Confessingly fun

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(Y/n)'s POV:
I was looking out of the tinted window as I wait impatiently and excitedly to go to the amusement park.

"Are we there yet?" I asked Edd looking at the front seat.
"(Y/n) be patient we're almost there" he said.

I nodded looking at the window again. Someone then tap on my shoulder. I turn my head to the person who touched me. It was Tom he smiled at me and put a hand on my shoulder scooting me closer to him. His really warm and comforting making me relaxed and calm.

"Calm your making me wanna die from your cuteness when you pout" he said.

I blushed and pout at him.

"I am calm Tommy" I said crossing my arms.
"Then be patient " he said.

I nodded and sigh. I glance at Tord he was glaring at Tom like he was gonna punch him. Tom was only smirking at him. Should I ask or... No I'll wait.

"Do you need a hug too Tord? " I asked.

He looked at me and acted like he was going to cry.

"Yeah cause I'm lonely (Y/n/n)" he said.

I looked at our position Tom was on the middle I was on the right and Tord was on the left. He was too far away. I frown and rubbed my arm biting my under lip.

"Sorry Tord but you're too far away" I said.
"Yeah commie looks like you'll be lonely forever" Tom said smirking.

Tord glared at Tom and put his hands on his hoodie pockets a little mad from what Tom said.

"Are you mad at me Tord? " I asked a little sad.

Tord looked at me and shook his head he smiled a little and pat my head.

"No I'm not (Y/n/n) how can I be mad on your cute face " Tord said.

I blushed and stayed quiet (This happened to me and my face went completely red).

"We're here! " Edd yelled.

I smiled and ran out the door. I stared at the view. There were so many rides that we can go and stands to win prizes. I smiled widely as I went to the Booth I took out my wallet and was about to pay when Tord stood in front of me and paid for my entrance instead. I stared at him curiously.

"What can't a guy pay for a pretty lady?" he shrugged telling me that.
"I guess so" I said.

He then grabbed my hand and dragged me inside. The guys are paying for their entrance so we lost them.

"Shouldn't we go back for them? " I asked.
"No I mean come on don't you wanna ride the roller coaster now? " he asked.
"Eh point taken" I said.

We ran to the roller coaster and took a seat together. We put on our safety belts and waited for the ride to start.

"You ready (Y/n/n)?" Tord asked.

I nodded and the ride moved. It was slow. I was waiting for it to go to the top as I look down and we we're so high from the ground. I clench tight on the cart for safety. I've ride on a roller coaster for so many times so I'm not really that scared.

Tord's POV:
I looked at (Y/n/n) she clenched tight on the cart. Time to take the opportunity. I smirked and held her hand softly she looked at me and I smiled cutely at me. Darn why are you so cute?. I blushed as she squeezed her hand on mine a little.

"It'll be fine " she assured.

Does she think I'm scared? No she should be the one who's scared. We then got on the top everyone screamed in fear as we fall. Except for (Y/n) she giggling and keep our hands high on the air. And as for me...... I was screaming so hard and I felt that I'm gonna throw up any minute. I then saw a loop coming oh lord..

Time skip!

The ride was done and I was tipsy. I put my hand on a wall for support and held my mouth feeling like I'm gonna barf. (Y/n) came out smiling satisfied and hugged me.

"LET'S DO THAT AGAIN! " she yelled excitedly.
"Maybe next time... " I said trying not to throw up.

She nodded and looked at another direction.

"Look it's Edd and the others! " She pointed at them smiling "HEY EDD!" she yelled while waving both of her arms on the air.

Edd turn to her direction and smiled he ran up to her and so are Matt and Tom.

"Where have you two been? " Edds asked.
"Yeah and why is commie looks like his about to throw up? " Tom asked pointing at me.
"We rode the roller coaster" (Y/n) said.

I regain my posture I looked at the stands and saw some stuffed toys that maybe (Y/n) would like.

"Omg! I don't know if that's a (fav animal) or (second fav animal) but I want one! " (Y/n) said pointing at a weird stuff animal.

I smirk and looked at Tom we ran to the stand and I got there first. I gave him a shit eating grin and paid for a ball. I hit the cans and made all of it fall. I took the stuff animal that (Y/n) wants and gave it to her with a soft smile. Edd and Matt went to some stands to get some stuffed toys too.

"Wow thanks Tord this is awesome! It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!!! " she shouted hugging it tightly.
"Anytime (Y/n/n) but I think you're forgetting something" I said.
She tilted her head cutely "what? "
I pointed on my cheek "my prize "

She giggled and was about to kiss my cheek when I face her she kissed my lips instead (in font of Tom...;-; Poor Tom) she pulled away and glared playfully.

"What? I wanna see how you look like when you kiss it was only an accident " I said innocently.
"Yeah an accident " Tom said angrily and sarcastically.

Tom's POV:
That commie is pushing my limits I swear I'm gonna start a fight any minute. I put my hands in my hoodie pocket and glared at Tord.

"Tom can you come with me to the ferris wheel? " (Y/n) asked me.

I looked at her and she's giving me the cute puppy eyes that I adore so much. I can't say no to that. I smiled and nodded she then grab my hand... Her hand is so soft... And dragged me to the ferris wheel.
We got in and sat together waiting for the ride to start. It was a good timing too cause the sun is setting.
The ride moved and we were going up after two spins the ride stop and we we're on the top (I think it rhymed) (Y/n) was looking at the beautiful view her hair flowing with the wind.

"Tom" she said.
"Yeah? "I asked
She faced me and she was serious "why are you and Tord fighting whenever I'm with one of you? " she asked.
I gulp and looked down. "(Y/N) can I tell you something? " I asked.
"Sure but you need to answer question after " she said.
"Do you like any of us? " I asked.
"Of course! " she said "I like all of you" she added.
"No I ment... Like like like " I said.
She blushed and hugged her stuff animal "what if I do? " she asked.
"Then I want you to know this " I said.

I cupped her face and kissed her. She was shock at first but kissed back the fireworks display then started it was amazing. I pulled away and smiled.

"That's the answer to your question cause I love you " I said.

She blushed and the ride got everyone down and it was our turn to leave.
While we we're walking back to the others she didn't spoke a word.

(Y/n)'s POV:
I was so lost in thoughts. Do they really like me? Or was that just a prank? Is he serious?

"Hey (Y/n)! " Edd shouted.

I looked up and Edd was running up to me and Tom with Matt and Tord. Matt had so much mirrors while Tord was smoking and Edd had so much Cola stuff toys and drinking cola.

"You guys just missed the amazing fire works display! It was beautiful!" Matt said.
"No me and (Y/n) saw it it was really cool" Tom said.

I nodded and smiled.

"Well we should go back now this day was pretty swell" Edd said.

We all agreed and walked back to the car. When we got in I was now on the middle while Tom was on my right and Tord on my left. Tord keep asking me questions while I answered it.

"So did Tom do something to you? " Tord asked glaring at Tom.
"No we just enjoyed the view " I lied.

Tord nodded and sat back not asking anymore questions. I slowly felt sleepy and didn't noticed that I leaned on Tom.
Yeah Edd this day was pretty swell.

(Author Chan's thumb and pointer finger hurts from typing so long but it was worth it if you like the chap and this is the last time I'm going to ask u if you want another Time travel but this time their high schoolers well author Chan have a Sugar Rush x Reader to do so yeah.
۶⁼³₌₃(づ^ ▽ ^)づ author chan

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