Chapter 26 - Ricochet

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|| JK's POV ||

Jungkook furiously ran out of Yoongi's house. Half blinded by his anger, he entered the car and immediately started the engine.
His breathing was completely out of control, and his heart was pounding as if it wanted to use up all its remaining beats.
He pressed the accelerator with all his strength and, with a screech of tires, he went from there.
He drove through the neighbourhood lost in thought, his eyes open wide but he didn't really notice anything.

"She needs a man, not a boy. Someone who will satisfy her every whim, someone who will know what she wants even if she doesn't know it herself. Someone who will discover the limits of her abilities and endurance, an experienced friend and a hot lover... Do you think a young man like you could keep up with her? What could you possibly to offer her?"

Yoongi's words, which he said straight after JK hit him, sounded in his ears for a long time.
At first his blind anger deceived him, then he was powerless, his eyes filled with tears. When he drove by you, even though your
eyes met ... his gaze was empty. And although he was looking straight at you, he didn't see you at all.

|| Your POV ||

That night was terrible. High fever, chills, you woke up in a sweat. And when by some miracle you managed to fall asleep for those several dozen minutes - you were tormented by nightmares.
Jun was watching over you, changing the cold compresses on your forehead, giving you medication and keeping you hydrated.
When you woke up there was hot soup and tea with raspberries and honey waiting for you. And Jun was sleeping in the armchair next to you. You threw a blanket over her and smiled under your breath.
You knew you wouldn't find another like her anywhere in the world.

Even though you did your best, you wanted to clean up, make coffee and breakfast for your friend in a gesture of gratitude, the only thing you barely coped with was the shower.
And even though, the hot water seemed like a good idea at first, you were shivering right after you left the bathroom. There was a fever again and that excruciating headache.

"Ye Rim, why did you get out of bed at all?" Jun, already awake, chided you for your reckless behaviour. "Can you tell me how it happened, that you suddenly got sick?"

You sniffed and wrapped the blanket around you like a little girl.
"Because of my own stupidity, Jun. Yesterday, instead of calling a cab, I took a walk at night. Probably if it weren't for the icy rain that came out of nowhere, everything would be fine."

Jun looked at you in a little shock.
"You know what? I don't even want to ask you anything." She rolled her eyes. And when she saw that you were stubbornly looking around for something, she smiled with the corner of her mouth. "Is that what you are looking for?" she was holding your phone in her hand. You smiled pleadingly.

"Mhm." You held out your hand for it, but she just laughed.

"I said I didn't want to ask anything, but you have 4 missed calls from Yoongi. You know, the one from BTS. Because we're friends with them, right?" She said sarcastically.
"They're our sandbox buddies, it's normal to have their numbers, send messages, and exchange selfies." She enumerated endlessly confusing you even more.

"Give me a break, Jun." you sighed as you fell on the bed without strength again. And when she tossed you the phone, you couldn't even reach for it. You absolutely didn't care if there was any important news there. After another pill, you fell asleep deeply.

|| JUN's POV ||

Although she told you, she didn't want to ask you anything, that was not true. For three days, she was following the exchange of comments under unexpected instagram posts, you and Yoongi made. Plus, you came back in the middle of the night, soaked and cold, and now you're sick.

"Really, no one could drive her home?" she pouted and she finished making the coffee. She carried the mug to the room and sat down with the laptop.
Recently, her work was finishing her. She didn't tell you anything just because you had three days of the project ahead of you, but she really needed your help. There was chaos in the company, too many orders, too little time, and the preparation time for the winter catalogue was slowly approaching, and you didn't even have ready compositions for this occasion. And she probably would have talked to you about it today, if not for the fact, that you were so sick, that you couldn't get out of bed on your own. She sighed deeply.

"What to do, I'll have to cope somehow."

And literally a moment after she decided, that somehow she would manage, she read the email from BigHit.

" Dear Mrs. Ye Rim & Jun,

the next project is about Jung Hoseok, in the attachment you will find an outline of what must be included in the project, but the main assumption of his project is to show him that he is a great man. Handsome enough, talented enough, fun, supportive. We want him to understand, after seeing his photos and reading the report, how valuable he is not only to the rest of the team, but also to others, to ARMY. Therefore, in addition to the obligatory points, you will have full freedom to choose any others activities.We expect project to take 2-3 days. This is another trip, this time to his hometown: Gwangju.
Best regards,


"Okay, time to set some priorities." Jun scrunched her nose in displeasure. She got up vigorously to make a second cup of coffee, but when she took her first steps, a strong dizziness forced her to sit down on the floor.
"Wonderful. The only thing missing was, that we both will be sick at the same time. Now this company will just burn." she whined helplessly for a while, but finally gathered herself slowly and crawled to her laptop. She skipped coffee and everything she planned for today. She clicked reply and began writing to BigHit.

"Dear Mr. Bang Si-hyuk,

I regret to inform you of a sudden delay in projects, it is beyond our control. Both me and Ye Rim have fallen ill and will not be able to leave in the coming days.We are aware of how important this project is for you, so if the need arises, we can send another employee instead.As soon as our condition improves, we will inform you immediately.

Best regards,

Park Jun"

Hoping, that they would understand it, Jun closed this case and moved on to the next problems, which piled up like books in a library.
The perfect silence in the apartment was broken by constant humming of vibration, which tested Jun's patience.
But in the end, she gave up, marching to your room. She opened the door a little and checked if you were still asleep. The pill she gave you must have been really strong since even those endless notifications didn't wake you up. She took your phone and returned to her seat.

Jun didn't plan to check, what and who, was writing to you. She didn't know the password and wasn't going to try to enter the combination. She just wanted to hide that phone somewhere under her pillow, so that it wouldn't wake you up and that it wouldn't annoy her so much when she tried to focus. Especially since she was feeling, like she will vomit and she was pretty sure you had infected her with some nasty virus.

But before she could hide the phone, it vibrated again.

Incoming call.

Jun froze for a moment with the phone in her hand. A moment of hesitation.


"Ye Rim?" the concerned voice on the other side made a smirk crept on Jun's lips.

"No. This is Jun, her friend. Ye Rim is resting. She's sick."

"Sick?" Yoongi repeated after Jun in a slightly broken voice. "How is it possible? Everything was fine yesterday."

"It was. But then she came home at night, tired and soaked to the skin." Jun mumbled everything, and for a moment there was complete silence on the other side.

"I knew I should give her a ride. She was supposed to order a taxi. I didn't know she didn't."

"Apparently she needed to." Jun cut it short.

"Can..." he began hesitantly. "Could you... Jun, right?"


"Could you give me her address?" he finally asked without really expecting to get it.

What did you get into Ye Rim? Jun cursed you mentally, but gave him the address.

"I don't know what you're up to, but Ye Rim is well looked after." Jun ended the conversation.

After disconnecting, she regretted a little she had given him the address. After all, she should ask for your consent first. But since you were posting photos together, exchanging numbers and calling like crazy ... you probably got closer somehow. She shrugged and went back to her work.

Another two hours passed.
You still haven't woken up. Jun checked the temperature and luckily it started to drop.

@ rkive sent you a message on instagram

Jun's eyes widened. She had expected everything, but not a message from Namjoon.

Not only was she feeling bad today, but now she was shivering. His message sounded so serious.
But she couldn't expect anything else. Eventually something happened between them, and you can't just leave it without explanation. She was more than sure, that Namjoon wanted to amicably end her daydreaming. She became sad.

"I could do it today, but I'm home with Ye Rim. She's very sick, and I think she infected me. As soon as we get better, we can meet."
She sent this message with a heavy heart. She was stressed at the thought of this meeting.

And I stupid thought I might have a chance. Stupid Stupid Jun.

|| JK's POV ||

He spent all day playing. He had other plans, but he couldn't really focus on anything since meeting at Yoongi's house yesterday. He had to discharge his nerves. Immersed in the game, he did not hear the knock. And again not. Eventually, a loud banging on the door woke him from this trance.
Surprised, he scrambled out from the computer and opened the door.


But Namjoon didn't wait for him to invite him, but burst into his apartment as if he were in his own.
He sat down comfortably on the couch. Jungkook closed the door slowly and turned to face him.

"Mhm. Ok. Make yourself at home." he joked as he pulled a beer out of the fridge. Namjoon shook his head for no.

"JK. Listen. On my birthday, we went to get Jun and Ye Rim."

Jungkook listened intently, especially since Joon had just spoken your name, which immediately set his entire body on alert. "AND?"

"Do you remember the address? I'd like to go there."

Jungkook's eyes widened. No, it was too much now. First Yoongi, now Namjoon. What's happening?!
"You too?" he asked reproachfully.

"What me too?"

"You hit on Ye Rim too?" JK didn't beat around the bush.

Namjoon laughed aloud at seeing the maknae like this.
"Are you crazy? Jun. I want to meet with Jun." he explained calmly, still getting his satisfaction from the scene of jealousy.

"So you ... you ... I mean... you and Jun? You both?"

"It looks like ..." Namjoon nodded sheepishly.

"Hyung!" Jungkook burst out with joy like a little boy showing all his teeth in a wide smile. "Congratulations! Sure I know the address. Are you taking her on a date?"

Namjoon sighed. "I would take her. But Ye Rim is very sick and Jun is taking care of her. And she doesn't feel well herse ..." But he didn't even have time to finish the sentence.

Jungkook turned pale.
"What does it mean Ye Rim is very sick? How can she be sick? Yesterday she was healthy and full of life, what happened so suddenly? After all, when she left ..." and then suddenly his eyes widened. Through the fog came a vague memory of that evening, as he passed someone, while driving in amok through neighbourhood. "She ... I ... oh, I left her there ..." When he finally realized what happened, he began to rush around the house.

"Hyung! Help me. We'll prepare them something to eat and we will take it to them. Since they're sick, they probably don't even have the strength to cook." And he plunged into preparations.

Namjoon watched him and tried to help as much as he could.
"So ... you and ... Ye Rim .." he started, but Jungkook shook his head for no.

|| Your POV ||

You opened your eyes slowly. There was silence all around. It was dark, Jun had to close the blinds. You were in your room and finally you didn't have a headache.
Carefully you slid off the bed and slowly walked over to take a warm shower. You felt a little better, but still a bit dull and had a hard time making normal, fast movements.

The shower helped you. The muscles finally relaxed.
You put on warm sweatpants and left the room. All you dreamed about was coffee. I think I'm recovering. You thought with a slight smile on your face. Your stomach rumbled, your appetite came back, so you were probably right.

"Jun?" you asked into the ether. No response. You figured out, she was probably locked in a room with headphones in her ears, so you opened the door without knocking.
You gasped.

"Umm... no. No, hell no and again nope. What is this deja vu?" you mumbled, covering your eyes and backing out of the room, heading blindly into the kitchen.
The pleasant smell of the food played with your nose. So you opened your eyes only for the next shock to hit you right in the heart

"What the fuck!" you screamed, and he jumped up, throwing pieces of meat which he was just putting on pan, on the floor.

He turned towards you at the speed of light.
"Are you fucking crazy ?! You scared me!" he screamed in response holding his chest.

You looked at the meat, that lay on the floor. Your gaze full of guilt.

"Don't worry, I have more." he finally laughed as he calmed down a little. "Lunatic" he added under his breath.

You climbed onto the island in the centre of the kitchen and fiddled happily with your feet.
"I'm hungry." you said teasingly. "Got anything I can eat?"

He came close to you.
He rested his left hand on the table top and tilted his head playfully. His curls fell freely over his face. You carefully placed it behind his ear. He parted his lips in mild shock.

"And what do you want?" he asked without taking his eyes off you.

You licked your chapped lips. He tried not to look at them, but in an instant the memory of that one kiss came back. His gaze linger a while on your lips, then slowly shifted straight to you in anticipation.

You pouted like a little girl.
"I want it spicy." you said without thinking, pointing on meat and you jumped off the counter, colliding with him a little. You passed him and got yourself a glass of water. You sat down at the table and stared at him..

Jungkook stood enchanted. It's not like he didn't know what to do with himself. Just your touch, your gaze, the few seconds your body touched, did more to him than he would have imagined. He adjusted his pants trying to hide the visible problem. He got excited.

"Cheeky. Wants it spicy way..." he mocked you under his breath, barely audible, so you won't hear. But you did. And you were going to teach him a lesson.

You approached him, when he was standing with his back turned again, cooking something on the stove. Your hands went to his chest, your body pressed against his back. He stiffened in an instant. It was like an electric impulse, his whole body on the highest level of alert. He closed his eyes enjoying the unexpected touch.

And your hands were tracing the muscles of his stomach, outlining his shape, over his chest, finally you withdrew your hands, only to run them slowly over his back, feeling every muscle tighten.
In one motion you slid the fingers of one hand across the centre of his back, down his spine, and he arched his body, tilted his head back, and a soft moan escaped his mouth.

"Unless you prefer a softer way?" you challenged him.

The spoon he was holding dropped from his hands.

"Oops ..." you blurted out, but it was too late.

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