tagged again

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Hey I was tagged by Sage_Dragon so here's this

1. I don't know if this means a pet name that like other people have for me or my actual pet's name because I've seen both, but either way I can't really answer because nobody has a pet name for me and I have 6 pets so it depends on which pet. But, since this feels most relevant to this account, I have a dog named Elphie after Elphaba from Wicked

2. I don't know I guess I was just made this way

3. I hate when people ask me to do this it's so hard ummm

I'm very empathetic

At this point I think I can say that I'm a good writer

I'm very passionate (obsessed) about a lot of things

4. I mean I'm not an angel but my birthday is July 24

5. Well it's been pretty uneventful so far, I've just been watching Netflix, but I have a voice lesson later and my family is planning out the finer details of our trip to NYC next week so that's all exciting

6. I mean IT'S HARD but I'll try thank you

7. I can't keep track of everyone who's been tagged so far so here are some people:



##a_allowed##a_allowed href="https://truyen2u.pro/tac-gia/pandafangirl2" ## pandafangirl2


##a_allowed href="https://truyen2u.pro/tac-gia/proudriff" ## proudriff

That's all I can do right now because I have to go do something with my parents in a second but if I didn't tag you and you for some reason want to do this go ahead

##a_allowed href="https://truyen2u.pro/tac-gia/12YearsInAzkaban" ## ##a_allowed

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