Chapter Two

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"So, what gives, Yoongs?"

Yoongi sideways glanced at Namjoon. "What do you mean?"

Namjoon sighed. "I understand why you've been in a mood lately, but you usually just internalize everything. What's with crushing Jungkook's spirit all of a sudden?"

Yoongi paused, then sighed deeply.

"He loves you."

"I know."

"And looks up to you."

"I know."

"He's been nothing but supportive of you – "

"I know, Joon. I'll apologize."

"You could make it up to him by going out there and dancing with him."

Yoongi stiffened, then turned very slowly until he was fully facing Namjoon. "You're joking."

Namjoon shook his head. "You know I'm not."

"Joon, I don't like dancing on a good day."

"Min Yoongi, that's a bold face lie. You always used to dance when – "

"Stop it, Joon," Yoongi interrupted, his voice low and serious. "I mean it."

Namjoon considered his next words carefully before deciding to proceed. "Yoongs, when do you think it will be time?"

Yoongi stared at him.

"You know what I mean." Namjoon observed him seriously. "When will enough time have passed?"

"It's only been a year," Yoongi growled.

"A year is a long time."

"I don't want to talk about this right now."

"Then when?"

Yoongi didn't reply.

"She would've – "

"I swear to god, Kim Namjoon, if you say she would've wanted me to be happy, I will kill you."

Namjoon paused for a few moments, then stood and held out a hand to his friend.

"Let's go dance, Yoongs."

Yoongi wouldn't look at him.

"Do it for J – "

Yoongi's head snapped toward his friend and fire flashed in his eyes.

" – ungkook."

Yoongi visibly relaxed, then closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

"One dance."


Yoongi pushed Namjoon's hand aside as he stood and begrudgingly headed toward the dance floor. He was glad to see Jungkook already out on it, so they didn't have to go track him down.

"What do you think of Jungkook's new friend, by the way?" Namjoon said in Yoongi's ear so he could hear him over the music.

Yoongi's eyes shifted to Hoseok, and he stopped dead in his tracks. Hoseok was dancing like nobody Yoongi had ever seen. Yoongi's eyes followed his every move, and he became captivated quickly. Hoseok's movements were fluid and flexible, as though he had no bones, and Yoongi's lips parted slightly as he watched him. After a few moments of not moving, Namjoon shook his shoulder.


Yoongi blinked, shaken from his trance. He looked at Namjoon. "What?"

"You're blocking the dance floor."

"Oh," Yoongi said, looking around himself at the people trying to move around him. "Sorry."

Namjoon smiled slyly. "Let's go say hi!"

Yoongi's eyes widened. "Wha – ? No!"

But Namjoon had already grabbed his hand and pulled him toward Jungkook and Hoseok, who were dancing with Hoseok's friends.


Jungkook turned at the sound of Namjoon's voice, and his eyes nearly bulged out of his head at the sight of Yoongi. "Hyung?!"

"Hey," Yoongi said, not even loudly enough to be heard over the music. Then he turned to Namjoon and shook his head. "I'm not drunk enough for this."

"One whiskey, coming right up!" Namjoon chirped as he turned around and headed back toward the bar.

"No, Joon! I didn't mean you should lea – "

"C'mon, Hyung!" Jungkook said excitedly as he grabbed Yoongi's arm. "We're having a great time!"

"Kook, I – "

But his body was already being jostled between the dozens of other bodies on the dance floor. Yoongi felt like a fish, helplessly flopping around.

"You can do better than that, Yoongs," a voice suddenly said into Yoongi's ear. "You look like an old grandpa just standing there. Loosen up!"

Yoongi turned his narrowed gaze on Seokjin, who had appeared beside him. Seokjin waved his arms above his head. "I know you can at least do better than me!"

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Obviously."

Seokjin laughed as Yoongi eventually let the rhythm of the music begin to move him a bit. He felt like an idiot at first. He hadn't danced, nor had any desire to, in so long. But after a time (and a few more glasses of whiskey), he finally began to let loose.

The rest of the night passed by in a blur for everyone except Seokjin and Taehyung, who nursed their drinks as they were both driving. They chatted a bit together, and exchanged perceptive smiles when they caught sight of Yoongi and Hoseok talking.

"You're a really good dancer!"

"Are you kidding?! YOU are!"

"Nah!" Hoseok waved his hand. "It's just fun!"

"You're amazing!" Yoongi insisted.

It wasn't long until Jungkook, Namjoon and Jimin noticed their interaction as well. Everyone left the two alone, hoping they'd continue talking. And they did, for the rest of the night, drunkenly complimenting each other and inanely yet excitedly chatting as they continued to drink.

"So, if you don't mind me asking," Jimin said once he'd had enough liquid courage to do so. "What's up with your brother-in-law? Why was he so grumpy earlier?"

Jungkook glanced at Yoongi. "He's having a hard time right now. Last week was the one year anniversary of my sister's death."

"Oh my god," Jimin said, a horrified look settling his face. "I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay," Jungkook assured him. "I mean, it's hard. I miss her a lot. But Yoongi... He just still hasn't been able to move past it much."

Jimin nodded. "That's understandable."

Jungkook returned his nod. "Jin and I try to look after him. We've always been close with him, but after Jia died, we knew he needed support. He never has taken it well at all. It wasn't unexpected; she was really sick. But..."

"But how can you ever really fully prepare for that?"

"Exactly." Jungkook glanced at Yoongi again. "But, it looks like maybe he's coping better tonight than we thought he would." Jungkook smiled at Jimin. "Hoseok is really sweet. I'm glad they're talking."

Jimin returned his smile. "Me, too. Hobi has been impossible for months since he and his ex broke up. We usually can't get him away from that garden for anything. It's pretty much a miracle that he's here tonight."

Jungkook's smile faltered. "Oh. Maybe we shouldn't have let him take over Yoongi's then."

Jimin shook his head. "No, he lives for that stuff. And hey, maybe now they'll have more to talk about!"

Jimin didn't catch the worried glance Jungkook threw at Seokjin. "Yeah, maybe."

"Everyone ready to go?" Seokjin suddenly asked, as he noticed the time. "The club's gonna close soon."

There were disappointed groans all around, but most of them knew they'd had enough. Everyone filed outside and bid each other farewell as they dispersed to their cars.


Hoseok woke up slowly, not at all recognizing his surroundings until he'd finally managed to completely peel his eyes open. He immediately groaned as a sharp pain shot through his head.


There was no response, but Hoseok knew his friend was around somewhere as he'd realized he was laying on Taehyung's couch.

It took a few moments for any memory of the previous night's events to return to him, but once some did, he snatched up his phone. He began searching through his contacts with a frown on his face.

"Morning, Hobi!" Tae's voice, that was way too cheerful for Hoseok's liking, suddenly rang out. "How ya feeling?"

Hoseok simply scowled at him. Taehyung laughed. "That good, huh?"

"At least I made it home without someone's number," Hoseok said with relief as he set his phone aside. "I guess you finally relented and brought me home regardless?"

"Yeah, about that..."


Yoongi's eyes popped open. He sat up quickly, then immediately wished he hadn't. He grabbed his head and groaned.

"Joon?" he said as he trudged out of his friend's guest room.

"In here," Namjoon called from the kitchen. "I'm making haejang-guk."

"Thank god," Yoongi muttered as he fell into a chair at Namjoon's table. He groaned again as he ran a hand down his face. He was about to lay his head on the table when something on his hand caught his eye. He stared at his palm, trying to figure out why there was writing on it.

"Hey, Joon?"


"Who the hell is Hobi?"

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