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(Sup guys! sorry for not updating for two weeks, Okay back to the story oh and how was the one shot? Anyway guess who came crawling back with his oh so proud self, Tord my hamster, his a little dirty yet fine took him a bath and his clean now, I'm quite not sure if he has a army or not but it's fine, what? Will he kill me? eh I'll care when it happens anyway to the story)

(Y/N)'s POV:
I woke up in Tom's room and lying down on his bed oh yeah... I thought remembering the past events. I then felt someone cuddling me tightly yet gently. It was Tom he was now back to normal, I sigh as I hugged back feeling the warmth of his body spreading to my body like a chain reaction.

"Morning" he mumbled near my ear sleepily.
"Good morning" I answered back with my morning voice.

I felt him warm up alittle as I greeted him, I smiled and dugged my face on his blue hoodie making him chuckle.

"Cute" he said a loud.
I looked up at him and pout "what do you mean cute?" I asked sassily.
"You are" he said.

I blushed red muttering a 'shut up' then turning my head away from him, he chuckled again and kissed my forehead making me blush even more.

"Don't kiss me!" I whined.
"Why not?" He asked with a smirk.
"Cause I said so and you're slowly turning like Tord" I said.
"I am not!" He said a little mad.
"Fine you're not turning into a red hornhaired man" I said sarcastically.

Tom rolled his eyes playfully then a sigh escaped his lips but it sounded like he was little stressed.

"What's the matter?" I asked looking back at him.
"Nothing, it's just that you well changed not in a bad way tho" he said scratching the back of his neck.
"Well people change Tom no one stays the same" I said shrugging.
"Yeah people change..." He trailed off.
"What else is the matter?" I asked him.
"No nothing it's nothing" he stuttered.
"Stop lying and tell me already" I said sternly.
He sigh "I heard you...you can't pick between Tord and I and well..." He said hugging me closer to him.

I went completely silent. Slowly moving my head down blushing. I then heard Tom sighed again, he held my chin and pulled it up making me look up at him then kissing me on the lips. My eyes widen but slowly closed them and kissed back.
He pulled away and looked at me on the eyes smiling softly and warmly.

"Still hard to choose?" He asked.
I shook my head "Tom this isn't that simple to choose" I told him.
"But what if he doesn't come back? Will you still choose him?"
"...Tom... I don't know anymore..." I said looking away from him.

Tom then leaned closer to my fore head kissing my forehead and leaning his forehead to mine making us face to face each other while our forehead touching (I said fore head so much) and felt our breath hitting each others face.

"It's fine, I can wait" he said with a husky voice (is that the word? Ya know Markaplier's voice is when he uses his deep voice and all)

I blushed even redder while Tom just chuckled.

"You're starting to look like a TOMato (Y/N)" he said teasingly.
"Shut up, I'm sleepy now let me sleep" I said whiningly. (I think that's a word :3)
"Fine, but make sure I'm in your dreams~" he flirtingly.
"Psh I don't wanna have a nightmare about Eyeless Jack right now Tom" I told him.
"Wait who's Eyeless Jack?" He asked.
"No one, just a guy that looks like you except for his skin and hair his hair probably looks like Jon yet darker" I said thoughtfully tapping my chin.
"Wait I'm not the only one who's eyeless but can see?" He asked.
"Duh, maybe there's even other versions of you that have eyes" I said shrugging. (Danm it! Not again! *turns around and puts on construction helmet* okay hit the obligatory building montage guys Edd's crew: Awww)
"Um...." Tom said awkwardly.
"Just forget what I just said" I told him.
"Oooookaaaaay...." He said.

Silence then again wrapped around us. It was soothing and quite um well cliché... I smiled.

"GUYS BREAKFAST IS READY!" Edd yelled from downstairs.

I groan but I just wanna lay down here with this guy! I thought sadly.

"Come on lazy ass let's get up and eat, I'm hungry" Tom said.
"Uuuuugghhhhhh" I respond.
Tom chuckled kissing my forehead again "I know it's hard to get up from bed these days but we gotta cuz I'm hungry" Tom told me getting up  from bed.
"Five more minutes dad" I said.
"Don't use that word on me young lady let's go" Tom said lifting me up piggy back style! (Cause I just cringed when I typed down Bridal style and shivered literally!)

I groan I need to get these guys on a trip or something I thought and just let him carry me downstairs happily. As we got to the kitchen I took a glance at Matt and Edd, they were smiling at us Matt with his barbeque meaty thing and Edd with his cereal.
Tom put me down on a chair as Edd gave me tea and toast.

"So how did you made Tom calm down?" Edd asked.
I sipped the tea "hugs and comfort that's all" I answered.
"Nothing else?" Matt asked hopefully.
"Yeah just that, why?" I asked.
Both of them sighed "Nothing just wondering"
"Wait were you two thinking that me and (Y/N)..." Tom trailed off looking at them weirdly.
Wait what?
"Maybe Maybe not, anything can happen Tom" Matt said in a matter of fact tone.

Tom blushed darkly as I sat there dumbfounded.

"What what is it?" I asked curiously.
"Nothing, you just don't know what we mean" Edd said patting my head.
I glared at him slapping his hand away " are you calling me stupid?"
"No I was just saying that you're in-"
"Shut up Edd!" I shouted and ran to my room.

Edd's POV:
I flinched as I heard her slam the door loudly from her room. I  and looked down.

"I just mean that she's innocent" I said to myself.

Matt giggled as Tom rolled his eyes. I felt so bad now...

"Maybe we can get her a potion to make her the smartest person in the universe" I told them.
"and where do you think we'll find that?" Tom asked.
"Magic shop obviously" I said sarcastically.
"Sure as if they do sell potions like that" Tom answered back.
"Hey atleast I'm thinking, and didn't Matt got a potion that turns a person into a kid there" I snapped.
"You two just shut up and let's go" Matt said grabbing Tom's and my hood dragging us to the car.

I started the engine and then we headed to the Magic shop.

(Y/N)'s POV:
I then heard the car started and they left. YES FINALLY I CAN HAVE THE HOUSE ALONE! I thought happily. I fist pumped and ran to the couch I ploped down on it grabbed the remote control and pressed the on botton.

"AND WELCOME BACK TO (fav cartoon)"
"Hahaha best plan ever" I said to myself opening up a cola from Edd's sash.

But before I could take a sip a portal then flashed infront of me. BLOCKING THE FREAKING TV!! then came out a woman that looks just like me but older aaaannnddd what the hell is with that clothes and that robotic eye? wait it kinda looks futuristic tho...

"Um you're kinda blocking the Tv" I told her.

The future me i guess turns around and sigh she again looked back at me and rolled her eyes wait it that a patch that Tord wears on his left side cheek?

"Look I don't have time for this you're coming with me" She said carrying me bridal style.
"Hey! Put me down can't I have a ordinary day just chillin?!" I asked.
"Well if you weren't important and stuff sure you'd have a(n) ordinary boring life" Future me sais.
"Huh, To ché" I said.

Then we hopped in the portal that she made witha portal gun. (Sounds familiar Rick and Morty fans out there? 😏)


I blinked a few times cause of the brightness of the portal.

"You'll get used to it when you grow up" a Guy's voice similar to Tom said.
"W-wait T-Tom?" I stuttered.

When I got back my vision I saw Tom but with pixel glasses on his 'eyes'.

"Um what's with the eyes?" I asked.
"Remember the time when we we're on the hospital then the laser I took on the eye?" Tom asked.
"Yeah?" I answered.
"Cancer" he replied.
"Well that sucks" I said.
"I know right" Future me commented.

I smiled pointing gun fingers on her as she did the same.

"Did you caught her?" A Norwegian voice asked.
"Yes sir" Future me replied formally.

I looked around and saw Tord...with a(n) army suit and all with his robotic arm and eyepatch wait why is his skin all burned?! My eyes widen.

"Oh Pugs in a Pizza Box! Tord!" I screamed.

Tord then narrowed his eyes at me and glared angrily.

"What?" He asked harshly.

I quickly ran up to him and hugged him, he was kinda tall so my face was buried on his chest. I pulled away and touched his face.

"What happened to you? Are you okay? Oh man oh gosh oh moaning murtle! We should take you to the hospital!" I told him worriedly.

He pushed me away glaring at me angrily.

"Why would you be concern on a man who tried to kill you?!" He asked angrily.
"What?! What do you mean you tried to kill me? You would never do that Tord I think you're sick come on I think there's a hospital around this place near by" I said walking up to him slowly.

I didn't listened and just hugged him rubbing circles on his back, I felt him about to push me but he stopped. Slowly he relaxed and hugged back.

"There now just calm down okay? Now before we go to the hospital tell me what's wrong" I said.
"You hated me...remember?" He asked.
"What?! I'd never" I told him.
"Wait don't you remember...?"

Tord then let go and looked at me, I smiled at him then he looked back at my future self and  future Tom.

"What day did you captured her?" He asked.
"Um (Today's date) sir" Future me answered.

He facepalmed and sighed disappointed about something.

"Bring her back" Tord said.
"Sir but I thought you were-"
"I said bring her back Now!" Tord inturpted Tom.

My futureself rolled her eyes while Future Tom walked up to some portal gun device and passed it to future me, future me then once again flashed a portal and grabbed me.

"Wait" Tord said.

Future me again rolled her eyes and crossed her arms tapping her foot impatiently. Tord hugged me then let go kissing my forehead, after that Future me quickly grabbed me and we entered the portal.


After that bright light we were back in my timeline. I looked around and everything seems fine. My future self sighs and took out a flask but frowned when she saw that it was empty.

"Hey uh where does Tom puts his vodka again?" Future me asked.
"Vodka?" I asked.
"Oh right, I was freaking innocent back then..." Future me muttered. "Ya know what he drinks in his flask 'Smirnoff' "
"Oh it's in the frige" I told her.

She nods and walked to the kitchen. I then looked back at the Tv seeing that my favorite show was done and a new show was on...

I facepalmed "can't I just have one chapter just me chillin in the afternoon watching my favorite show and watch my otp be together even tho deep in side of it will never work!" I said sadly. (*Sniffles* starco...)

I plop on the couch sadly. My futureself then came back sipping on her flask, she noticed me looking upset on the couch.

"What's the-"

I pointed at the Tv, she automatically know why as she said 'oh' and plopped down on the sofa aswell beside me.

"Oh and can you please stop breaking the fourt wall the author just told me that she just fixed the wall awhile ago and she can't handle another crappy brick again" Future me said.
I nodded ans sigh "aren't you not gonna leave yet?"
"Wow we just got here and you already want me to leave? Such nice of you huh?"
"No it's just why are you still here doesn't Tord need some help back there?" I asked.
"Oh you mean Mr. Bossy horn hair sh¡t? Nah he have Matt and Tom with him there" Future me answered.
"Oh what about Edd?" I asked.
"...he...well...it's pretty complicated..."
"Oh..." I said.
"Yeah, well got any questions?" Future me asked.
"What do you mean questions?" I asked.
"You know I came from the future so basically I know what will happen to you tomorrow or even after that day so I know what happens on our life you can avoid death if you wanted to" she said putting back her flask.
"Nah, I'd rather let anything happen cause you know everything happens for a reason oh and I don't wanna spoil anything" I said.
"Suit yourself" future me said standing up dusting herself and creating a portal but before she enters the portal she said this. "Oh and (Y/N) you can choose both"

Then left. I sat there looking at where the portal should be dumbfounded.

"Well that happened..." I trailed off smiling awkwardly.

Just then the door burst open makimg me flinch.

"(Y/N)!" I heard Edd shouted.

I sat up and looked behind the couch. I saw Edd with Tom and Matt behind him...but he kinda looks like he came back here from hell... Some of his hair was on fire, his clothes was bruised and dirty and his all bruised up but looked fine, same to Tom and Matt but Matt kinda still look good and Tom kinda well much more bruised and have a black eye. But what really caught my attention was the potion that Edd was holding.

"(Y/N)! I'm so sorry about earlier this morning here I got you a potion, here drink it!" Edd said stumbling to ran up to me.

As he sat down next to me he smiled and gave me the potion. The potion looked like water but smelled like cinnamon.

"Where did you got this?" I asked.
"From the river of knowledge!" He said proudly.
"Why?" I asked confused looking around the bottle.
"Well to make you smart" he sais.
I glared at him. "Well thank you then I guess..."

Edd laughed nervously as I placed it next to a shelf near the potion that Matt brought back then oh yeah we still have that. I grabbed it and showed them the potion that turns adult to children. (I need that potion)

"Hey guys what are we gonna do with this?" I asked.

They were now on the couch sloching lazily and tired, they looked at the bottle then at each other.

"Wanna be a kid again?" Tom asked.
Edd smirks "hell yeah"

(To be continued)

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