Moving in with my bestfriend

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(Y/n)'s POV:
I had my eyes on the road have my bags on the back and my hands on the wheel.
I was just heading to Edd's house my best friend we were friends since we were 6 had fun times together and awesome moments back then.
I took a left only a few more left and rights I would be there already.
After a few minutes I got to his house. I saw him opened the door and run up to me I got off the car and walked forward with my arms raised he hugged me tightly.

"Edd....too.... Tight! " I squeak.

He let go and apologized I hugged him lightly and took my bags. He helped me and took some of my bags.  When we got to the door he placed the bags down on the floor and shouted.


Then three guys walked down. They looked at me and the one with a green overcoat walked up to me.

"Hi I'm Matt what's yours? " he then placed out his hand
"The names (Y/n) " I shook his hand and smiled.
"Lovely name almost as beautiful as me though" he said.
I giggled.

Then the guy that had devil horn hair and wearing a red hoodie walked up to me with a smirk.

"Hey there cutie I'm Tord" he said grabbing my hand and kissing it.
"Nice to meet you too Tord" I said.

He smiled then the guy with a blue hoodie walked up to me pushing Tord away.

"Don't mind that commie the name's Tom by the way" he said as he takes drink from his metal bottle thing.
I titled my head "what is that? " i asked.
"Oh this this is my flask where I put my alcohol in" he explained.
"You drink alcohol?  But that's for cleaning our hands" I said.

He chuckled and raffled my hair and said that he liked me. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Hah. Never knew you were that innocent" he teased.

I only looked at him with curiosity and just shrug it off. Edd told me he is gonna show me my room now so I nodded and followed him.
We stopped on a (f/c)  door. He opened it and the room was all (f/c)  with a hint of (2nd f/c).

"Wow this room and wonderful! " I said as I plob down on my (f/c)  bed.

He smiled and left I started unpacking and changed into my (f/c) hoodie and black shorts I slip on my (f/c) converse and walked downstairs seeing the guys on the couch watching tv.

I smiled and dash to the couch I jump and sat down besides Tom and Edd. Edd smiled at me and we continued to watch.
After it got boring I stood up and walked to the kitchen I opened the frige and bent down to pick up a (fav soda) can when someone whistled. I took the soda and closed the frige I turn around and saw Tord smirking at me.

"What's the matter? " I asked.
He then put his palm on his face and acted hurt "my cheek hurts can you kiss it to go away? "

I gave him a curious look but shrugged it off and walked closer to Tord and was about to kiss his cheek when he face me. Instead of kissing his cheek I kissed his lips.
I pulled off.

"Why did you do that? " I asked.
"Cause you were cute and I wanted to see your face" he whined.

I stick my tounge out and walked to the living room where Tom, Matt and Edd is sitting on the couch.

Tord's POV:
I chuckled to myself. Darn she's cute and so innocent I just wanna be with her all day.  I thought and walked to the living room I sat on the floor infront of (Y/n)  I lyied my head on her knee and watched.

"Uh Tord what are you doing? " she asked.
"Watching TV" I said.
"Then why are you leaning on my knee? " she asked.
"Cause it's comfortable" I said.
"Well can you get off I'm gonna head to my room to sleep" she said.
"Yeah commie fuck off" Tom growled.

I faced him with an annoyed look. He looked very pissed does he like (Y/n)  too?

"Why do you care" I teased.

He only growled. (Y/n)  pushed my head and stood up and stretched.

"I'm gonna go to my room now night guys" she said as she walked to the stairs.
"Can I sleep with you?~" I asked with a smirk.

She stopped and look at me.

"No thanks Tord you can sleep with Edd if you want" She said and walked up stairs.

Tom laughed his ass out I glared at him.

"Can't believe you're gay! " Tom laughed.
"I'm NOT gay! " I shouted.

But Jenovah witness keeps laughing. I flipped the couch up and they fell on the floor with the couch (lol i did that to my friends once)

And stormed up stairs anger filled in me for what Jenovah said.
When I got to my room I locked my door and plop on bed faceplanting my pillow.

"YOU'RE BEING GUILTY! " Tom yelled from outside my room.
"I'M NOT GAY!! " I yelled back as I lifted my head.

I blushed in embarrassedment and plop my face back to the pillow.

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