Scavenger Hunt

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"This trip is going to be so much fun!" I exclaimed. I just finished picking up my uniform from the gym with the girls and now we're all in the game room upstairs, packing together while the boys have a meeting with their football coach and pick up their uniforms. "Definitely. But let's go over the list for the trip again." Alison said. "So we have the cheer uniform and shoes. Does everyone have their swimsuits just in case?" Alison asked and we said check. "Pajamas?" Alison asked. "Yep!" We all said. "Toiletries?" Alison said and we all nodded. "Phones, laptops, and tablets?" Alison said. "Yikes, I don't have mine." Hannah said before rushing back to her room. "I do." I said as everyone else confirmed that they packed their electronics as well. Once Hannah came back, we continued going down the list and the boys returned before we finished. "Hey girls!" The boys said as they returned. "We are so going to win this weekend." Noah said as he and Ethan came up behind me and gave me a hug. "Of course you are when you have us as your cheerleaders." I told them and all of the girls agreed with excitement. "Our good luck charms." Ethan said as he and Noah poked my sides.

Once we finished packing, we all met Ryan outside of the office building to see two big vans. The older girls were also already there." "Yes! We're having another field trip!" Riley said with excitement. "Yeah we are." Ryan agreed, making all of us cheer. "So every game day, you have a challenge. For today's challenge, the boys will go up against the girls in an epic scavenger hunt!" Ryan said. "Epic?" Allyssa asked. "Yep. This scavenger hunt is going to be epic because you have to find all of the things on the list off campus, which is why the vans are here." He explained. This sounds like fun! "You will go off and try to find all of the things on the list and take a picture of it for evidence. You will have 2 hours but if you finish before then, you can come back to campus and you will automatically win." Ryan explained. "What does the winner get?" Rachel asked. "If the girls wins, they get to be the game masters in the ultimate game day tradition this evening." Ryan said and all of the girls, except of course Riley and I, gasped. "What's the ultimate game day tradition?" I asked. "We'll explain on the van." Hannah whispered. "And if the boys win, they'll be the game masters." Ryan said. "Questions?" He asked and we all shook our heads no. "Then let the games begin!"

"Okay I'm seeing a lot of food items on the list so I think we should go to the grocery store first and get those out of the way." Olivia said. "This list is so unfair. They literally want us to find a dog but we can't do that without the dog going crazy." Hannah complained. "We don't have to finish the list if the time runs out though." I suggested. "True. But we have to get that prize." Sally said, making the other girls nod. "What's the ultimate game day tradition?" I asked. "It's a crazy game where of course it's boys against girls again. We call the game Ultimate. In the game, the boys are the game masters usually. The game masters get to pick any children's game and make it extreme. Like musical chairs on crack. Last time, we did duck duck goose and I ended up getting tickled the entire time." Hannah explained. "In duck duck goose? How?! " Riley asked, looking very confused. "They found a way. " Allison said, giggling at Riley's confusion. "They also make it impossible to win so the game..." Ava said. "And the tickling," Allyssa added. "...Goes on forever." Allison finished. "So if we're the game masters..." I started. "Then WE get to pick the game to put on crack." Jasmine said. "And if we don't, we're screwed. Again." Allyssa said. "That just means we have to win." I shrugged and everyone nodded in agreement.

We stopped at Walmart and all of us hopped out. "Oh hell no." Sally said as she pointed to her left. It was the boy's van. They choose the same store?! "We can't let them see us!" Nicole said as we all crouched down behind a car. "Wait, why can't we let them see us?" Riley asked. "They'll try to sabotage us like they always do!" Allison said. "Maybe we should just go to a different store." Ava suggested. "Nope. We'll be fine. We'll just go through the entrance they don't go through." Sally said as we watch them all walk through the grocery entrance. "To the Home entrance!" Nicole announced and we all ran as quickly as we could to the second Walmart entrance.

"Alright all we have left is a white and soft food, something blue, and a rainbow colored food." I announced, reading off of the list. "Okay we should do marshmallows for the white and soft food. And the boys haven't used it!" Emma said. "Great idea!" Jasmine said as we all ran to the marshmallow aisle. "So next we'll need something blue." I said. Then, I bump into Riley who's walking in front of me. Or was walking because she stopped abruptly. "Oh sorry!" I said to Riley as I look at her. She and the other girls in front of me are frozen in place so I look ahead and see the last people we wanted to see here.

The boys.

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