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"How are you 10?" Yoshimura asked, pouring a cup of coffee.

"I'm fine. Has my little brother been a problem for you?" 10 asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

"He's been something but he listens as long as he gets coffee." Yoshimura said, chuckling lightly.

"Sounds just like him, so I'm also guessing that the collar is to know where he is at all times correct?"

"That is indeed correct, we do the same for Austin seeing as he's just as bad." Yoshimura stated.

"Those two remind me of myself when I was their age." 10 said, chuckling.

"You mean a murderous a-hole who cares about no one other than himself?" Touka asked, leaning against the frame with Nishiki behind her as he glared at them.

"That and they're naive. They think the world will go their way as long as they avoid the CCG and beat all the other ghouls. One day someone stronger will come and wipe them out." 10 said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Seems like someone put you in your place." Nishiki said, smirking at him.

"Don't act like your superior, unless you want to lose that human girlfriend of yours." 10 said, finishing his coffee and laying it down on the table.


(Take two *SNAP*)

"What did you say a-hole?!" Nishiki shouted, grabbing 10 by the collar of his jacket.

"I said," 10 grabbed Nishiki's arm and held it in a tight grip. "If you don't shut your goddamn mouth then I'm going to kill your human bitch." He finished, kneeing Nishiki in the gut and judo throwing him onto the couch.

"You son of a-"

"Stop!" (Y/n) said, glaring at 10. "Why are you really here?"

"Whatever do you mean?" 10 said calmly.

"Stop trying to fake it off. You never stay in one place unless you've found something interesting or beneficial to you." Austin said, looking at him plainly.

"...heh, guess you've got me there. To be honest I'm here for a lot of reasons, some I won't tell and some I will."

"Just get on with it so you can leave." Nishiki said, glaring at him as he held his stomach in pain.

"Shut up, worm." 10 said, kick him in the gut and breaking some ribs.

"I ask that you stop before I'm forced to intervene." Yoshimura said, standing up.

"Hmph. Thanks for the coffee owl but I'll tell you tomorrow, meet me at the location I give you alone. I don't want anyone else messing up our conversation." 10 said, once more gaining his usually cheerful personality as he walked to the door.

"See you in hell." (Y/n) said, glaring at his older brother.

"Later C- I mean 10." Austin said, quickly correcting himself.

"Careful there kid, if you said my real name I would've had to kill everyone here." 10 said, his joking tone laced with a venom that could make the devil himself run. "Later little bro." 10 ruffled (Y/n)'s hair along with Austins as he walked out the door with Kyung leaving Hinami.

"What happened?" Hinami asked, looking confused.

"Let's just say we were closer to death than we'll ever be for a while." Austin said, stuttering.

Alright what's up folks! Author-sama is running low on ideas so I've got a little bit of a multiple choice question for you.
Q: What is 10's real name?

A. Cain
B. Cade
C. Caros
D. Casidin

(Edit) Should we give (Y/n) a pet fox?

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