how many tags have I done at this point

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heyyy more tags! so I was tagged by  westcoastbroadway (I still can't actually tag people I apologize) and that was maybe an hour ago which means it's been less than 3 days which means I'm following the rules so yay me!

Ten things about me:

1. This fall I have to audition for The Boyfriend at the local high school (I'm homeschooled but am allowed to participate in stuff like theatre there) and I don't necessarily like the kids there so yay social anxiety 

2. This summer I'm going to NYC for the fourth year in a row and I'm super excited 

3. I'm in a production of Footloose and we open next week!

4. I'm a huge procrastinator (I may or may not be avoiding doing necessary things right now by filling this out)

5. I'm already running out of things to say and I'm only half way through 

6. I have a black belt in taekwondoe (is that how you spell it? who knows)

7. I saw a local production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame today and that was really good

8. Oh, here's a fun thing, last month I saw Wicked on tour and I got to go backstage thanks to the lovely BCEFA and then afterwards Ginna Claire Mason, one of my theatre heroes, hugged me at the stage door (I can't believe I forgot to tell you guys about that whoops)

9. I also saw Bright Star on tour recently (with the amazing and talented Liana Hunt, former Katherine) and if you know what that musical is then congratulations you're my new best friend

10. I saw my first Shakespeare play in Washington D.C. in late March, it was The Winter's Tale, and I am thoroughly obsessed with it now (mainly because they incorporated original music into that production and I'm a sucker for creative teams putting music in plays that don't typically involve music)

Tell a joke: 

A pirate walks into a bar with a ship's steering wheel stuck to the front of his pants. The bartender says, "You've got a steering wheel stuck to your crotch." The pirate says, "Arr, it's driving me nuts."

That joke was not original, I got it from Davy Zlatic of Bandstand and we should all love him

Write a spoiler of a possible work of yours: 

I have three words for you guys: Newsies. Amnesia. Apocalypse. 

Have fun agonizing over that because it's gonna be a while before you figure out what it means.

Tag 28 people:

Haha that's funny (also my tags still may or may not work and I don't want to risk causing my phone any confusion so I'm just writing your usernames out)

1. aemerrill

2. AwesomeIcewing

3. Sage_Dragon

4. Julie_Bella_

5. snyderthespider

6. JimmyJamesMadison

7. dyintogetaway

8. 12YearsInAzkaban

9. thebookwormchameleon

10. proudriff

11. KatherinePulitzumber

12. ScatterBrain52

13. pandafangirl2


15. Americas-Sweetheart

16. HittheDarkwab

17. Katherine__Plumber

18. Emrysstar

That's really all I can think of I oops

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