Chapter 22 - Project II || Kim Seokjin || Part 02

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Even though you were surprised by this sudden statement, you immediately wanted to know more.
Unfortunately, Jin realized very quickly, that he was already mumbling too much and only smiled apologetically.

"It's not my job to tell you any more. Sorry, Ye Rim. I really can't. I mentioned this so unnecessarily. It's best if you forget about it at all." he scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.

But how could you forget about it? How can you forget something that until now was only your dream?
Unfortunately, there was no way to convince Jin to reveal the secret.
On the other hand, you were absolutely not aware of how much your behaviour amused him.

You went back to your rooms, supposed to meet with Jin in an hour for drinks and chitchat.
And while you were whining to Jun, how bloody unfair life is, and how much Jin abuses you mentally... in very same time, he, amused, decided to report to Jungkook about your excitement about this news.

The answer came just before Jin heard a knock on his door.

Jin laughed. He was just finishing reading the message and he let you in at the same time. Your eyes fell on the phone in his hand, but it never crossed your mind, that you were the subject of the message he was exchanging with someone at the moment.


Your evening began so innocently.
Jin poured a glass of champagne. He was extremely cheerful today, you took a picture of him. Another for the reportage, just one quick shot, an ordinary happy boy.

"It's been a long time since I had such a loose evening," he murmured contentedly, tilting his head back.
You stared at him and wondered how difficult it must be to live under constant control.

"Jin?" you started hesitantly and he looked at you immediately. "You are the oldest. Have you ever felt pressure that everything is on your shoulders?" you asked out of sheer curiosity, although he immediately thought it was obviously needed for a reportage.

"The pressure was always there. I would probably feel it more, but Namjoon took over as leader, so it was all about him."

As soon as Jun heard the name of her dream boy, she dropped everything she was doing at that moment and began to listen to the conversation.

Jin poured another glass. And then another one.

"In fact, everyone in the house treats me like ... big brother. I cook for them, and sometimes I scold them, just to bring order at home. We've definitely become like family." He got lost in a thoughts a little and started rocking in the chair like a child.

Before you could tell him it was a very bad idea ... he already fell over, pouring alcohol into his clothes. Embarrassed, he quickly ran to change clothes, and you were so much laughing.

"I'm so funny?" he shouted from the dressing room, and you couldn't stop laughing. Actually, it was alcohol that started to work on you ... After a while, Jin came back. But he was not the same anymore. Some cutie pie came back to which you both started making googly eyes.

Jun immediately grabbed the camera. He looked very cute in this rabbit hat. You spent most of the night telling jokes and funny stories. And drinks, because neither of you knew limit.


Morning ... it was real chaos.
It all started with that unfortunate phone call.

That so much hated by you sound... it never stopped. You wanted to sleep so badly, at least just for a few more minutes, but the phone rang endlessly, again, and again and again.
In the end, you got so irritated that, without even opening your eyes, you searched for the malicious device and put it to your ear, finally receiving the call from this intruder.

"Huuuh?" you mumbled into the phone. "What do you want at this early hour, I'm still in bed ..." you purred without even hearing person on the other side.

And then you woke up. It was as if someone had poured a bucket of ice water on you. You woke up immediately.

"Hello? Who are you? Why are you picking up Jin's phone? Umm ... Ye Rim? It's you? Or ... Jun?"

For God's sake. That voice ... you recognized it immediately. And what does it mean you answer Jin's phone? At the same moment you felt a light weight on your body and moved your terrified gaze in that direction.
Your lips parted in mild shock ... you disconnected the call immediately.

Jin hugged your waist and slept soundly. On the other side, Jun was cuddled up to him. You felt dizzy.

"Fuck. How much did we drink yesterday?" you asked under your breath and woke them up, a little nervous.

Jin, embarrassed, very quickly disappeared into the bathroom, and Jun ran to your room without even a single comment.


You saw each other again at breakfast.

Jin apologized to you a hundred times, embarrassed by the whole situation. And the poor man didn't even know, that Jungkook called in the morning, and that you picked up that phone, putting him in a really awkward position.

As soon as you told him about it, he stuffed his cheeks with breakfast, and he looked like he had given up on life, which Jun managed to capture, of course.

Unfortunately, not everything went smoothly. Jin had to listen to JK's complaining on his phone, imagining unheard-of things and instructing him as a parent teaches a child.
Jin seemed unfazed. He sipped his coffee and kept the phone at a safe distance from his ear, so the screams of the maknae wouldn't spoil his nerves.

You, in turn, were asking yourself a completely different question.
Why did this upset Jungkook so much?

Unfortunately, there were no answers to this and many other questions.

So, after an unpleasant conversation, you finally started the second phase of the project.

This time you went ... fishing.
Neither you nor Jun liked the smell that accompanies fishing on the boats. But you didn't have much to talk about, tho you agreed to fully complete the entire assignment.

Jin, on the other hand, was in cloud nine. Immediately after the strawberry farm, such trips to the fishing boat were something amazing for him. From the cloudy boor, that he had been in the morning, he turned into a happy and smiling little boy who was looking forward to boarding the fishing boat.

The photo you took him fully conveyed his humour.

Unfortunately, you did not share his joy at all.

"Jun ... I don't think I can do it. With each passing moment I feel more and more sick. If this boat hadn't been rocking like that ..." you complained to your friend, and she watched with fear as your face turned pale until almost green.

"Maybe we should get out? He can catch those nasty fish himself." Jun was trying to make up for your well-being somehow.

"Wait. I'll have some water. Maybe I can do just a little longer. Look how happy he is here." You pointed your hand at Jin, who had just pulled a huge fish out of the water.

"Have you seen ?!" he screamed like a little boy jumping up and down happily. "Today I will cook it for you!"

You looked at him indulgently.

"You're cute," Jun blurted, and you laughed out loud. It was the first time you saw him blush. You even forgot that you feel so bad.

Another photo flew into the project. And Jin posed proudly with his prey in the foreground.

As it took you a good few hours to fish... and you couldn't eat it raw ... you tried some street food before you went back to the hotel.
Jin went to buy you something and you followed him with your eyes.

"Did you notice that Jun? They are all like that. They have so much money, but they enjoy plain street food. They fight for coupons and last pieces." you shook your head, amused.

"Apparently not everyone is a spoiled, rich brat," she replied hastily, lowering her voice a bit as Jin appeared on the horizon with food, that you all were gobbling up a moment later without a word.

It was getting late, so you went back to hotel.

Same night, you met for dinner together, because as he promised, he cooked today's hunted fish.

"Thank you for these two days." he said as he sat down at the table with you. "I know it's actually a job, but nonetheless, I've had some of the best days I can remember. Usually I spend time with my family or the rest of the band. I haven't had much time to go out like this. And it was really great.

I saw you didn't feel very well on the cutter, but you still stayed there. And I really appreciate, that you guys did it for me. Once again, sorry for this morning together, we drank a little too much. But I don't think you blame me?"

You smiled gently at him.

"Jin. The pleasure is on our side. It was really great to get to know you better."

"Maybe someday we can do it again." Jun added shyly, and Jin nodded approvingly.

"It would be wonderful."

Just before you checked out of the hotel, you took that one, promised, professional photo of him. It came out phenomenally. You had a hard time believing that such a cute and shy guy could present himself like this in front of the camera.

Jun stood to the side and was almost drooling like a dog.

"Namjoon...Namjoon..." you reminded her by snapping your fingers.

"At least let me look at him," she said indignantly.

And oh she was right.

Because there was a lot to see...

When you got home you checked your email. You were sure, that another project details, would be waiting for you there - the third member of the band. But you didn't get any news from the agency. Jungkook didn't write anything either.
Does that mean, you have some free time ahead of you?

You decided to write to Jae.

"Are you in Seoul? Let's meet."

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