Monday 1st Day prt2

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Seong, Kim and Josh left the breakroom. Haru, Sean and Ishmael quickly finished eating. They rinsed the trays off in the sink and headed to the office as well. Her brothers showed her to her desk. It was in the cluster with Sean, Seong and Haru. There was a little stuffed bear with a card, signed by the guys, Mr. Hideki and Min.

"Awww, thanks guys, he's so cute!" She sat the little bear on the shelf on the side of the cubicle. She liked that they didn't have walls between them and that the office was filled with light. Their desktops were basically clear as they all worked on laptops that had their own area underneath. Ishmael really liked the small storage cabinet that all the cubicles had. She already knew what she would store in there and there were 3 separate areas inside.

Haru and Sean really didn't have time to show her that much as it was almost 9. They put their food in the mini fridges that had their own little cubby on the bottom shelf. Cabinet and mini fridge; she was set.

She locked her bag in the cabinet and grabbed a notebook and pen as they all headed to the conference room. She detoured real quick to stop by the restroom after seeing where the conference room was located. As Ishmael walked in, Miko was handing out small info packets, Ito was also there. Miko looked up and made eye contact with Ishmael who was walking to the empty seat between Sean and Haru. She didn't know why they were being so protective as she could take care of herself just fine. Miko attempted to make a snide comment but Ishmael was on top of things.

"What are you wearing?"

Ishmael quickly looked Miko up and down. She was dressed for a night of partying in the hopes of picking up her future sugar daddy. The outfit was highly inappropriate as far as Ishmael was concerned.

"They're called clothes." Ishmael didn't miss a step. While Miko was focused on trying to embarrass Ishmael, Seo was quietly walking into the conference room.

"You dress like my grandfather." Miko's remark was snotty to say the least. Ishmael quickly glanced at her outfit and straightened her collar.

"Why thank you! He must have been a snazzy dresser!" Her remark was partly true, but very much sarcastic.

"Thank you Miko, that is all." Seo quickly dismissed her before she went any further. She quickly pivoted on her stilettos and stomped out of the office.

"Thanks everyone for coming on such short notice. My assistant has given each one of you three brochures. To welcome the newest member of our team and to do some team building, I decided we all needed some time away from the office and a break. Wednesday is the contract negotiation with the Aikaba group, I canceled the other contract and this one fell into its place. Ms. Turner, I'd like you to lead that meeting. We will leave here Wednesday at 10, all of the information has been emailed to you."

"Yes sir."

Ishmael had to hide the shock she was feeling at being thrown to the wolves so soon. Plus her job was Analyst, not contract negotiations. She could feel the eyes from her teammates on her as soon as he said it.

Ito was loving that she was being put on the spot and had to gloat and 'poke the bear'. "Are you sure that is something you can handle, little lady?"

"First of all, do not call me little lady, ever. Second, I will do just fine, unless you want to doubt Mr. Seo's decision?"

Ito didn't say anything but she knew she had twisted that blade beautifully and shut him up. Seo didn't address it.

"I need all of you to pick a number from 1-4. I'll start, I pick 4. Sean?"

Going around the table 4 out of the eight present picked 2. Seong and Ishmael picked 3 and Josh picked 1

"The 2's win. Look at the back of the brochures. #2 is a retreat out in the countryside. #1 was the Sakura Onsen. #3 was a camping site and #4 was to remain at work. So! Next Wednesday and Thursday we are all going to a nice and cozy resort. We'll return to the city sometime Friday. We'll all meet again on Monday morning to discuss the details. That's all, you can return to your desks."

They got up and bowed as Seo left and returned to the work area, taking the brochures with them. Sitting down Ishmael looked at Sean and Haru and burst out laughing as they were in her cubicle area instantly

"You guys believe that?! Me conducting a contract meeting?"

"Whoa...somethings going on. That is not part of your job sis!" Sean was a little peeved at Seo for the stunt he pulled.

"Eh! I'm sure I'll do fine. Now! Help me get things set up on my computer. Sean and Haru helped her download needed files and showed her around the server and the rest of the office. Seong set up her email, Kim helped get her passwords in order as she had access to things that they didn't. Josh was the other researcher in the group and downloaded the secure vpn and programs that she would need. By the time all of that was done, it was lunchtime.

The 'siblings' took the food and headed to the break room. They had all been so busy beforehand that they didn't have time to snack. Seong, Kim and Josh were heading to one of the restaurants nearby. Searching the cabinet, Ishmael found bowls so they could heat up their food, the tiffin was metal so that wouldn't work in the microwave. Soon the delicious aroma was filling the office.

"Man sis, this smells so good!"

"Indeed." The three were finally about to eat in peace. "Hey Haru? Will you take me by the appliance store again?"


"I want to get a hot water kettle and a coffee maker."

"Oh! Miko isn't going to like that Mel." Sean was shaking his head while shoving cookies in his mouth.

"Why? I'm not asking her to make any of it so why should she care."

Sean threw his hands up, dropping the argument. Lunch finished, Ishmael washed the tiffin and bentos and returned to her desk. She wanted to get started on researching Aikaba. Reading her email, she quickly jotted down the important parts of it. She printed out two drafts of the contract. Notepad, highlighters and contract in front of her she was ready to start. She checked with Josh before she got too far into searching to make sure what she was using was fine with the company. He let her know that as long as she used the vpn she would be fine. If there was the possibility of something being a threat, he would be notified of it immediately. Relieved she returned to her desk.

She had worked non-stop since lunch. Ishmael came across some conflicting information concerning the acquisition of their last contract. It was with their electronic supplier for the memory and sim cards. Aikaba Corp. was pushing forward with developing a new form of 'fitbit' device. Something about the Endo sim cards they were using didn't seem right. She went to Seong and Kim for help.

"Hey Seong, Kim. Will you two help me for a minute?"

"Sure! What's up?"

"Did we get a prototype of the Aikaba's device?"

"Yeah, Josh has it now, I think he's going through the guts of it." Kim had a concerned look as did Ishmael.

"Will you two follow me?"

"Yeah..." Now Seong was getting curious. As Ishmael walked over to Josh's desk she asked Sean and Haru to follow her.

"Hey Josh, do you have a minute?"

Josh looked up at them. Startled that everyone was now at his desk. His blue eyes were huge as he had on a pair of magnifier spectacles.

"Ah! Hold on." Ishmael rushed to her desk to grab her burner phone that she kept in her bag and returned.

Ishmael told him about the discrepancy she found with the initial testing data that Aikaba had sent over to them. For some reason, the device received interference but only briefly from nearby cell phones. The interference was minor, but still, it could pose a security risk. Ishmael asked Josh to activate it and put it on.

Reassembling it, he powered it up and put it on. Once it had activated, she had him go thru the functions with the bluetooth off. She turned the bluetooth on her phone on and scanned for devices. It instantly picked it up. She connected to it and now had access to all of the data on the device. She tried to manipulate it and after a few seconds, she was able to. Everyone looked at each other.

"Holy crap! How did you do that? You could get access to my email!"

"I scanned for it and it connected."

The team all hurried to grab their laptops to gather around and troubleshoot the issues. They needed more space, so off to the conference room they went. Josh brought some of his testing devices and they all set up. After 2 hours they had figured it out.

The 'Bodybot' device would need a 3 tier level encryption to protect it from stray bluetooth connectivity. Only then would it be secure enough. The level of server they Aikaba Corp would need for that would be pricey, but worth it. Ishmael gathered input from each of the guys pertaining to their area of expertise. It was now 5pm, past time for them to go home. Ishamel had what she needed for tomorrow. She thanked the guys for the help and they all headed back to their desks. Seo had stood off to the side watching them. They were too engrossed in what they were working on to notice him. 

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