be nice, kids

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HI this is just something that I've been thinking about lately that I would like to address

so one of my absolute favorite things about the theatre community is that they are accepting of literally anyone. are you gay? they accept you! straight? that's cool too! you're an atheist? they're good with that! a Christian? great! extremely extroverted? awesome! painfully shy? that doesn't matter!

as most of you know, I am homeschooled, but that means that I can still participate in extracurriculars in public highschools, including musicals. so, that sounds great right, more opportunities for me to perform

now I take group acting classes with the woman who teaches acting at one of these highschools, and I love this teacher, she's amazing, and she's invited me to participate in their fall musical, which normally I'd be super excited about

my parents are pushing me to do this show because I am dreading this musical, you guys. Not because of the teacher, not because of the school, not because I feel inferior talent-wise.

but because the theatre students at this school (most of whom are in my acting class) have continuously made me feel excluded and isolated, and I don't want to have to go through and entire rehearsal/performance process feeling like that

and honestly I feel like worrying about the social interactions between me and my cast members should be the very last think I'm worrying about during a show, yet it's the only reason I don't want to do this show, and I desperately don't want to do this show

so the moral of this story is be nice to everyone folks, because you never know how much anxiety being nice could save someone

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