Meeting the Thompson's

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They were done with the conversion at Miura's and were wrapping things up. Seo messaged Ishmael but didn't get a reply, he would wait a few minutes and messaged her again. Seo went to inform Miura himself that the work was done and made sure he had their contact number if he or his team had any questions. The installation came with the standard three month support package. Contract signed and money deposited, the guys from YoyoDyne departed. Before getting to the car, Seo called instead of messaging her, still no answer.  While the guys loaded their gear in the back of Sean's car, Seo found Sean and Haru.

"Hey guys, have you heard from Ishmael?"

"Just when she let us know she was home, why?"

"She's not responding."

Sean called her and he too didn't get a response. He wasn't that worried about it. "She's probably resting."

"Then she should answer." Haru was being a protective mother hen now.

"Look guys, Ishmael can take care of herself. Trust me."

"Just because she's at home doesn't mean she's safe." Haru was at it again and started to annoy Sean even more than Seo with his over protectiveness.

"Alright you two worry warts. Ishmael has a black belt in Tae kwon do and she trained in a couple more martial arts. She's just fine and probably asleep since she got up at like 5 am to cook us all treats!"

Seo and Haru let it go and got in to head to the office. Getting back, it was going on 5pm, later than any of them had planned to be gone. They took everything up to the office and dropped it off. They would deal with it Wednesday. Seo left the coffee stuff with Sean and told him to bring it out to the retreat house tomorrow.

Before leaving, Seo asked Sean to let him know that she was okay. He promised he would as soon as they got home. Driving home the guys were tired and hungry. If Ishmael was asleep, she wouldn't feel like waking up to cook dinner, plus she was going to be cooking a lot for the next two days. Haru suggested they get ramen to go and Ishmael some nuggets and fries. Nuggets and Moss burgers seemed to be the only meat she would eat.

Pulling up, the house was quiet and they saw that she had at least turned the entry light on for them. Walking inside, all they heard was the tv going. Sean sat the boxes in the kitchen while Haru went to check if she was in the living room and she was, fast asleep.

"Little sis!"


"Go to bed."

"I'm not sleeping, just resting my eyes."

"You are totally asleep, sis." Sean was now part of disturbing what was her peaceful peacefulness. Slowly she sat up, Sean was eating a chocolate chip cookie. Now she was wide awake.

"Stay out of those cookies!! They're for the retreat!"

"I'm gonna get me one!" Haru ran to the kitchen.

"You two are such brats."

"Oh my god this is delicious! Seo is sooooo marrying you if he eats one of these!"

"Y'all are a hot mess. Stay outta the damn cookies!" Ishmael got up to the kitchen after smelling that the guys had brought food home.  They all sat at the table to eat and chat about how the work at Muira's went.  Soon she headed upstairs. "I'm going to go pack, shower then I'm going to bed. Night cookie brats!"

"Night sis."

"Night little sis."

Sean called Seo as soon as she got upstairs.


"Ishmael is fine Seo, she was dead asleep. She came home and baked a shit ton of cookies. Probably wore her out."

"Okay, thanks man."


"Prince charming checking up on his sleeping beauty?"

"Yeah...I still can't believe he's fallen for her. I'm glad, but still can't believe it."

"Neither can anyone else."

The two sat and relaxed and even played a few rounds of mario cart before calling it a night.


As usual, Ishmael was the first one up. Seeing how she was going to be away from home, she wanted to make sure their go bags were well stocked. She put an extra bottle of water and a gatorade inside each one along with a food bag that contained extra instant noodles, snack bars and meat sticks. Haru had picked up some army MRE heater pouches so she put two in each pack. Now the packs were full.

She checked the weather again and saw a slight chance of rain on Wednesday so she looked for her raincoat and shoved in it hers. Ishmael would tell the guys to do the same. Since they all camped they should have rain gear.

Ishmael also made sure she had her small travel battery pack and chargers. All that together, she showered and got dressed. Coming out of her room, the guys were downstairs. She didn't even have to look, to know what they were doing.

"Get out of the cookies!"


"There's no way you could know that, you're not even in the kitchen!"

"I don't have to be!" She joined them at the table. "You two are so going to love their house. It's so nice and quiet out there."

"Nice!, but it kinda sucks that you have to spend so much time cooking little sis."

"I don't mind, I love to cook! And why are you so worried about it? You're the one that voluntold me!"

"So Seo is going to 'meet' Moms and Pops today huh?" Sean quickly changed the subject.

"Yeah, I'll facetime them once we get settled. Oh I packed extra in our go bags just in case. Water, gatorade and those MRE warmer packs."


"We should get going. Have everything you need to take, little sis?"

"Mmhm, it's all by the door. You guys might want to take your raincoats, it's supposed to rain wednesday."


They made sure things were off, closed up and loaded up the car to head to the meet up point. As they pulled into the parking lot, the van was waiting. Hideki wasn't able to go so that opened up an empty spot. Min saw Ishmael and rushed her with another hug. Suddenly Seo was behind her.

"Everything you need is at the house."

"Okay, thanks."

"You're sitting up front with me."

"Yes sir." Ishmael gave him a look and smirked.

Min gave her a strange look but Ishmael didn't pay her any attention. The guys loaded up everything, including the bags for Ishmael and Min. It was still early out as the sun reached it's point over the buildings.   

Min sat right behind Ishmael as they continued to chat away. They already knew they were sharing a room and that was fine with them. The ride to Seo's parents house was a nice one even though traffic was heavy.

"What are we having for lunch Ishmael?!" Josh felt he needed to stay on top of the food game.

"Chinese food."

"What's for dinner sis?"

"Soul food!!"

"Yes! Oh god I miss your fried chicken!!"  Sean was clapping away at the thought of the juicy tender goodness.

"What's soul food?"

Seong, Kim and Min and no idea what they were talking about.

"Oh man! It's soooooo good! My sister-in-law cooks it for me when I visit. What all are you cooking MelMel?"

"Fried chicken, macaroni and cheese, greens, okra...Oh! I found some fish, so that and banana pudding for dessert."

"What?! No chitlins?"

"Hell no! I'm not touching that!"

"What's chitlins?"


"What's for Tuesday?" Sean already knew what was for Tuesday, but Ishmael played it off as if she was clueless.

"Nothing special, I'll look in the fridge and garden and figure something out."

Ishmael just thought that she needed to get Seo out of the house while she got his birthday lunch together. She looked on her phone to see what was near the house and there was an Onsen not too far from it. Ishmael texted Sean and Haru.

Ishmael: Hey, I need Joon out of the house for like 3 hours tomorrow after breakfast to get his birthday lunch together. Will you talk the others into going to the onsen?
Sean: There's an onsen?!
Haru: Yeah no problem, what about Min?
Ishmael: I'll have her help me get things ready.
Sean: Time?
Ishmael; 2pm? I'll get a hold of his mom and let her know. I need you out by 11. I'm BBQ'ing and making potato salad and his birthday cakes.
Haru: Okay, we'll make it happen
Ishmael: Yay!!

Game plan together, she enjoyed the rest of the ride. Driving up to the house, everyone had the same reaction that Ishmael initially had. They were all impressed and thanked Seo for doing this for them.

Parked, Ishmael couldn't wait to show Min the awesome garden. As they got out of the van, Ishmael carried the cookies that she kept up front with her and her pack. The guys offered to carry the rest of the stuff in. Removing her shoes, Ishmael went right to the kitchen and promptly hid the cookies. She knew they would be gone by the end of the day if she left them out. Seo brought the kitchen stuff in and went to get more stuff. Ishmael set the items out and quickly got accustomed to where stuff was at.

She clapped at seeing two large steamers and set them out with bowls for the bun and bread dough. Looking in the fridge, everything she needed was there with a little sticky note with a smiley face from his mom. Ishmael went back out to help unload stuff but she was turned away.

"Come on Min-Min! You have to see the garden!" Ishmael grabbed Min's hand and the two practically ran through the house and out the back patio door. Min squealed at how big it was.

"Oh my god this is beautiful!"

"I know! We can use whatever we want! Help me get some things for lunch."


Going back inside, Seo had gathered everyone so they joined them first.   Seo went over the few house rules and let them know what was off limits. He took them upstairs after they gathered their stuff to show them their rooms. Seo had his own room of course. Ishmael and Min had the middle room and the guys all shared the first room as it was larger. Stuff put in their rooms, Ishmael and Min went back to the garden. Josh and Kim went to play hacky sac and the other guys joined them. Ishmael and Min picked some peppers, bok choy, onions and spinach. Min offered to help her cook so she wasn't having to do it all by herself. Ishmael was grateful.

Getting two plates out of the cabinet, Ishmael plated up a small portion of both kinds of cookies.

"Min will you put these on the table?"

"You made cookies!!"

"Oh yes! I hope there's enough to munch on both days!"

"Wooooo!!" Min got one of each, then put the plates on the dining table.

Ishmael had Min chop the peppers, onions and spinach while she mixed the dough together. Pork buns, seasoned green beans, beef and peppers, yu xiang ji si (shredded chicken in hot garlic sauce), and steamed buns. The beef was already in the size needed so she mixed up a quick marinade and set the beef in the fridge. Ishmael would include fried cabbage also. Chopped veggies in the fridge, dough resting, meat chopped and or marinating, the ladies took a break. Min was tired and went to take a quick nap. Ishmael texted the Thompson's to see if they were available to facetime to meet Seo. They were.

Walking into the backyard they guys were enjoying themselves. Seong, Haru and Kim had taken their shirts off. They were all fit as hell. Seo saw her and bowed out of the hacky sack game. She walked up to him.

"You ready to meet my folks?"

"Yeah, I need to freshen up.  Will you wait for me in the living room?"


Seo went to wash up and put on a fresh shirt. When he came out to the living room, Ishmael was already talking to them.

"Okay moms, poppo, you ready to meet him?"

"Of course!" Mrs. T was beyond excited. Seo sat next to her, his arm gently finding it's way around her. She looked at him, not used to him being so close to her.

"Mom, Poppo this is Seo Kang-joon. Joon, this is my mom and dad, John and Marge Thompson."

"Hello Mr and Mrs. Thompson. It's nice to meet you."

"Ohh hello dear! See John! I told you he was a nice young man."

Mr. T just shook his head. "So you're kiddo's boyfriend huh?" Mr. T would probably do most of the talking, Mrs T couldn't say anything without swooning over him, just as his mom had done with Ishmael.

"Hopefully sir, if she's accepting of me."

"And she has met your parents already?"

"Yes sir, she met them Friday and they absolutely love her."

"I see. Kiddo? How does he treat you?"

"Really good. He's protective just like Sean."

"Oh! I'm so happy for you two! You're so cute together!"

"Ha ha ha haa, thanks mom."

"How are you going to handle things at work?"

"We will keep things respectful and under control sir."

Seo had an answer for everything Mr. T threw at him.

"So are you two planning on living together?"

"Slow down Poppo, we are taking things slow. Very slow."

"Good, kiddo let me talk to him alone."

"Uhh, yes sir."

Seo gave her a comforting smile and took her tablet and went to his dad's office.

"I'm alone now sir."

"Good. So you're interested in my kiddo. Why?"

"My dad always told me if I found someone with the same passion and stubbornness as my mom that I should hold onto them. That's what I'm trying to do."

"I see, and how do your parents really feel about you being in an interracial relationship?"

"Oh John, they're adults, they will be fine."

"It's okay, ma'am. My parents are fine with interracial relationships. They raised me and my sister to be accepting of people based on what's their personality and character."

"Mn, and are you serious about her?"

Mrs. T was awaiting his answer also.

"Yes, sir. I'm very serious about her. I've been patient enough to wait for someone like her to come around. Now that I've found her, I'm pretty protective over her."

"How many girlfriends have you had before her?"

"Only two."

"And why did they not work out dear?"

"They were immature and materialistic. They wanted someone to spoil them and be at their beck and call; not a true partner."

The Thompson's looked at each other and smiled.

"Ohhh John, I think he's just wonderful for her!"

"Mn. Well son, welcome to the family. You two take care of each other, you hear? You step outta line, and she'll make you pay." Mrs. T slapped him on the arm.

"I wouldn't expect anything less than that from her. I hear she's quite the martial artist."

"Indeed she is. Well congratulations young man, you've got a real keeper on your hands."

Seo stood up and bowed respectfully to both of them.

"Ohh dear we're not that serious. A 'thank you' is fine!" Mrs. T had no need for all the formalities. "Let us say goodbye to her!"

"Yes ma'am." Seo went back to the living room only to see Ishmael in the kitchen, preparing the dough. Glancing at the clock, it was almost 11. Ishmael saw him and smiled. She said her goodbyes and love you's and they ended the call as it was getting late for them. 

"How did it go?"

"Fine. So Ms Turner?"

Ishmael stopped what she was doing and cleaned her hands of flour. "So Mr. Seo?"

He moved closer to her and rested his arms on her shoulders. "It seems we are officially dating now."

"Oh really?"

"Really, really."

"Hmmm...we'll see how you do Mr. Seo." She gave him a silly face.

"You are such a weirdo!"

"Get used to it hon."

"Hon? Oh so I'm 'hon' now."

"Yup! Now out of the kitchen. Lunch will be ready by 12:30."

Before he left, he gave her a nice hug, inhaling her scent. "Thank you Ishmael."

"Mm, Thank you Joon."

Pulling away, the two shared their first yet tender kiss.

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