✷ two ✷

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Sorry that the last chapter was short, I hope this one is a more appropriate length! Thank you all for the reads and support so far, I love and appreciate you all so much(:


freezy pov

I flop onto the bed with a single sigh and pull out my laptop. I needed to take a break, as I had just spent the last three hours unpacking. Once my laptop was fully booted up, my eyes flicked to the corner of the screen to check the time. 3:30. Where were Cal and Harry? They were supposed to be here ages ago to start moving in. I had already picked a room, unloaded my boxes, and even started making my setup and such.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see a bright flash of red sticking out from one of the boxes. I get up and pull at the red clothing to reveal my Arsenal jersey that I had received when I was still in primary school. Feeling the worn fabric, I felt a pang of homesickness. It hasn't even been six hours since I'd left my parents' house and I already miss it. Maybe I'll feel better once Cal and Harry arrive, if they ever do that is.

To try to take my mind off home, I decide to check on how my latest video is doing. Jumping and landing on the bed, I pull my laptop toward me and open up youtube. 60k views so far on a packs vid so far, not bad, Cal, not bad. I quickly read through the comments section and smile as I read the positive feedback. I scoff as I read a comment that says I look like the giraffe from Madagascar, how original.

I roll over onto my side, only to feel something sharp poke me in the hip. I reach underneath to pull out my smaller camera. I sigh for a second time as the camera was only a reminder that I needed to start planning my next real life video. Or I could just sit and wait for Cal and Harry. I weighed the two options in my head, but only shortly, before making the decision to check out Harry's channel while I waited for them to show up.

Not realizing how much his channel had grown, I saw that he had way surpassed one million subscribers. I scroll through his video feed and take in the massive amounts of views and likes each video gets, feeling a little pang of jealousy. I quickly shake it off though, because I know that Harry deserves them. I've known about his channel forever and have always admired his videos. I might even call him my friend.

Then, I proceeded to search up Cal's channel. As I scrolled through his uploads, most of them being rel life videos. Then it hit me that I didn't really know him that well at all. Obviously I'd watched a few of his videos, and spoken to him a couple times, but I really didn't know his personality one bit. All of a sudden curious, I clicked on his most recent video, WEIRD PICK UP LINES.

I watched a few minutes of it, but noticed there was something a bit off about him. I don't really know if it was the way he talked or the way he was treating the people he interacted with, but I didn't care for it too much. He seemed almost arrogant, like he thought he was better than everyone else. It started to bother me.

Just as I was about to close the tab, something caught my attention. After talking to a group of girls, Cal turned to the camera and did a little wink. I instantly felt a flutter in my stomach. I paused the video, trying to convince myself it had been nothing. To try to confirm my assumptions, I replayed the part again, but instead only felt more butterflies. Blushing, I was set to play the wink a third time when I heard the front door creak open.

"Yo yo yo!"

I immediately shut my laptop.

Cal had arrived.

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