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(A/N: Sup guys, sorry if I didn't get to update last Saturday I had many 'issues' do be done and well haft of them are done I didn't get to finish the others early because of my habbits that you don't need to know and probably will never know and No it is not illegal shit like that I'm not a criminal for your information now let's get back to the story)

(Y/N)'s POV:
I walked outside the house holding some of the boy's stuff for their fishing trip.

"Where do you want these Edd?!" I yelled finding a shop for their stuff to stay.
"Can you put it on the top?!" Edd yells back at me from inside the car.

I took a deep breath and swung their things to the car's roof tying it on the car to make sure it stays there. I sighed and dusted my hands looking at the three excited males in the car ready to go fishing.

"Can you guys bring me home a(n) angel fish? Cause I really want one" I asked leaning on the cars window.
"SURE! I can hook you one!" Matt says proudly.
"Huh, so you know I can get one easily with this baby" Tom said sassily as he showed his harpoon.
"Uh Tom I actually want it alive..." I stated as I scratch the back of my neck.
"THAT'S enough chit chat! Let's hit the road! Bye (Y/N)!!!" Edd shouts as he starts the car.

They then drove off as I wave goodbye at them. As their figure was out of sight I headed inside for something to drink, I feeling the walls as I headed to the kitchen.

Arriving there I opened the fridge taking some of Edd's cola cracked it open and took a sip sweet. Closing the fridge I then realize something, I still haven't found my hoodie I thought looking down on what I'm wearing now, a (F/C) sweater and shorts with knee high converse shoes. I wonder what happened to my hoodie I haven't seen it since...Tord....left I then realized I was staring at the floor for a long time now.
I shook my head and headed to my room let that guy be if he wants to leave then leave it's not like I miss him anyway I thought bitterly as I sip the sweet cola.

Arriving at my room I plop down on my bed and start letting thoughts run by freely in my head. But was inturupted when I heard a lock being picked.
My eyebrow raised sitting up on bed, did Edd or Matt forget something? I thought as I was about to shout their names but stopped what if it's not Edd or Matt?...probably not Tom he never forgets anything my hands turned to a fist as one thing came in my mind, someone broke in.

I then swiftly stood up taking what's near me for a weapon, a lamp,   I then got off bed and silently tip toed through the halls seeking where the noise might be.
Getting to Tom's room my eyes widen as I saw a figure trying to pick the lock on Tom's room. Not wanting to be an idiot and just stand there stare at the guy who was trying to violate Tom's room I ran up to the guy and quickly swung my lamp on his head knocking him off.

"No way are you going to steal anything from this house" I told him angrily.

I then look around to find something useful to help put this guy still till he wakes up. I saw a rope near by I took it and quickly tied the guy up since there was a sack next to the rope I sacked his head.

"I hope this guy got in here alone or else I'm dead...." I said to myself.

I just then spotted a gun in his pocket, my eyes widen and I quickly took the thing away from him.

"You know this is illegal right? Well I'm taking this" I told him while pocketing the gun. "Since you're here I should probably kick you out now but since it'd be rude you're staying at the living room till I get the trash can ready for you to live in for a while"

I chuckled, I then grabbed his foot and started dragging him to the living room.

"Ugh! What does this guy eats?! Bricks for breakfast???" I grunted while dragging him to the living room.

Arriving there, I just then remembered that Tom sold the sofa to the pirates so there won't be anywhere for the guy to sit on.

"Guess what, unlucky you sir my friend sold the sofa to the pirates so it looks like we'll be taking the floor for now" I told him sitting down on the floor and lying him next to me.

I sighed as I looked around the house seeing Tom's old room that turned to a swiming pool, Zanta's thombstone and pictures of random adventures that we had. Getting bored I started taking to the unconscious man that was beside me.

"Since you're gonna be here for awhile why don't I start telling you me and my friends adventures together?" I told him.

He grunts painfully but still unconscious.

"I'll take that as a yes" I said as I started telling him our adventures.

Time Skip

"And then we ended up buying Edd a thousand of colas for that last cola, and man was he sick after drinking a hundred of it at once!" I exclaimed laughing after it. "Oh man was it a blast! But I wish Tord was there to have some fun with us he'd be happy... It's been awhile since I saw him around the house I kinda really miss him tho" I told him sadly.

I sighed and then got up from my spot which I didn't realize I was resting my head on this Guy's stomach, standng up I dusted myself and stretched.

"Welp that was a great talk but sorry dude time for you to head to the trash" I  told him.

I saw the guy flinched as he heard what I said. I was about to carry him, when the door flung open revealing Tom with his harpoons. Their early.

"Harpoons Harpoons their better than spoons" he sings quietly but his attention turned to mine.

His smile fades as he saw the person that I sacked earlier, he drops his other harpoons and uses one for protection.

"Who goes there?" Tom asked pointing his harpoon at the guy beside me.
"Relax Tom he's all tied up, probably wont be getting out anytime soon" I told him shrugging.
"Where did you even find this guy wait, red hoodie..." His eyes then widens and he lets out a gasp.
"What?" I asked curiously.

Edd then comes in the scene and sees the guy that I tied up but before he could ask he gasped.

"What did I- oh" I said blushing as I just then realized who I caught.
"Yeah and I wanna be untied so please help" a strong Norwegian accent says squirming around.

Le nother Time skip!

"Thanks for the help" Tord said as he dusted off his hoodie.
"You're welcome" I told him still blushing.

He noticed this and smirked as I look away and blushed even more, he was about to say something when he was inturupted by a certain cola boy.

"Tooorrrddd!" Edd exclaimed hugging Tord "welcome back!"
"Welcome back?" Tom questions raising a brow.
"I hope you don't mind me letting myself in" Tord says frowning.
"No, not at all!" Matt exclaimed happily coming in "um who are you again?"
"Matt he's Tord our old roommate" I told him.
"Huh?" Matt ask.
"He used to live here" Edd adds.
"Yeah used to!" Tom snaps.
"You really don't remember?" Tord ask walking up to Matt.

(Not wanting to do a flash back) Matt shook his head no, Tord sighs and just shrugged it off. He then looks at me and smirks again.

"But I know a certain someone who missed me dearly" Tord says coming closer to me.

My eyes widen as a blush crept up my face. Tord opens his arms for a hug as I stare at him, but before he could hug me Tom quickly came infornt of me hugging me and pushing Tord's face out of the way.

"Hell to the no are you touching her" Tom tells Tord glaring at him.
Tord glares back gritting his teeth together. "Tom long time no see"
"I rather have it that way" Tom spats.
"Why don't you step aside and let me greet (Y/N) warmly hm?" Tord ask irritated.
"(Y/N)'s warm enough in my grasp why don't you hug somebody else like that trash can over there, aren't you trash like it?" Tom suggested.

Tord glares at Tom like he was ready to punch him straight at the face.

"Say why don't we talk for a bit it's been so long since we heard from you Tord" Edd  smiles holding up Ringo.
Tord nods and looks around "where are the chairs?" Tord asks pointing on the floor.
"Oh well Tom sold the chairs to the pirates" Edd explains.
Tord laughed "HA! Classic Stupid Tom!" Tord exclaimes "don't worry" he adds.

Tord then takes something from his pocket. It was a small cube, he trows it to where the chair should be and it transformed into a couch making my eyes widen.

"Yay sofa!" Matt and Edd exclaimes.

Tom lets go of me and holds up a little cube that was on the floor that haven't transformed yet.

"What is this?" He asked.
"Oh something I just invented" Tord says tapping a botton of his remote that he was holding.

The little thing transformed into a sofa crushing Tom to the ground. Tord laughed and walked up to Tom sitting down on top of him.

"Ugh great so when are you leaving again?" Tom grunted trying to get out from under the couch.
"Leaving I'm moving back in!" Tord exclaimed happily.
"So you're staying?" I asked with a shy smile.
"Yes I am" Tord said with a smirk.
"What?! Edd!" Tom whine.
"Tom stop being so rude! Told you last week remember?" Edd told him.
"Oh so that's what you said" I said thoughtfully. "Anyway did you guys got me the fish?"
Tom frowned "sorry (Y/N) but no we kinda got banned on ever going there, but I brought you a whale!" Tom told me proud of himself.
"But where are we gonna put the whale?" I asked.
"One problem"

I sighed.

"Well if need me I'll be in my room probably finding my long lost hoodie" I told them.

Tord's POV:
I perked up and looked at (Y/N) who was leaving to head to her room should I tell her I have it or? No it's too precious I shouldn't.

"Tord you okay your staring..." Edd said.
I blinked a few times and smiled "yeah, Just something went through me" I explained.
"Like what?" Matt asked.
"Nothing important" I told him. "Say why don't you guys show me some stuff you got from your adventures" I suggested trying to change the subject.
"Yeah! Here my room has all the treasures we collected!" Matt says cheerfuly.

I smiled as Matt dragged me upstairs. We passed by my old room I smirked just need a distraction and get that Witness out of the house...

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