I don't know what this is

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heyy guys so as the title suggests I don't know what this chapter is for really but I just figured I'd give you all a life update bc I like talking to you guys and I want to try to keep this community going here until it finally dies out so yeah here's the stuff happening in my life

- I only have like 12 weeks of math left in my life so that's great

- I'm going to a masterclass with Laura Bell Bundy (you all know who that is right?) on Saturday and performing with her in concert that night

- because of said masterclass and concert I have to learn five songs and have them performance ready BY Saturday which is stressing me out just a tad

- I also have to prepare a song for a concert at a nursing home I'm doing Friday which. is also stressing me out

- BUT Thursday is Valentine's Day and I get to spend the night watching The Last Five Years and eating an entire small pizza by myself which I am excited about

- I'm auditioning for a show soon! yay stress!

- I have a vocal competition in a month! more stress!

- I'm seeing Jeremy Jordan live in 43 days and that is the only thing keeping me sane

- currently taking college English Literature and Composition and hating it, and that comes from someone who loves writing about things so. that's great.

- school is over in May you guys. only three more months of school left. and that is fantastic motivation

and yeah basically that is my life in a nutshell (basically just a ball of theatre, school, and stress) and I hope you all enjoyed that and I still miss talking to you guys and reading your updates and actually writing my own updates (which aren't happening currently because my life is a ball of stress) and I hope you guys are doing well and amazing and you're all fantastic alright sleep well friends and that is all!

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro