Saying Goodbye

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"Lizzy?" My mom whispered as she shook me awake. I groaned in exhaustion and shifted around but she just kept shaking me until I sat up. "It's time to get ready sweetie." She said. "Take a shower and get dressed. We have to go." My mom said as she left. I quickly took a shower and got dressed for the day. I decided to wear a hoodie, sweatpants, and some sneakers since we are supposed to be traveling by plane to wherever this boarding school is. When I was done, I realized that Vivian, Rosie, and my dad were all awake to see me off. "I'm going to miss you so much!" Vivian said, engulfing me in a hug as soon as she saw me. "I'm going to miss you too Vivi. Call and text me always." I said and she nodded, squeezing me tighter just as the doorbell rang. "Wow. These people are punctual." My mom said, looking at her watch with a frown as she opened the door. "Hi!" I heard a perky voice coming from the door. Not exactly what I was expecting. When you hear the words boarding school, you think grumpy old lady, not perky young sounding lady. "You must be Mrs. Bailey. I'm Allyssa. I go to the boarding school Elizabeth is moving to and I'm here to travel with you two." She said and I sigh. I still can't believe this is happening. "Of course! Come on in!" My mom said, looking confused. When we saw the girl, we found out why my mom was so confused. The girl is wearing a nike sports bra and shorts with flip flops. Maybe it's just me but people don't usually travel in a nike sports bra and shorts. "You must be Elizabeth!" Allyssa said as she approached me. "Hi." I whispered, all of a sudden feeling shy. "Don't worry. I promise the boarding school isn't as scary as you probably think it is." She said. "Well, I will give you some time to say your last goodbyes. When you're ready, the trunk of the van is open so you can put you luggage there and then we can head out." She said as she walked back outside. "Um...why was she wearing a sports bra?" Rosie asked but my dad ignored her question, engulfing me in the warmest hug I've ever received ever. "I love you so much kiddo. I can't wait to visit so you can tell me all of the stories of the fun times you've had there." He whispered, making me tear up. "I love you too Dad." I whispered back. We finally let go and he started loading my things in the van outside while I said bye to Vivian and Rosie. "You better tell me everything about that place when you get there. I have to know what all the secrets are about." Rosie said and I giggled and gave her a hug. "I'll miss you too Rosie." I said. She hugged me back and whispered "Don't forget me while you're over there. Love you!" I almost started balling when she said that because Rosie isn't the affectionate type so it really warmed my heart. "I love you too Rosie." Then it was Vivian's turn. "Text and call me every single day and night Vivi." I said, hugging her again. "You're going to be fine Lizzy. I can't wait to visit and see you again. I miss you already." She said. We finally let go of each other and at this point, I was full on crying. "It's time to go Lizzy." My mom said and I nodded. I wiped my tears and followed her out to the white van outside. "Bye!" I said, waving to everyone as I got into the van and they waved back. My mom got into after me, kissing my father and sister goodbye, and then closing the van doors. The way the van is set up is like a limo or party bus so there are chairs on either side of the van facing each other. So, the first thing I noticed was that Allyssa was sitting in between two boys who looked her age. They were all sitting across from my mom and I. The boys were also both smirking at her and she was blushing immensely and avoiding eye contact with them. She was also holding on to both of their hands with each of her hands as if she was trying to stop them from doing something to her. "We're all set Roger!" Allyssa yelled to the driver and the driver started the van and drove off. "So, Elizabeth." She said, still clearly distracted by the playful smirks on the two guys faces. "Are you nervous?" She asked, her face still pretty red. "Um, yeah I'm pretty nervous." I said. "What do you think the boarding school is like? I know the school has a lot of secrets but I sometimes forget how many." She said. "Well all I know is that the world's most beautiful girls all live there." I said. "You're speaking as if you're not one of us." She said and I blushed. Then, Allyssa's attention is distracted from me as both guys move their hands out of Allyssa's grip. "Guys," She tried to warn seriously but ended up giggling nervously. "We know we know. We were just adjusting our hands. Right Justin?" One of the guys said to the other. "Exactly." Justin, the other guy, said back while both of them continued smirking at her. Allyssa slowly put her hands back in her lap but for some reason the boys having their hands free from her grip made her blush even more. "My apologies. I didn't even introduce these two. This is Justin and this is Mark." She said. Both boys looked at me with huge smiles and said hi. Once I said hi back, they reverted their glances back at Allyssa, making her shift in her seat and blush even more. "Maybe I should sit next to Elizabeth and her mom." Allyssa said. "Do that and we'll definitely proceed with the actions behind our smirks." Mark said and Allyssa blushed some more. "What is going on?" I asked my mom and she shrugged, even though she looked a little less confused than me. 

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