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(Y/N)'s POV:
I sighed stressed out at my little search, Clothes was scattered everywhere while my drawers and cabinet looked like it had thrown a dynamite inside it and let it explode everywhere. I don't even wanna know why my hair had a hanger tangled inside it.

"Ugh where is it?!?!" I groaned facepalming.
"You okay there (Y/N)? Um need help?" Tom asked coming in my room all of a sudden.

He looked around and chuckled helping me up from the wooden floor that I'm sitting on and puts me on my bed.

"Never knew you went from peace to world war 3" Tom joked gesturing my room "what happened here?" He asked holding a laugh.
"Ugh I've been finding my hoodie everywhere yet there's not even a single trace from it, like it didn't even existed at all!" I explained waving my hand around the air.
"Psh, that's crazy it could be just hanging there, did you check your drawer?" He asked walking up to my drawer that I haven't touched.
"Yes! If you're planning on checking that drawer don't" I told him.
"Why? Is it because you still haven't checked this?" He asked with a smirk opening it.

My eyes widen as he dig his hands though it, quickly I stood up and pulled him out of it.

"What the-!"
"That's my undergarment drawer stop!" I yelled as I finally tackled him down.
"Okay okay sorry" he said raising his hands up which had one of my panties on.
"WHAT THE HELL?!!?" I yelled taking my panty away from him.

His face blushed darkly and crawled back covering his blushing dark red face.

"I I didn't mean it! I-I swear!" He defend covering his face from embarrassment.
I sighed and glared at him. "Just don't touch anything, your making me panic more than I already am" I told him.

He nodds egearly as I sighed again man I've been sighing so much today...

"Maybe you should just let the cloth go, you can always buy a new one anyway" Tom shrugged.
"No it's my favorite hoodie so there is no way am I buying a new one" I told him standing up and searching for my hoodie again.

Tom gets up from the floor and walks over to me. He chuckles and suddenly picks me up from the ground.

"What the-! TOM put me down now!!" I whine blushing as he held me on bridal style.
"No can do you need a rest, and besides why do you even have that hanger in your hair?" Tom asked as he takes me to my bed again.
I blushed and look down "I don't know and don't care" I told him.
"Well I do, you're very stressed out just calm and chillax it's not that hard is it?" He asked smirking.

He then plops me on bed and unsuspectingly held my waist closer to his body bringing us together to a warm cuddle.

"Shhh it's fine just relax and close your eyes" He said cutting me off and burying his face on my neck.

I blushed madly as I did what he told me. What am I doing with my life? As I was about to get really comfortable on our position a knock then disturbed us.

"Ugh, don't answer it just tell whoever behind that door you're busy" Tom groaned hugging me tighter.
"Nope" I said pushing him off my bed harshly.

He fell and I finally got off his grasp sitting up right.

"You alright there (Y/N)?" A strong accent ask from the other side of the door.
"What does he want now?" Tom groan holding his head in pain.
"Yeah I'm fine!" I answered running to the door and opening it "Hey Tord what brings you here?" I asked.
"Just wanna ask if you're free today" he said leaning on the door frame with his oh so famous smirk.
"And why are you asking that?" Tom asked as he wrapped his hands around my waist making me blush.

Tord's mouth then graped open and suddenly glares at Tom angrily.

"Why are you in (Y/N)'s room!" Tord asked angrily pointing a finger at Tom.
"You still haven't answered my question bird face" Tom insulted.
"Look if you two are only going to argue then you two may leave me alone cause I'm busy finding my precious hoodie" I told them getting away from Tom's hug and pushing him out walking back in after.
"Wait (Y/N)!" Tord stops as he holds my hand.

I sighed annoyed and looked at him boredly.

"What is it now Tord?" I asked him impatiently.
"I just wanted to ask you -well Edd actually- if you wanted to come at our little adventure with Matt you know so we could catch up on things we didn't got up on" Tord says as he looks down blushingly scratching the back of his neck.

I stared at him for a moment then sighed looking down aswell.

"No thanks, like I said I'm busy..." I told him taking his hand off mine.
"But you just said that you're free today" Tord reasoned.
"Well now I'm not" I told him closing the door in front of me.

I then leaned on the door slowly sliding down why do I feel sad and hurt all of a sudden whenever I see him? (Greatest moment when the radio put a random song that is great for this chapter 😂) I again sighed brushing my hand on my hair. Damn I'm so stressed....

Tord's POV:
I stared at the door sadly and sighed disappointed at myself.

"Why do you even try if you know you don't have a chance, Commie?" The Witness asked with a smirk.

I hate it when the wheel turns around like this I turn around and glared madly at the no eyed freak that was now in front of me.

"Psh and how do you know that, around our looks I'd say I already won and I can probably give her everything she wants unlike you, you drunken pineapple bowling ball freak!" I bickered angrily.
Tom glared at me scoffing "how can you assure that? And (Y/N) isn't the person who looks at their faces she's the one who looks inside of the person's heart and you probably don't have the kindness in you, horn hair Communist" Tom insulted back.
I growled "I'm kind not just to people like you Witness!"

Tom just rolled his eyes and walked away taking a swig from his flask that he pulled out from his hoodie pocket.

"Yeah right as if people would believe in that" Tom says before finally leaving me alone.

I glared at the spot where he was first before kicking the ground and going to where Matt and Edd is, Tom will probably come with us too ugh.

I looked back at (Y/N)'s room one more time sadly does she hate me? I hope not I thought shoving my hands in my hoodie pocket feeling (Y/N)'s hoodie inside it. No I'll do anything in my power for her to love me even if it has to do with my plan as long as she loves me I'm fine with it...I just need to get it and leave with her...but how? I thought deeply.

"Tord let's go!" I hear Edd call out pulling me back to reality.
"COMING!" I yelled back.

I'll deal with it later...

What a crappy chater huh? Welp I hope you liked it

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