap as if cradling a baby as he tries to get her to calm down.

"Y-y-you w-were gone f-for too l-long. I-I got scared." The amount of fear in her made Izuku understand the fact the doctor was trying to make him realize.

The OFA user turned Eri to face his eyes while smiling. "Eri. There's something I need to do for a little while. While I'm doing this, I can't have you with me." This put fear in Eri again before seeing Izuku hold a pointer finger up. "But, I have two options for you. Both are places where you can stay with nice people that I trust completely. I don't know how you might react with both, so I want you to pick the one you think you can handle the most. Can you do that for me?"

Eri thought about it while putting her hand up in a thinking pose similar to her father before nodding. "Ok. The first choice is the school I go to. It's a live in school where a bunch of kids like me train to be heroes like the ones that helped save you. They won't hurt you and you could probably make friends with them. But there are a lot of people and one has the face of a bird. I'm worried you might have a bad experience with him because of that." The small child froze up hearing that. "Some of them might be scary looking, but they are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet."


"The second option is a home where I lived before the school with my mom. She's a really nice lady and it's a small area that might be a little more comfy for you to be in. I know for a fact she won't hurt you, but my mom might be a little too happy to see you to the point you might get scared. She does mean well, but I think she'd be a little too emotional with you. Not in a bad way of course, but I'm still scared she might scare you too much. Out of those two, which would you like to stay at for while I'm out?"

Eri thought of the options she had. On one hand, she was meeting several new people. Some might scare her, but her father said they were all nice people. On the other hand though, she had the option of going to where Izuku lived before and meeting his mother. He said that she might be scary by how emotional she'd be, but more good than bad. "C-can I s-stay with y-you and g-grandma?"

Expecting a no, Eri prepared to be scolded before being sat down and gaining a head pat. "Sure. We should be able to head out now. I finished up the last of the paperwork, so why don't we get a move on so we have a little time before I have to leave. We'll have to stop at a couple stores to get you some toys and clothes among other things too."

"I...I get m-more clothes?" This comment surprised Izuku and his teachers in the room to somewhat enrage them.

'If I ever see Overhaul again, he'll be lucky to keep the only two limbs he has left.' Izuku's somewhat dark thought was replaced with a smile. "Yes Eri. You can wear more clothes. It's actually healthy for you to change into new ones daily or you might smell stinky."

Eri didn't understand as well, but nodded before being placed on the ground while holding Izuku's hand. They went to the front desk where the doctors and nurses finished up the paperwork and gave the last bits of what they needed to give Izuku to him for them to leave. As they exited, Eri felt a little cold with the wind passing through to have Izuku take off his hoodie and put it on her. The size was very large on her so much so, her toes were barely seen from underneath the hoodie as she walked next to Izuku. The sleeves dragging along the ground behind her with Aizawa watching with a bit of a smirk on how emphasized her size was with one of Izuku's shirts on. When they reached a clothing store, Izuku was able to get something a little better for Eri to find a nice zip-up pink hoodie for her and a somewhat long checkered dress. Thanks to some help from Aizawa who determined the right size, the two were able to find a couple more clothes for her as well as a pair of sneakers and some socks to wear. They'd have to come back out for more another time since they could only grab a few, but it was far better than carrying a child in a hospital gown and an oversized sweatshirt that made her look a little like she was trying to be a ghost. Izuku was about to pay for the clothing before Aizawa passed a card to the cashier.

"Don't lose this. This card's for Eri and helping raise her. While we waited for you, I was able to get an express delivery that'll be in the dorms today for a bed, dresser, and a few other things for her. You lose this card, you better expect me to hunt you down and beat you until you find it. There's no limit but remember that this is strictly for whatever Eri may want and need, not for you to go out and buy the latest All Might crap."

"U-understood sir." Izuku squeaked this out as they left the store before going to a home supply store. There, they grabbed a toothbrush, toothpaste, kid friendly soap, shampoo and conditioner, hairbrush and a small pair of clippers for Izuku to make sure Eri was able to physically look healthier. If she was able to see herself in a healthy way, this would most likely help with her mental state and give her a somewhat more positive outlook.

Finally, they went to a small toy store where Izuku brought Eri to the toy section and asked her to pick out a toy or two for her to play with. When they walked inside, something had caught the young girl's ears. It was the sound of a music box that someone was playing with in the corner of the store. It's gentle chimes entranced the young girl as she stared at it. Izuku and the adults pay no mind to the music and go about searching for things to give her. When they entered the toy aisle the option to get a toy was immediately turned down when she spotted a crow plush toy and started squirming in his arms trying to get away from it. They walked a bit away before Eri noticed a small green rabbit plushie. Izuku let her down to look at it before seeing her watch it in confusion.

"Would you like it?" Izuku said, picking the small rabbit up. Eri looked up and nodded with Izuku offering it to her. "Do you like bunnies?"

"It...reminds m-me of y-you." This sent an arrow through Izuku's heart resulting in him crying tears of joy. "D-did I do something wrong!?"

"N-no Eri. I'm just happy. Tears don't always have to be from pain or from sadness. They can be from happiness as well."

"You can cry when you're happy? What is... Happy?" Just like that, Izuku had the urge to kill Overhaul, even more violently than he had originally thought of earlier. With a dark aura around him, it quickly dissipated for him to explain.

"It's when you like something a lot and you wanna smile."

"Smiling?" The dark aura came back again with the kanji for 'kill' to be around him and somewhat making a chill run down Nezu and Aizawa's spine.

"Ok. Before you scare any children, let's go....check out the rabbit for Eri." Aizawa commented for the aura to disappear again for Izuku to bring the rabbit to the register and check it out before handing it to Eri. She immediately hugged it before they continued their journey to the Midoriya residence.

At the Midoriya apartment

Standing at the door to his and his mother's home, Izuku began knocking for the sound of someone coming over to open the door. "Hello?" A small woman with dark green hair and a rather small physic looked outside to smile. "Izuku. What a pleasant surprise." The woman looked around before noticing Aizawa and Nezu. "What's wrong....DID YOU GET EXPELLED OR SOMETHING!?" She immediately panicked to make Eri hide behind Izuku.

"That's not it Mrs. Midoriya. In fact his grades currently place him in the possibility of making valedictorian in the near future. However we are here for a different reason. On the topic of the raid on the Shie Hissaikai facility two weeks ago."

"D-did my son get hurt?"

"Fortunately no. That though is thanks to this little girl right here." Nezu motioned to Eri who was hiding behind Izuku's leg. Sadly, she did it wrong and was hiding her head and arms with her body fully shown.

"Umm. Hello little one." Her voice scared Eri to immediately go behind Aizawa next as her own father was afraid of him to give the mentality he's stronger. "It's ok. I won't hurt you. My name is Inko. I'm Izuku's mother." Inko held her hand out happily to make Eri look out to her.

"Y-you're daddy's m-mama?" An audible glass shattering sound was heard as Inko's face freezes hearing what she had said. She stares at Eri contemplating what she had called her son before falling over completely stiff.

"How did I know that was going to happen? Don't worry about her Eri, she's a bit over dramatic sometimes. She'll be fine as long as she's inside." Izuku says, picking his mother up with a single hand and bringing her over to the couch. There he rests her on the recliner before motioning for Aizawa and Nezu to come in. As they waited calmly for Inko to wake up, Eri began looking around to see an old picture of Izuku when he was 4.

"Daddy. Is this you?"

"It is sweetheart. Now why don't we make a little dinner while grandma wakes up." Eri nodded for Izuku to walk inside the kitchen. "What would you like to eat, Eri?"

"Uhhh...." She couldn't understand what to eat since she'd never know what she was eating. "I....I don't know....apples?"

"We don't have those at the moment but, how about a nice reheated bowl of fried rice with some veggies and some meat inside it?" Eri nodded blankly not knowing what she would eat with Izuku finding some old leftover fried rice that his mother made a day or two ago. From what he knew of what her life was so far, Inko was hoping he'd visit the other day with Izuku sadly having to drop out due to an incident at school that needed him there.

"Wh-what w-was pretty s-sounds at the cl-clothes place?" Eri asks as Izuku is preparing fresh eggs and ham to add into the fried rice.

"The music?"

"Y-yeah. P-pretty sounds." She repeats herself.

"Oh, that. That is something called a music box, you wind it and it plays tunes. There's all kinds of music to listen to and I used to have a music box when I was little. After I feed you I'll see if I can find it ok?" He asks as he mixes in ham and eggs before heating the rice in the same pan. Eri watches from her seat on Izuku's shoulders as he flips the rice a couple times letting it heat evenly before he pours some out into two bowls, one large and one small. She continues watching as he puts in a spoon in the smaller one and a pair of wooden sticks in the other.

"W-what's that?" She questions pointing at the wooden sticks.

"Chopsticks, they're something you eat with but, I'm going to feed you with the spoon. You'll learn how to eat with these later." He responds before lifting the small child from his shoulders and onto a cushion on the floor. "Open your mouth." He says as Eri does so, he scoops a small amount of rice onto the spoon and feeds it to her. Neither noticed that Inko had unfrozen herself from her shock and is now watching the father daughter duo on the floor sitting in front of the Kotatsu. She smiles seeing her son feed Eri and watches as he cleans her face just like a father would.

"You seem to have a natural fatherly instinct don't you Izuku. Not only are you a natural born hero but an excellent father as well." Inko says alerting Eri who turns around startled for a moment.

"She's not going to hurt you Eri, relax. Just finish your food. Mom? Can you find the old music box I used to fall asleep to when I was her age? She heard a music box earlier today and she wanted to hear more."

"Of course, I still have all your baby stuff. Even your All Might PJ's too so she can change into that when you're done. It is starting to get late. When did you leave the hospital?" Inko asks as she gets up from the couch and walks over to the hall closet.

"Just after 2 in the afternoon but we spent a lot of time shopping for her clothes so this is her dinner right now."

"Well it's 8 now so it's quite late for her. What time have you set for her to go to bed?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. I still need to give her a bath as well."He responds as Inko comes over with a small wooden box and a little brass crank on the outside.

"Eri? Do you see the little crank? You're going to turn it like this." Inko says as she rotates the crank counter clockwise causing a ticking sound to occur on the inside.

"What's it doing?" She questions as Izuku gives her another bite of fried rice.

"It's winding up. The ticking is the gears in it. Each tick is an amount of time it will run for." Inko explains before she stops and let's go of the crank.

A moment later a different set of clicks begin to happen before it chimes. Eri perks her head up and stares at the box intently as it chimes it's song. The song was a classical piece by a famous composer. The Bringer of Jollity, Jupiter, by Gustav Holst, fitting it would be played for the girl that needed the most joy in the world.


Hearing it seemed to soothe Eri because she looked far more content than before. So much so that she began to doze off where she was sitting. Fortunately she was done with her meal as the musical tone put her in a deep sleep. "Guess she was very tired."

"I don't blame her. She had quite the little day for her."

"Your teachers told me before they left. They also said that the meeting you have to have will be tomorrow at 6 in the morning at UA."

Izuku let out a sigh knowing that this would mean he would need to get Eri up fairly early. "Mom. Can you help me clean her up so Eri's able to go to sleep?"

"Sure sweetie." As Inko held the unconscious Eri and sat the music box on the sink still chiming, Izuku explained everything that's happened to lead up to Eri being in their apartment right now for his mother. Hearing the fact the Hassaikai were so vile to a small child and the fact her own mother was so willing to call her a cursed child hurt Inko deeply. But she could only imagine the damage done on the small child who from what she could gather, wasn't so knowledgeable of the world around them. When the bath was ready, Inko placed Eri in it and started washing her off. During this, Izuku went to find a towel for her and found a rather fluffy purple one. He also found his old pjs that his mother mentioned to have Eri dressed and ready for bed.

Since there wasn't a bed for Eri, Izuku let her sleep on his chest in his room that night. He laid his arms around her and began falling to sleep seeing the somewhat at peace face on his daughter. 'Goodnight Eri. I hope you have pleasant dreams.'

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