Miko & The Pig Sty

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As their orders arrived, they dug in. Ishmael was glad to be eating good food as the meals on the airplane left much to be desired. They were too engrossed in eating to notice that someone was approaching their table.

"Well, I see you finally got her something to eat Meng."

"Ah! Mr. Seo!"

Sean went to stand, but Seo stopped him.  Ishmael just smiled at him as she wasn't about to get up. Work wasn't until Monday, so she saw no need in formalities. This was her time now.

"Ms. Turner."

"Mr. Seo...uhh your guest is looking for you and she looks pissed."

He turned to see his assistant coming towards them. Indeed she was pissed. Before she got within earshot, Ishmael looked over to Seo.

"Is she going to be an issue at work?"

"No, no she won't. You two enjoy your meal. See you Monday Ms. Turner."

"See you Monday Mr. Seo, enjoy the rest of your day."

Seo smiled and turned, stopping whatever Miko had in mind and directed her back to their table. Ishmael turned her attention back to Sean who was now gawking at her.

"What's your problem dork?"

"Holy shit, he actually sought you out to talk to you."

"Oh bullshit!  He addressed you first, nimrod."

"Well you are certainly not intimidated by him."

"No. Why should I be?"

"He's the boss."

"I know that...it doesn't mean he's like God or anything."

"You are something else sis."

"So are you."

Half way through the meal, Ishmael was running out of steam. "So I'm crashing at your place tonight right?"

"Yup! After breakfast we'll go shopping."

"Okay, what's the dress code at work? Do I have to wear dresses?"

"No, none of us do."

They both cracked up laughing, drawing attention from others in the restaurant.

"Man I've missed you."

"I've missed you too sis."

They finished up their meal and Mell paid as she said she would. Before they left, she went to the bathroom. Coming out she ran into Miko.  Ishmael had hoped she wouldn't do something as cliche as corner at the bathroom.  But, here they were.

"You know you're in no way shape or form his type?"

"Who's type?"


"Okay. Look Miko.   I don't know what your issue is, so just so we're on the same page, I'm not there to fuck him or have his babies. I'm here for a job. If you find me so threatening,  maybe you need to take a minute and find out why that is. Evidently, what you have going on isn't working if he's interested in me."

Mell turned to walk back to the table when she saw Seo standing there watching everything. As Ishmael went by him, she stopped.

"You might want to set things straight with your girlfriend before Monday."

Now she was the one walking with an attitude. She grabbed her bag and practically growled at Sean.

"Let's go."

Outside, Sean walked up to her. "What the hell is wrong with you?"


"Ohhhhh. She's a bitch, there's no other way to say it. She has the hots for Seo."

"Seo better deal with her, cause I'm over it."

"You and the entire office."

"Well, I told him such. We'll see what he does."

"You told him that!?"

"Yeah! She cornered me outside the bathroom while he stood there and watched like some damned creeper!"

"What did you tell her?"

"That I wasn't there to fuck him or have his babies and she needed to figure her shit out! Then I told him he needed to set her straight."

"Oh god Mel Mel Mel... You haven't even been here a day and you're already making enemies and the worst one to have!"

"Let's go. I'm exhausted."

Reaching the apartment, they stopped off at her place to pick up her suitcase so she could have clothes to sleep in. Entering Sean's apartment, it was twice the size of hers, but a mess. Right now she didn't care, Mell just wanted a shower and sleep. By the time she came out of the bathroom, Sean had cleared off the couch for her and put clean sheets on it for her.

"Thanks ge."

Ishmael gave him a hug and crashed out on the couch. Sean thought he'd watch tv but his phone rang, it was on Haru.  She tuned them out as they started their conversation.

"Dude! What the hell happened with Miko and your sis?"

"What do you mean?"

"Man, they came back from lunch an Miko just stormed through the entire office, she even bitched at Min for no reason and Seo actually... get this, Seo snapped at Miko and dragged her down the hall to his office!"

"Holy shit are you kidding me!?"

"NO! The entire office is talking about it.  Ito heard Miko yelling at Seo asking him why he even hired Ishmael. She stormed out the office right after that."

"Damn. I don't know man."  Sean knew exactly what was going on but wasn't about to share his juicy piece of gossip from the restaurant. The last thing he wanted to do was add to the tension between Miko and Ishmael.

Morning came a lot sooner than Ishmael thought it should, but once she was up she was up. Sitting on the couch she looked around the apartment. It was a pig sty.  Like a Defcon level 12 disaster and it was giving her rabies. Putting on Sean's slippers, Ishmael had to clean.  She quietly shut the door to the bedroom and started on the kitchen. There were enough dirty dishes for 12 people in the sink. Thankfully Sean had a dishwasher, so she loaded that baby up after looking for 15 minutes to find the soap pods for it, there were only 4 left in the small container.

Dishes going she cleaned off the counters, cleaned out the fridge, swept the floor and bagged up all the trash. Next she tackled the bathroom.  Since he lived on the end, he had a small window by the toilet that she had to stand on to open the window for fresh air.  She turned on the exhaust fan and bleached the hell out it, quickly scrubbing it down before the bleach smell got to her.  She would let it sit for a few minutes then rinse it all down.  That was the main reason she loved wet baths, it was basically one big shower stall.  You could scrub the entire thing down and rinse it off in one go. 

Next on the list was the living room. There were clothes everywhere. Ishmael found the washing machine buried under even more clothes and started a load of laundry. Why he had so many clothes was beyond her. Looking in the entryway closet she found a small vacuum cleaner. Sean would just have to wake up as she vacuumed the entire apartment minus the bedroom and bathroom. It didn't matter cause Sean slept like the dead and didn't even move. She even used the hose attachment to vacuum the dusty fake plant he had in the corner. All that done, Ishmael opened up the blinds and patio door to air the place out.

She dusted and even cleaned the AC vent, which was disgusting. The apartment was now livable and clean. Everything was picked up and put back in its place, giving the space a wonderful vibe. Ishmael could now get started on breakfast, now that she had a clean environment to work in. She had been up since 5am and it was going on 8:30. How Sean managed to make it to work on time, was a mystery to her. Going back to the fridge, there wasn't much to cook now that it was cleaned out but she would manage. Before that, she took the clothes out the dryer and hung them on the drying rack she had set up on the small balcony. That way they could dry faster and get some much needed ultra violet rays.

Surveying the contents for the fridge again, there were a few eggs, half a thing of bacon, 6 pieces of bread, half an onion, a small bunch of greens, 2 small mushrooms and 2 potatoes. That was enough. As the first aromas of food started wafting through the apartment, Ishmael heard screaming. She rushed back into the living room to see what was wrong. Sean was standing in the doorway of his bedroom as if he'd seen a ghost, hands grasping onto his hair for dear life.

"What? What's wrong?"

"It's clean! Everything is clea-....is that bacon?"

"You dork! You live like a slob! There's no way I was going to stay in this place any longer without cleaning."

Sean wrapped her in a hug. "Oh thank you! Thank you!"

"Yeah, yeah. Clean your bedroom! Breakfast will be ready in a bit."


Sean jumped and hopped about as he tidied up his bedroom. Another armful of clothes later and a hot shower in a clean bathroom, he was dressed and ready for the day. Ishmael had set up the table with place settings and glasses.  Walking into the kitchen he was shocked and happy to have a home cooked meal and a clean home, he surprised her with a hug from behind.

"Wow sis, the place feels amazing!"

"Yes, it's called cleaning. You should really try it sometime."

"Oh hush! Thanks for cooking too!"

"Of course, you let me crash here and got me a new job! Consider it a thank you!"

"I will fully accept it!"


Ishmael sat his plate in front of him.  Scrambled eggs with the few veggies he had, bacon, potatoes and onions and french toast. "Woo!" Sean whipped his phone out and took a picture. He first sent it to Mrs. Thompson.

Sean: Sis cooked me breakfast!!
Mrs. T: Looks delicious! Love you both
Sean: Love you too!

Then he wanted to rub it in to the guys at work and sent it to their Line group.


His phone suddenly started blowing up.

"What's going on now?"

Sean showed her the post he made to the line group.


"You know it! Hey you're gonna have to sign up for the Line group too. It's what we use at work to keep in touch with each other."

"Okay, remind me later."

"So do you have a plan for today?"

"Yes. I think I need to set up some kind of bank account here. Can I do that on Monday?"

"Yeah. It won't be that hard. You have the visa stuff?"


"Okay, just make sure you have that."

"Mn. I want to clean my apartment before moving stuff in. Oh! I used all the soap pods for your dishwasher"

"I had soap pods?"

"Buried under empty plastic bags! Then Ikea, costco and we need to go to the grocery store for food for you cause your fridge is now empty."

"Ohhhh, I don't really cook."

"I know!"

They two sat and chatted, catching up from the time they had spent apart. Sean had to let her in on a little secret that was eating at him.

"So, you remember Haru?"

"Yeah, he seems really nice."

"I kinda like him."



"Yeah? What you want me to say? He seems nice and I saw him looking at you yesterday."


"Yup yup. Does he know that you like him?"

"Oh God no! I think it's best to keep that on the down down down low."

"Point taken. So what if he likes you back?"

"I'll die."

"How about just faint. I didn't move here for you to die."

"Deal, I'll just faint. Repeatedly."

"Well, I think you and Haru make a cute couple."

"Yeah...just like you and Seo."

Sean was suddenly hit in the head with a piece of potato.

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