Dirty Dealings

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Sean: What floor do you want to live on?"
Ish: Huh?
Sean: What floor dork!
Ish: 3rd goober!
Sean: Okay!

She knew he was up to something but it would have to wait until she landed.

Pulling up a map of where Sean lived, she searched for stores and found that a Costco was nearby. Ishmael was glad she hadn't canceled her Costco membership. It was the one thing she had forgotten to do. Now she had a definite game plan.  Find a place to live, Got to Ikea for needed housewares and containers for food storage. Then to Costco for a 3 month supply of food. Maybe; and this is a huge maybe, go shopping for a few more clothes for work. Before the first meal was served, she decided to research the company more. While doing so, she came across a picture of her new boss, Seo Kang-joon. She couldn't believe it, he looked like a K-pop star. She saved the picture and texted it to Sean.

Ish: Is this my boss!!!!???

Sean: Yup!! Sexy huh?

Ish: Uhhh yeah!! I can't wait to see you!!
Sean: Me either!

Back to doing her research, she learned the company was slated to to take over the cyber security of a financial firm. That definitely needed some looking into. She searched for the company, everything that she found on them she quickly digested. One article in particular caught her attention. It was dated 2 years ago and detailed that several loans and other financial dealings had tanked, and how established contracts had gone unpaid. Looking into the failures and company further, businesses that had contracted with them since they re-established themselves, had either gone bankrupt or out of business. The whole company looked like a sham. Finding out who the owners were, she activated her VPN and IP scrambler.  Another quick search into the deep web and it was indeed a sham. They targeted fresh new startups with the pretense of contracting with them for various services. Once they had obtained deposit information to send their payments to, the accounts were hacked and drained.  None of it traceable.

Ishmael saved all the information and quickly disconnected before any kind of trace or cookie could be set on her laptop. She wasn't top of her field for nothing. Armed with the information collected, she couldn't wait to talk to her future boss to stop the potential deal.

As her meal arrived she tore into it and tasted it, everything was just as she expected it to be, bland airplane food. She called the stewardess over to see if it was okay to use her cell phone and it was. Ishmael reached into her pack and took out an old burner phone that she used when she needed to talk to Sean about 'top secret' stuff. She texted him on her regular phone to let him know she was calling in about 2 minutes on his secret phone.

Sean: I'm trying to work!

She didn't care. Turning the phone on she called.  She decided to speak to him in Chinese as she didn't want others knowing what they were talking about.  Luckily business class was filled with mostly western passengers.

"Sean ge! Tell me about the deal with ChangTech!"

"How do you know about that?"

"You said I had the job didn't you?"

"Well yeah, but you're not officially hired yet dork!"

"But you are!  Now answer the question."

"I don't know much about it, but the boss is meeting with them in about an hour."

"Oh shit!! Quick! Go get him and bring him to your desk!"

"What!! I can't do that!"

"You have to or you wont have a job if he makes that deal!!"

"Don't you screw this up xiao mei mei!"

Sean left to find Seo.  He was in his office along with his 'assistant'.  Knocking, Sean's palms started to sweat. He was still on the phone with Ishmael but had her muted.

"Come in."

"Excuse me Sir, but there's some important news about the ChangTech acquisition that you should know about."

"Oh really? Was that part of your duties Sean?"

"No it wasn't but...Please sir."

"Okay, show me what you got and it better be good ." Seo got up to follow him to his desk. Sean was sweating bullets, if Ishmael screwed this up he was going to kill her. Sister or no sister. Reaching his desk, Sean put her on speaker.

"Okay, he's here and your on speaker phone." Sean spoke to her in english.

"Thank you for you time Mr. Seo. Sean, open your email. Everything you need to see is there. You see Mr. Seo, ChangTech is a sham business, it's a front it obtain confidential, financial data from young, successful startups. Once that information is obtained, the businesses are hacked." Ishmael waited for them to go over the information she had sent in the email detailing all of this.

"Please continue..." Seo was not genuinely interested in the new discovery.

"Two years ago ChangTech, for some unknown reason, defaulted on various loans and numerous contracts went unpaid. A year after that they miraculously re-established themselves. The third email details the owners. The ones on the left are the fake owners who you are probably meeting with, the ones on the right, are the real owners."

A few more minutes of silence then Seo spoke again. "Who are you again?"

"Ishmael Turner, I have a welcoming interview with Mr. Hideki tomorrow."

"Ohhhh, you're the new employee. Wait...Ishmael? You're a woman!?"


Now Sean was really getting nervous.

"I see. Well thank you Ms. Turner. I look forward to talking to you once you arrive. I will touch base with Mr. Hideki. Thank you again, Good day." Seo turned his attention to Sean. "My office when you're done with the call Mr. Meng."

"Yes sir."

Ishmael could hear Seo walking away.

"Sean? Sean ge?!"

"Goddamnit Ish!! He looks pissed as fuck!!"

"Well...He can be pissed at me tomorrow, I'll take the heat for all of this. But seriously! If he would have agreed to that contract ALL of you would be screwed!"

"I'll talk later, I need to see what he wants. I'll call when I'm off."

Sean hung up abruptly. Ishmael turned off the burner phone and took the battery out of it. She really hoped things would be fine with Sean concerning Seo.

As Sean made his way to Seo's office, he had dismissed his assistant and was doing his own research on the deep web. Ishmael was right. The real owners of ChangTech turned out to be two underworld bosses that had switched from drugs to cyber theft.   After what he had found out, he contacted Hideki to send him a copy of Ishmael's resume ASAP.

Sean was once again knocking on his door.

"Come in."

"You wanted to see me Sir."

"Have a seat."

Sean noticed he was looking over something on the computer with a great deal of focus. Once he sat down, Seo never took his eyes off the screen.

"Tell me about this Ishmael Turner."

"She's the best in this field and pretty much my sister."

"Go on." Seo still remained focused on the computer.

"I thought she would be an excellent asset for the company so I told her of the Analyst position and she applied for it. Cyber research is just one of her specialties."

"So I see from her resume. She's the first female to be hired on as a tech with this firm. Can she hold her own?"

"Oh yeah! That's why I suggested the position to her."

"I see, did you tell her about the ChangTech deal?"

"No sir, she found that out on her own.  Like I said, research is her specialty."

Seo sat up, finally looking away from the screen and focusing on Sean.

"Thank You Sean. She probably just saved our asses because I was going to push hard to get that deal. I've had Mi-Sun cancel the meeting. When Ms. Turner gets here tomorrow, I'll take over the interview."

"Understood sir."

"That's all for now."

"Yes sir."

Sean got up to leave when Seo stopped him.

"Take the rest of the day off! Make sure she's rested for her interview tomorrow."

"Yes sir."

Sean quickly walked to his desk. It was all he could do to not start jumping around like an idiot. 

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