more of me making you read my ravings about new musicals

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HELLO and welcome to another installment of me making chapters of this book where I talk about new gorgeous musicals that I love that you should all listen to so I can talk to someone about them

most of you by now know about my newfound Starkid obsession which has in fact taken over my entire life, and through that I have discovered a new non-Starkid musical called Starry, which three Starkid members are in and I am obsessed with

(and a concert version is happening at 54 Below this week and someone had better film it)

so Starry is a musical about Vincent and Theo van Gogh and their lives and the music is just. so gorgeous and I highly recommend watching the video I have included above as usual because wow it's beautiful

I am developing an obsession for this show and you all should too, thank you very much for your time

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