This Better Work!

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Ishmael was up bright and early, today was the day she flew to Japan for what she hoped was a new life. She double checked that she had everything in order and scheduled an uber ride to the airport. She had a backpack, carry on and the suitcase.

Before heading to the airport, she went over to the 7-11 for snacks. It was close enough that she could walk. On the way back she got a text from Sean.

Sean: Text me when you get to the airport! Can't wait to see you!
Ishmael: I will.

Making it back up to her apartment, she checked on her Uber ride, it was on time. Looking around, she had everything packed and even cleaned the apartment. If she was certain she had the job, all she had to do was turn in the keys, but that was something she wouldn't need to do. Before she headed downstairs there was a knock at her door. Opening it it was her landlord. He had to inform her that he needed to terminate her lease, effective tomorrow. He already had a check for her deposit and the rest of the rent that she had prepaid.

It seemed his son was moving back and needed a place to stay. Ishmael couldn't be mad; well she could but she was planning on ending the lease. This way she got her money back, she thought if she broke the lease when she returned that he might keep some of it. She handed the landlord the keys, took the check and went down front to wait for her uber. While waiting she had to text Sean as she was a little worried that now she didn't have a place to return to.

Ishmael: You're not going to believe this, just got evicted. He's moving his son in so I have to go. I did get the rest of my rent and deposit. I better get this job!

She tried to breathe to keep from freaking out. She let positive thoughts invade her mind that she had this job and an awesome place to live in Japan.

Sean: U got this!

He sent her a screenshot of her desk, already set up. It made her feel a little bit better. Finally the uber pulled up and she placed her bags in the trunk. Riding to the airport, she couldn't wait to land in Japan. Glad to have a weekend stay, she looked forward to seeing some sights and spending time with Sean.

Traffic was heavy and she was glad she had left extra early, although she didn't really have a choice. Pulling to the loading zone, the airport was equally packed. The Uber driver didn't even bother to help her get her luggage out. No tip or 5 star review for you. She made it to the ticketing and counter and sure enough, everything was there waiting for her to check in.

Through security and now in the terminal, she filled up her water bottle. Seeing how she had a business class ticket she went to see if she could get access the lounge, luckily she did. She quickly grabbed her something to eat and found a quiet area to sit with a nice view of the tarmac. Ishmael was glac she had her VPN installed on her phone so she could deposit the check from her apartment. The money would come in handy until she started receiving paychecks. Check now in the bank and boarding pass in hand, she relaxed and enjoyed the free meal. While she ate she texted Sean to give him an update.

Ishmael: At the airport, having a free meal! See you soon.

She sent him a picture of her food and one from the lounge. She also messaged Mr. Hideki letting him know she looked forward to meeting him and that she had made it to the airport without any issues.

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