Unexpected #2

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The guys carefully helped carry Tsukasa inside and into the spare room that was on the first floor. There was no way he could make it up the stairs. The women quickly hurried ahead of them to set up the room with bed cushions and Tsukasa was gently laid down with towels under him. With the injured man floating in and out of consciousness, Abe quickly prepared things for the emergency transfusion. The gunshot wound had already been taken care of and stitched up.

Seong didn't think that everyone needed to be there hanging over the scene like vultures, plus there was still work to do. Seong and the other guys would return to town to finish up the solar system work. Seo would stay with Ishmael. Sean made him promise to contact him if things with his sister got serious. Kenji bid the others goodbye and returned to help with the work also. Abe prepared for the transfusion.

"My dear, this trauma bag you have...it's going to save his life! It has everything that I need and the IV bags will come in handy for both of you!"

"Good! I'm glad I was able to get it set up before everything happened."

Ishmael rested against Seo and Ryu rested against her; Seiji, never letting Tsukasa's hand go. Now things were ready to begin.


"I'll be fine Joonie." She gave him a kiss as Abe prepared her arm.

"Lay down and relax my dear. We will do your part first."

"Mn." Ishmael was nervous but she wasn't going to mention that to Seo.

The kit had 4 IV bags and 4 smaller, empty bags in sterile packaging along with medical grade hand wash. Abe and Hinata went to clean up before the impromptu medical procedure.

"Thank you so much for helping us. I... I can never repay you for what you are doing." Seiji was still emotional but keeping it together now that he knew his hubby was getting much needed care.

"Just do the same for someone else if the need arises." Ishmael gave him a smile as she tried to relax. Ryu came and laid down next to his momma with a whimper as he was also worried. Even though he was a puppy, he still picked up on the tension of the entire situation. Ishmael weaved the fingers of her free hand into his soft fur to help ease her nerves. She hoped the Tomo's wouldn't make him leave the room and they didn't. They were both careful not to touch anything as they got ready. They had Seo set up a chair in the room for a makeshift IV stand for Tsukasa. Firstly, they needed to acquire the blood donation from Ishmael. Seo was sitting right next to her, stroking her hair. She looked away as the needle was inserted into her arm. Ryu growled as Ishmael winced slightly at the pain.

"All done my dear. The needle is in."

"Mn." She gave a deep sigh as red liquid flowed out of her arm, down the tube and into the empty bag. While that took place, Mrs. Tomo started an IV into Tsukasa's arm. Ishmael would get fluids afterwards to help to recover.

"How long will this take Dr. Tomo?" It was the first time someone had called Abe Dr. Tomo since coming to Chiba.

"For her, just as long as it takes her to fill two bags since they are so small. For Tsukasa, about 3-4 hours."

Halfway through the second small donation bag, Ishmael began to suffer the effect of the amount of blood leaving her. She slowly began to drift into unconsciousness. Mr. Tomo felt it was best to stop. The amount she had already given would have to be enough. He disconnected the bag as Mrs. Tomo moved to hook her up to the other IV bag to help replenish her fluids. Seo carried her up to their room as Mrs. Tomo followed, holding the IV drip bag. Ryu scurried up the steps and was anxiously waiting for his momma, his little paws dancing about for her to be placed on the mattress. Seo took extra care to lay her onto the bed. Mrs. Tomo hung the IV bag onto a floor lamp and moved it closer to her. She could tell that Seo was worried just as much as Seiji was.

"Okay my dear. She will probably sleep for the rest of the day. I will come back before the bag empties to remove it and the IV needle from her arm."

"Why didn't he take a full two bags?"

"He was probably afraid that it would be too much for her. Stay with her and I will be back shortly."

"Yes ma'am."

Seo laid down beside her while little Ryu laid down by her head, his furry little face right next to hers, resting on her shoulder. Seo smiled at him. He really was the perfect pup for not only her but him as well.

Seo found himself waking up after having drifted off to sleep. Checking on Ishmael, he noticed they were both under a light blanket and the IV had been taken from her arm and the site of the IV bandaged up. He hadn't heard any of it and Ryu was still asleep with his head resting on her shoulder. If she moved, the little pup would know it. Seo carefully and quietly got up and headed downstairs. Soon he smelled food and heard hushed voices. Everyone was gathered either in the kitchen or at the table.

"How's sis?" Sean was the first one to notice him as the rest of the guys turned to receive his answer.

"Still sleeping. Ryu will let me know if she wakes up."

"I swear that little pup is something else!"

"Mrs. Tomo, you didn't have to cook for us."

"It's okay, I don't mind dear."

Seiji was sitting at the table which surprised Seo.

"Seiji? How is Tsukasa doing?"

"Resting, the same as Ishmael. I owe you guys so much. Especially Ishmael, she saved my husband's life." Seiji was getting emotional just thinking about it again. Seong, who was next to him, patted him on the back to comfort him.

"That's our little sis for ya."

Seiji smiled, comforted that he had been so welcomed by complete strangers in times like these. Seiji had noticed that Ishmael was the only female in the house. "May I ask where your wives are? Are they someplace safe within town?"

The guys all looked at each other, unsure of what to say. The Elder Tomo's simply chuckled as Kenji got up to pour more coffee for him and his brother Abe.

Seong spoke up. "We don't have wives. Just Seo!"

"Hey! She's not my wife...yet." Seo winked at Seong.

"Eh!! She's not your wife?!" Kenji couldn't believe it.

"No sir. We've only known each other for about..."

"Almost 3 weeks!" Sean piped up and spilled the beans.

"Really?! Well, when you do get married, it will be for keeps. You two are meant for each other!"

"Ah! Hinata! Don't embarrass the young man!" All she did was giggle.

"So Seiji, how long have you and your husband been married?"

"Almost 5 years."

"Tsukasa helps to keep him inline! He can be somewhat of a brat!"


 Seiji's mom shook the spatula at him with a huge smile. "So my boys, what are all of these jars for?" Mrs. Tomo was unfamiliar with the idea of pressure canning.

"Sis is pressure canning all of the meat we got so that we'll have it for the winter. The way she does it, the meat can sit on the shelf."

"Oh my! How long will this keep?"

"About 2-3 years if kept in a cool, dry place."

"What!" The Elder men couldn't believe it.

"I will have to have a word with her when she's feeling better!" Mrs. Tomo went out to bring the food in for dinner.

"Mr. Tomo, I will set the guest cabin up for you three."

"There's no need Joon. We already took care of things. We'll all sleep down here in the living room so the Tomo's can be close to Ishmael and Tsukasa in case something happens during the night."

"Thanks Jin."

Everyone turned to see a furry little shape bumbling down the steps followed by an equally bumbling sleepy head human.

"What are you doing up!?" Seo rushed over to Ishmael as she was unsteady.

"I smell food."

They guys tried to stifle their laughs.

"Jesus you are such a stubborn brat!"

"Just like you Joon."

"Oh shut up Jin!" The guys all chuckled as Seo led her over to the table with Sean moving a chair over for her. Ryu had plopped down in his bed. Ishmael rested her head on Seo; why she even bothered to get up was beyond them. All she ate was a small bowl of miso with rice in it and Seo ended up carrying her back upstairs to bed as she started to fall asleep at the table. Soon Ryu joined her, curling up next to her and giving Seo a look.

'Don't worry papa, I will keep momma safe'

Seo kissed them both on the head and went to join the others. Reaching the bottom of the steps, he saw they were all gathered in the living room. The laughter, gone.

"My boys, you really have a good set up here. The garden, chickens and the fact that you are able to preserve food will help greatly." Abe was indeed impressed with their ingenuity.

"Most of the thanks goes to Ishmael and Sean. They know more about how to deal with this type situation better than any of us." Kim wasn't bragging since it was kind of true.

"That's only because our folks raised us to prepare for things like this. Ishmael more than me. She spent more time with them when we were younger."

"I see." Abe still had so many questions for them.

"Guys, I think I need to let my folks know abo-..." Too late. The Thompson's were already calling. It was around the time they usually called to check up on everyone.

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