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OKAY so here it is, the story of last night that most of you probably don't want to hear oops

alright so, the concert last night started off with the symphony playing the overture from The Phantom of the Opera which was honestly probably the best way possible to start it off

so after that, Jeremy Jordan was the first one to perform, so they introduce him, and then he comes out and as he's walking onstage I am ALREADY crying and he hasn't even opened his mouth yet

so he comes onstage and proceeds to sing this song called Santa Fe, from this show called Newsies, so that was pretty cool (no seriously I died)

and obviously I was tearing up during the entirety of that because guys he's even more talented live than he is in the movie seriously

also he did the iconic Jack Kelly rolling-of-the-shoulders which caused some internal fangirling

so after that the AMAZING Betsy Wolfe comes on belts her face off singing Gimme Gimme and my love for her began to grow

then came Falling Slowly from Once, which was GORGEOUS oh my gosh

then Betsy sang a song called Meadowlark from The Baker's Wife and that was just... wow. It gave me chills

Jeremy sang a song called Sarah from a show called the Civil War and I cried some more

Betsy performed A Summer in Ohio from The Last Five Years and it was 100% the best performance of that song I've ever seen. I love Betsy Wolfe.

to fully appreciate the next song, I have to first take a second to recognize the conductor. His name is Steven Reineke and he is amazing. He talked to the audience and introduced Betsy and Jeremy and their songs throughout the show, and you could just tell that when he was conducting, he was having so much fun

so after A Summer in Ohio, Jeremy comes back on and Steven tells us that he's going to sing a song from The Book of Mormon as Elder Price

so he does, he starts singing You and Me (But Mostly Me) and he's perfect and someone get this man back on Broadway in literally any show

though while he's singing I'm wondering who's going to sing Elder Cunningham's part, since Betsy has exited the stage

so once the time for Elder Cunningham's part comes around, Steven steps off of the conductor's podium, momentarily stops conducting, and starts SINGING with Jeremy

and it was just the best thing ever I did not stop smiling that whole number

after that, Betsy came back on, and they sang a really gorgeous duet called Before and After You/One Second and a Million Miles from The Bridges of Madison County and it was GORGEOUS, Jeremy and Betsy work really well together


act two started with Betsy Wolfe singing She Used to Be Mine from Waitress, and she did the Dear Baby monologue before it as well and I definitely cried during that

then Jeremy came back and sung the HECK out of Why, God, Why? from Miss Saigon and again I will say SOMEONE PUT THIS MAN BACK ON BROADWAY PLEASE

then Waving Through a Window happened

and guys


that's all I can say about that

then Betsy came back and sang Maybe This Time from Cabaret, and again I say, wow

then came one of the funniest non-singing (and I'm pretty sure unscripted) moments, as Steven (the conductor) was introducing the last song, Betsy and Jeremy are just kinda looking around at something, so Steven cuts himself off and asks them what they're looking at

so Jeremy, being adorable, answers with "Ourselves" and they are indeed watching themselves in the monitors that they have above the stage

and then Jeremy just messes around with it for a minute and makes a bunch of weird movements while looking at the monitors because he's adorably weird and I love it

so then they calm down and sing Suddenly Seymour from Little Shop of Horrors, and that was great

then they bow and it seems like they're about to leave, but then they do an encore

and they sing Take Me or Leave Me from Rent and I have to say

if I had not already been metaphorically dead, THAT NUMBER KILLED ME IT WAS SO GOOD seriously

so then, fast-forward just a tiny bit and we're at the stage door now

so we wait for... probably about 20 minutes and I'm in a heightened version of my usual stage door state of jumping out of my skin every time the door opens

and then the ONE moment I'm not paying attention to the door when it opens, someone comes out and I hear screaming

and it is Jeremy Jordan

and I felt like I almost had a heart attack guys really

so he's being really sweet and talking to people so it takes him a while even though I'm close to the front, so before he gets to me, Betsy came out and got to me and she was so sweet you guys, I love her so much she's amazing

so eventually Jeremy makes it to me and I pretty much feel like I'm dying as he's looking at me

the first thing I did was ask how he was feeling, and he said he's feeling a lot better, so that's good to know

so then I start rambling a little and telling him how long I've been a fan of his (a very long time) and how amazing I think  he is and it's really awkward but he was really sweet about it

and then, yes, I asked him if I could hug him and he said yes

and I kid you not, that was the best hug ever

and I've hugged Ryan Steele, Ben Fankhauser, Corey Cott, and Josh Burrage

Jeremy hugged me pretty tightly and let me hang onto him longer than any other actor I've hugged and I think his hugs are magical because I'm still feeling the effects of it and it honestly felt like as soon as he hugged me all my worries went away and I'm still on cloud nine from it

yes, he's the best hugger in the world

then after I let go, he was adorable joked that a hug was as far as he was willing to go, and that I couldn't ask him to do more than that and HE'S SO SWEET GUYS UGH

so then he signed my program, and I asked him to sign my phone which he did, and now I can't stop staring at my phone (speaking of, does anyone have any idea how to preserve a signature on a phone case?)

so Jeremy moves on we just stand there for a while talking, when I notice the conductor

so I know I HAVE to talk to him too, and I was the only person to go up to him but oh well

so I go up to him and he's also SO NICE and we talk for a while, about how he sang You and Me (But Mostly Me) with Jeremy and about his concert that he's doing with Betsy at Carnegie Hall in a few weeks (not something I ever thought I'd get to talk to someone about) and he was just really nice too

in summary, last night was definitely the best night of my life and I'm still so happy because of it, and still a little shocked that it actually all happened, and yeah. that's all.

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