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okay don't mind me you guys I just need to vent my feelings for a minute here

SO I don't even know if I've ever actually told you guys this, but I have an older brother who just graduated from college, and he and I have a VERY love/hate relationship. meaning I love him and he loves me but we both detest each others interests

this means that, of course, my brother does not like musical theatre in any way. at all. he'll tolerate Les Mis but that's about it for him. and I'm fine with that.

HOWEVER. we've bought tickets to quite a few shows recently, two touring musicals and a concert. we always ask my brother if he wants us to buy him a ticket, and usually he says no. but for some reason he agreed to come to all three of these events.

one of these events has finally come around, and tonight we're going to a holiday concert with Brian Stokes Mitchell (star of Ragtime, Man of La Mancha, and several other Broadway shows). my brother has just informed us that he's decided he's not coming.

we already bought him a ticket. tickets are not cheap. we spent money on a ticket that's not being used, so that's essentially money spent for nothing because, at this point it's too late to see if anyone else wants to use it.

and I swear if he decides he also doesn't want to see the other two shows that we have tickets to (which were decidedly more expensive) I will be very upset

OKAY I apologize for that I'm just aggravated and needed to rant somewhere, I love my brother, he's a good person, I just highly dislike him sometimes 😂

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