New Beginnings

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Everything....seemed blurry, and out of place, it was dark....very dark but I could hear voices and many other sounds around me. I felt a heavy weight holding me against the ground, I slowly opened my eyes as I squinted slightly as my blurred vision brightened before taking a look around. I groaned as my body felt stiff and tired, my vision slowly started to become clear, allowing me to faintly see a large gray metal door, before I could hear a voice much louder than the others as a delicious scent drifted to my nose. I felt something touching me as I was suddenly swooped up into the air. I closed my eyes not wanting to keep them open much longer. Before long, I began to wake up,I could tell I wasn't where I had been before, as there was now a very strong delicious scent all around me, something about it drove me to get up. I slowly looked around before trying to sit up, I stared at the room I was in, it seemed to be a decent sized apartment room. I soon heard a voice nearby as an almost pale being sat in a chair. They had short greyish blue hair, and wore a pair of white glasses. “I'm glad to see your awake” I just stared at her as she spoke to me, I could barely hear her as I just continued to stare. Something about her...., smelled.... delicious, I felt a strange feeling start to come over me. I started to think about what it could be at the time before my thoughts began to waver. ‘She....looks so... delicious...., I....I want her...., I!!!’ My thoughts screamed and echoed in my head, I felt something cold dripping from my mouth as I took a glance at what it might be. I froze, as I saw a bubbly white liquid coming from my mouth at the time as I gritted my teeth, I quickly put my hand to my mouth to try and remove it as the woman before me stood up and walked away. I stared at her she was an odd being, I didn't know what was going on or why but I didn't like the look of that liquid at all. I sighed after having wiped the liquid from my mouth as I looked at my hand before shaking my head, I stared after the woman wondering where she had went as she came back with a plastic bag, she set it down afterwards once nearing the burgundy chair as she just smiled before handing me something contained in a plastic wrapper. I blinked and stared at the item in-hand as I sniffed it. “It's a dumpling” The woman said calmly as she took out another and stared at it, before looking away as she spoke much quieter now. “I know it's not much, but it will at least be good to have something in your system.” She opened the dumpling she held in her hand before biting into it, as I just stared at the item she had called a dumpling, was it?, I didn't really know as I hadn't payed much attention to what she had been saying as I was too captivated by the item. I tried to open it as I heard a strange growling sound, it sounded like some sort of monster though I began to feel a strange pain inside me, it was like something was tearing at me from the inside, clawing and slashing. It hurt so much..., I did what I could to try and stop the pain. Biting at the plastic wrapper as I chewed on it, I had soon managed to rip open the wrapping of the dumpling, it had a sticky slip of paper on the plastic as if having been bought somewhere like a convenient store. Without much thought I took a few quick ravenous bites of the dumpling. It didn't taste too great, though I didn't know what it was supposed to taste like, though it did make the pain go away, but it burned my tongue in the process. The woman stared at me as she smiled giggling slightly at my actions as I just blinked and stared at the wrapper before putting it down. “Guess you were pretty hungry huh?, Well I have some more if you're still up for it.” She said as I nodded before opening my mouth to try and speak. “I....n...m” I grimaced as my mouth felt dry, words rolled off my tongue when trying to speak as I coughed and shook my head. It sounded like I hadn't spoken in quiet some time. “Woah, calm down, I'll get you another dumpling as well as some tea for your throat.” The woman said as she stood up leaving the rest of her half finished dumpling in it's wrapper on the chair as she walked off. I stared at it hungrily wanting to grab it and tear it apart. Though I refused when suddenly feeling a strange warm feeling in my right eye, I blinked as I looked around now. I moved the large cloth that was on me aside as I tried to stand up, I saw a few strange things in the room, as there was a large bookshelf with just enough space to squeeze past it, it seemingly held another much smaller room on the other side that held strange looking papers with lines of different colors. The place looked pretty strange on it's own as I had never seen things like this before, there seemed to be only one door and a large window, the place looked big enough to house at least two people though only one being stayed in it. I followed after the woman's scent as I soon saw her taking something out of a small box at the time. She held what looked like another item wrapped in plastic as steam came from what looked almost like a cup. She looked at me as she closed the box and went over towards me holding out the item as she smiled. “It's a different flavor from the other dumpling I had given you, but truth be told, I didn't think I would be sharing a dorm with another person.” I just stared at her as she spoke, dorm?, what did that mean? I was confused by her words but just went to take the item anyway. She opened the wrapper before giving me the dumpling as I sniffed it. The other one had been....warm...., but this one....was almost ice cold... I shrugged it off as I went to eat it as I glanced towards the woman staring at me. She took notice before looking away. Her gaze....seemed familiar, it almost made me want to turn away. My hair something almost as dark as night was cold and part of it hung over my face. I wondered why as I blinked, for some reason I didn't move it as it helped to cover my right eye for now as the warmth in it soon went away. I finished my dumpling before the woman spoke again. “ is Kumiko.........” I just stared at her as I blinked and tilted my head.

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