Untitled Part 66

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As they walked down the small gravel path towards the outhouse, Ryu pranced around in front of them, stopping to pee on what had to be every leaf he saw. Occasionally the little pup would look back at them to make sure they hadn't wondered off and gotten lost.

"Hey babe?"


"We need to go back down the bike trail."


"Seiji says they left their packs there, hidden."


"Tsukasa's pack has his medicine in it, plus some handguns and ammo."

"I see..." She let out a heavy sigh. "You're going at night?"


"Take the bikes."

"I think it would be better if we walked Mel."

"Take the bikes Joon. You guys need to get there and back as quickly as possible."

"Come here you." Seo stopped and brought her in for a hug.

"...love you Joon."

"I love you too babe. I know you're going to worry so I'm not even going to say don't worry."


Ishmael was done with all the cutesy lovey stuff as she dragged Seo to the outhouse. While she was inside, Ryu pottied next to it.

"Silly little pup, now you have to potty when momma does?"

Ryu just huffed and hurried over to him. He began to sniff the ground where Ito had fallen. The forest had taken care of the blood but Ryu could still smell it. He growled, barked at the ground and ran back to Seo.

Ishmael came out in no time and they headed back to the house. She held Joon's hand all the way there. Back inside, she decided to start on breakfast as there were extra mouths to feed. Ishmael wanted comfort food for breakfast so she decided on a good old fashioned american breakfast. Biscuits and gravy with a pack of the ground sausage they had gotten in exchange for the bike carts, scrambled eggs thanks to their chickens and fried potatoes with onions. It was a hearty and solid breakfast, just what the guys would need if they were going to work today.

"You going to be okay to cook babe?"

"Yeah, I feel much better. I just need to eat so I can take an iron pill."

"Yell or send pup up if you need anything. I'm going to rest some more. Wake me up for breakfast."

"Of course." The two shared a kiss as Seo headed upstairs. Ryu didn't know if he should go or stay. "You can go pup!"Mel nodded towards the stairs but Ryu was still unsure.

Seo pointed to his bed instead as he needed him downstairs to keep an eye on Ishmael.

"No, watch momma."

Ryu went to his bed and laid down.

Alone, Ishmael quietly went outside to start a fire for the dutch oven, careful not to wake the sleeping men on the floor.  She didn't have to me too quiet as they men could sleep through just about anything.  She would use the heavy cast iron cookware to make the biscuits. Back in the house, she started the coffee pot and cleaned out the large carafe. Two pots were enough to fill the carafe up and she would make an extra pot just in case.

Starting on the dough for the biscuits, the smell of fresh brewed coffee was waking up the house. Ishmael had left the patio door open with the screen closed so she could go in and out easier. The men sleeping on the floor didn't even move and Ryu even went to lay down next to Seong for a bit.

Inside she had 2 of the large bright lanterns on, providing her with enough light to cook by. As the dough rested, she sat coffee cups out on the corner of the dining table and serving dishes out for the sausage gravy, eggs and potatoes. She also set towels out to wrap the serving dishes in to keep them warm. As she cleaned and started chopping potatoes, the Tomo's were the next one's downstairs.


"Morning dear! You are up early!"

"I know, I usually get up early to start on breakfast." Ishmael sat the pot of coffee on a hot pad on the table for the elders as they took a seat.

"How are you feeling dear."

"Much better, my arm is a little sore." Hearing voices, Seiji came out of the room to join them. Ishmael looked over to him with a slightly worried expression. "How is he, Seiji?"

"Tsukasa's doing fine Ishmael, but he could eat something."

"Mn! Uhh....Mrs. Tomo, what should he eat?"

"Miso would be good for him dear if you have it. I can fix it for him."

"No. Enjoy your coffee. I'll fix it for him." Ishmael sat a small pot of water on the indoor cooktop. She sat a bowl on the counter and a package of miso instant soup out. Sean and Haru were the next ones up. Ryu, who had returned to his bed, ran over to them with one of his stuffed animals. Haru played with him outside while he tended to his chickens. Sean was focused on the coffee. after rolling and cutting out the doughy circles, Ishmael went to set the thing of biscuits on the fire and returned after setting hot coals on the top of the lid.

"Oh dear, fix him a hot cup of the yuzucha also."

"Yes ma'am." Ishmael rooted in the cabinet and found a small serving tray. She sat the hot soup with a small lid on the bowl and the cup of yuzu with a spoon and napkin. "Seiji, this is ready for Tsukasa."

"Oh thank you!" Seiji walked over to the kitchen island where the tray was at and carefully took it back to his hubby and stayed with him since he was finally awake. Haru came in with Ryu who plopped down in his bed as Ishmael went out with an arm full of food. Kenji, the other Elder Tomo had returned to see how things were going, he was walking into the back yard as Ishmael walked out onto the back deck. Ishmael directed him inside for fresh coffee.

Haru joined Sean at the table after getting a cup of coffee. The Tomo's were impressed at everything the young people were doing.

[Kenji] Does the young lady cook like that every day?

[Sean] Yes sir! She spoils us rotten.

[Abe] You boys are truly blessed!

[Haru] Indeed

Seiji came out with empty dishes. Abe felt he should go and check on his other patient. While the potatoes and sausage were cooking and since she had a fire going, it would be a good time for those that wanted to, to take a hot towel bath. It had been a few days since any of them had had one. She hurried inside and grabbed two of the large stock pots.


[sean/haru] "Yeah sis?" They both looked at each other as the older adults shook their heads at them.

"Will you carry two of the water buckets out to the fire. I'm sure you guys will want baths after working on the hot roof yesterday."

"Oh thank god! We're all starting to stink!"

"Yeah ya are!" Ishmael giggled and to the back of the house where the linen closet was at and put out the extra towels in both bathrooms. Standing in the middle of the living room with early morning sun streaming in, she looked around.

"What is it little sis?"

"I really need to find a clothes wringer."

Seiji came back out of the room with Abe.

[Sean/Haru] "How is he?"

[Sean] Will you knock that off!

[Haru] That's all you babe!

[Seiji] Babe?!

[Sean] uhhhh...he he heee.

[Seiji] You two are a couple?!

[Haru] ummm...yeah.

The elders laughed. "Well, aren't you two adorable!" Mrs. Tomo clapped out of happiness.

Ishmael came in to get a basket for the biscuits. Back inside, she asked Sean and Haru to bring the bucket of water back in and let those in the kitchen know that if they wanted to, they could take a hot bucket bath. There were plenty of towels. The young men let the elders go first (not all at once). Since all three of them wanted a bath, Ishmael had the guys bring two more buckets of water out to the fire where she poured water into the large stockpots. As Abe and his wife took a much-needed bath, The guys sat around the table and talked.

[Seiji] No wonder you guys were so welcoming to us.

[Haru] We would be regardless.

[Seiji] It explains why Ishmael is the only woman here then.

[Sean] Yup, so what did you do back in Tokyo when things were normal?

[Seiji] Real estate, I was planning on opening a small outdoor store but... What about you guys?

[Haru] We all work for Seo. He owns a software and cyber security firm. Make that owned.

[Sean] I'm just glad I was able to move Ishmael over to Japan before things went to shit!

[Haru] No kidding!

[Seiji] How is she your sister? She's black.

[Sean] We've known each other since we were like 5. We've always been together.

[Seiji] So you're adopted by the Thompson's?

[Sean] Kinda. We've grown up with them. Ishmael lost her parents when we were teenagers and the Thompson's took custody of her. I came out to my parents and they disowned me and kicked me out. The Thompson's took me in. So they are like our second parents.

[Seiji] Wow. I'm super lucky my parents have been so supportive of me and Tsukasa.

[Haru] You are very lucky my friend.

Ishmael stuck her head inside. "Hey, I need help, slackers." All three of them went to help as she had them carry in the other buckets of hot water and the potatoes. She followed them with the gravy. Food was transferred to serving dishes and wrapped up with towels. The dirty cookware was wiped clean as could be. Now for the eggs and grits which wouldn't take long. Out to the garden for some fresh scallions. She had Haru double check the eggs he had brought in to make sure no chicks were inside.

"Ryu! Ryu! Go get Joonie! Go go go!" Ishmael woke the little pup up to get Joon.  Ryu shot up the stairs and soon a high pitched bark was heard. Everyone laughed. The elders had returned from their baths feeling refreshed and changed into yukatas that Kenji brought with him. Seong and Kim finally got up with all the noise and made beelines for the coffee also. In between everything, Ishmael made the rest of the coffee. Seo came downstairs with Ryu in his arms.

[Seiji] Where did you guys find a puppy?

[Abe] Jun has some over in Bepu

[Mrs. Tomo] Do you need help dear?

"No, I got it, thank you." Dishes on the table, everyone dug it. This was a treat for the Tomo's as they had never eaten American breakfast.

[Kenji] Oh my boy, you must marry her right away! This food is delicious my dear!

"Thank you!"

There was no talking as everyone was eating. Ishmael quickly ate; she had more canning to do and she needed to water plants. She started up more water for the jars and put the large pressure canner on low on the outdoor stove. While the others finished up their breakfast, Ishmael took inventory of the previous days canning session. 16 jars of chicken, 10 jars of chicken soup and 6 jars of chicken stock. She sat 4 jars of chicken and 2 of the soups into a box. That she would give to the Tomo's. She wasn't worried about sharing as the market was coming up next week and she could get more meat then.

Ishmael updated her food inventory list. Looking through the cabinets, she found some loaf pans. "Oooo!! I can make some bread loaves!"

Seiji couldn't believe how busy Ishmael was as he leaned over to Seo.

"Is she always like this?"

"Yup. It's best to just let her go. She'll run out of steam eventually and just fall asleep."



Ishmael was yelling through the house again but Seiji had no idea what she was saying.

"What does that mean?"

Sean was getting up to see what she wanted. "Big bro."

"You're not Japanese?!"

"No, I'm Chinese.  Seong, Kim and Joon are Korean."

Sean walked out to the patio. "What is it sis?"

"Have you seen that solar oven?"

"Eh! It's in the garage, I'll bring it out."

While he did that, she went to talk to Seiji. "Seiji?"


"There's more hot water ready. I didn't know if Tsukasa is able to move around to take a bath or something?"

"Oh, Dad? Is Tsukasa able to be moved yet?"

"Eh...I would wait, I don't want the wound to open back up."


Ishmael smiled. "You guys want to bring those buckets in from the fire pit, there's more hot water if you want a bath."

"Thanks little sis."

"Abe. I should get back to the house. The dogs need tending to and fed. You two stay and make sure Tsukasa is taken care of."

"Thank you, Kenji."

Ishmael got started on canning the beef before it went bad. Even though they had a working fridge, to her it wasn't ideal to keep meat in there long term. A few cloudy days and the solar generator wouldn't be able to power it. Jars were simmering away in the hot water to sterilize them out on the outdoor cook stove.

Ishmael was busy at the kitchen island cutting the meat into chunks, Mrs Tomo came to help her and to learn what she was doing.

"My dear. You must teach me this process of preserving meat."

"I would love to!" Ishmael began explaining everything and what all it entailed. "This will take me all day so thank you for helping."

"Of course!" Mrs. Tomo chopped up the rest of the meat while Mel took the jars out of the simmering water and brought them into the house to fill. She had a towel laid out to set jars on so they weren't resting on the cold marble; the temperature shock could shatter a jar. To half of the jars, Ishmael added some rough chopped garlic. Ishmael took Mrs. Tomo through the process of filling, topping off with hot water and cleaning the jar rims. The ladies then carefully carried the tray of filled jars out to the pressure canner and filled it. Sean had set a table up next to the cook top for her. Since Ishmael had the large canner, she could do two levels. Again, Ishmael explained how the pressure canner worked and the safety measures one had to adhere to to keep things from exploding. Canner filled and coming up to pressure. The ladies started on the smaller canner that was sitting in the sink.

Abe went to check on Tsukasa while the guys bathed. Ryu went with him and laid with Tsukasa to keep him company. The man was still really sore and tired. Unfortunately, there were no more IV bags left, but the bleeding had stopped. Tsukasa needed to urinate so Abe returned to see if there was an empty water bottle. Ishmael pointed to a bucket by the door that led to the garage. The bucket held smaller, empty water bottles.

The small canner would be used for beef stock. Before that, the ladies went out to the garden to harvest what they could which was quite a bit. Carrots, onions and celery. They would use the rest of the store-bought potatoes also as they were starting to sprout. Ishmael peeled the taters while Mrs. Tomo rough chopped the veggies

"Oh my dear! This is an excellent way to preserve food! How long will this keep?"

"About 3-5 years."

"Did your mom teach you this?"

"Yes. Both of my mom's taught me how to can, bake and put food up for long term storage."

With the veggies done. The unused carrot and celery pieces, bones and meat scraps were put into the medium sized stock pot that was on the cook stove. The three burner stove top was proving invaluable. While that cooked, they packed the jars with meat and veggies. The onions and spices were kept out of the broth pot on purpose. She wanted to use the meat scraps for homemade dog food as it's not anything they would eat.

"This looks really good dear!"

"I know! That box over there is for you to take with you! I'll add some of the stew and hopefully some of the broth if there is enough!"

"Oh really? Thank you!"

"Thank you for helping me." They had filled enough jars to go into the canner, which took a while to do. The broth was done but it was too heavy to carry into the kitchen.  Once Dr. Tomo was done tending to Tsukasa, Seiji went to spend time with him. To help him feel better, he took a pot of hot bath water and some towels to give his husband a towel bath.

Ishmael gave Seo and Sean oven mitts as the two men were headed out the patio door. "What's this for?"

"I need you guys to bring that stock pot inside to the kitchen and sit it on the stove."


Soon the delicious smelling pot was inside filling the house with a wonderful aroma. This was all new for the Tomo's as they had never seen food stored up in this fashion. Ishmael filled the jars with broth while Mrs. Tomo cleaned the rims, de-bubbled and put the lids on. The timer for the canner was done. Once emptied, the next batch went in. There was one more batch of jars left to can. The rest Ishmael could do by herself.

The guys went out to see about securing the rest of the yard and planning the solar panel install. Installing them on the roof was not an option so it would have to be set up in the yard. Abe meanwhile showed Seiji how to care for Tsukasa's wound. Tsukasa was tired of laying down and being away from everyone. Hinata (Seiji's mom) helped set up a spot for him on one of the oversized comfy chairs. There was an ottoman that he could rest his legs on and he could gaze out of the patio door once they turned the chair around.

"Hey! I see you're feeling better Tsukasa!" Ishmael was bringing the hot jars in one at a time as the others helped carefully  lower Tsukasa into the chair. 

"I'm alive thanks to you."

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