Shopping Spree!

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"Wow! So tell us what else happened to you!" Nicole asked me. All the girls were intrigued by the fact that I have the highest cuteness score in all of existence. I'm still in shock myself. We're still on the bus on our way to eat lunch but they want to hear stories about what happened with the animals so I told them. "The leopards were more childish and playful than the foxes. A bunch of them were fighting over my feet to see who could nibble and lick them. Them fighting over my feet tickled more than the actually tickling." I giggled at the memory. "The foxes sniffing made me laugh harder than anything though. Just watching them pretend like they can't see me made me laugh super hard." I admitted. "And you know those youtube videos of the boyfriend who can't stop kissing his girlfriend prank?" I asked and they all nodded. "One of the leopards could not stop licking me and another could not stop nuzzling me. Then I would tell them 'You can lick or nuzzle me one more time and then stop' and they would nod and everything..." I said. "Wait, they communicate with you?" Jasmine exclaimed. "Yeah sometimes." I said before continuing "And even though they agreed, they would lick/nuzzle me one more time and then 100 more times after that." I giggled. "It tickled so much but it made them so happy." I said, blushing at the thought of those crazy animals. "Wow. They get really creative with you." Allison admits. "I guess so." I shrugged. "Okay let's go guys! We're here!" Stanley said. We look outside of the bus and see that we're at every girl's favorite place (if they have money to spend.)


"I thought we were going to eat!" Olivia squeals with excitement. "Yeah we are. In the mall food court. And then you girls get to go shopping!" Stanley announced and we all squealed. 

Since we're at a public mall, Stanley had some backup sandals for us to wear while at the mall. "Wow. I forgot how it feels to have something other than fingers on my feet." Allyssa joked making everyone giggle. "Okay now remember. You girls can only wear sports bras, crop tops, and shorts." Stanley said. "Yeah yeah whatever. Let's go shopping!" Sally sqeualed and we all squealed with her before entering the mall. 

After getting something to eat, we all started doing our shopping. Stanley waited for us in the food court but I wish he hadn't because we ran into quite a few issues a long the way. 

"Okay what store would you guys like to go to first?" I asked. "Nike has really good sports bras." Olivia said. "Nike it is!" Riley said. So we stopped at where the mall map is and started looking for the Nike store. Everything was normal until I felt someone squeeze my sides. I squealed before turning around to face some random creep. "Hey pretty girl." He said with a creepy smile. "Don't ever touch me." I said right as all the other girls turned around to defend me. "I had no choice cutie. You and all your friends are so gorgeous." He said and we all scoffed and walked away. 

Only for us to run into a similar issue near the Nike store. "Do you ladies need help with anything?" All of the male Nike workers came up to us and asked. "No we're good. Thanks." Allyssa said, rolling her eyes. "You sure? Beautiful girls like yourself should get help when they need it." One of the guys asked. "We would like to be left alone actually." Hannah said. "If you say so." One of them said and they left us alone but would not stop staring at us the entire time. So we quickly got the sports bras we wanted and left. 

We had a bunch of small encounters like that but the biggest one is the reason why we left early. "I think we've made a lot of progress ladies." Olivia said. We all had a bunch of bags of cute crop tops, sport bras, and some shorts so yeah I would say this was a successful outing. "Where to next?" I asked. "How about you guys come home with us?" We heard a deep voice say from behind us. We all turn around and theres a whole bunch of guys, some of which we recognize from earlier, standing behind us. Even though there's 12 of us, there's way way more of them. "Um, no thanks." Olivia said, rolling her eyes. "Olivia, don't do the attitude thing. We should just run." I hear Nicole whisper to her. "Oh come on. You girls would have so much fun!" One of the guys said as they advanced towards us. "Ladies!" We hear some random bystander yell. WE turn to her and she yells "Run! We'll distract them!" So we all start running in the opposite direction while the bystander and her family stop a bunch of them. However, quite a few of them are still trailing us. We run as fast as we can but I end up getting grabbed by two of them. "Gotcha!" One of them yell before digging their hands into my sides. "HELP!" I squealed. The other girls hear me and run back to pull me free but more guys capture more of us...that is until a bunch of bystanders intervene and help us get free. 

The entire situation was terrifying but eventually, we make it back to the food court and we are put back on the bus.

"Based on what happened today, you girls are no longer allowed to go to the mall or any public place of that demeanor until we hire some body guards." Stanley announced on the bus back and none of us even bother arguing. The rest of the drive home was quiet until... "At least we got new clothes." Hannah said, instantly brightening the mood. "We should do a fashion show for the boys when we get back." I said and everyone agrees. "You do know they will tickle attack you in every single outfit right?" Allyssa said and we all laugh. "I miss those knuckleheads." Olivia admits. "Me too." We all say. I think today's mall experience made us more grateful for the boys. I know that's how I feel. 

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