Chapter 29 - I have my limits too

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TIME SKIP: 2 months later

12 December

The last two months have passed for you, as if you were not present in your own life. You worked overtime, barely slept, you were just exhausted.
Jun was unable to do any work. She couldn't focus on anything, even though Christmas was just around the corner and the company was in total chaos.
But that wasn't even the hardest thing to take care of. BigHit kept pushing for next projects - their idea of getting everything organized by Christmas was irrational.

You changed from a polite and kind woman to an unpleasant and firm one. All because of intrusive messages. You informed them repeatedly, that even if the two-month delay had not taken place, the entire project would not have been possible to complete in such a short time.
In addition to this assignment, however exclusive it was, Celeste had its own work rhythm and a multitude of other tasks, including regular events, such as the Christmas collection and Christmas gala, which was imminently approaching.

"Jun, you do realize, that you can't avoid contact with Namjoon for your whole life, right?" you asked calmly, sitting on the edge of her bed. But she just muttered something under her breath, clutching her pillow tighter. "Look, he keeps calling me. I know I promised you I wouldn't tell him anything, but you're putting me in a very difficult position. How many more times do I have to make excuses, pretending, that we are buried in work? You do realize he knows our address, right? I'm actually surprised, that he hasn't popped in here yet to see what's really going on. He's not stupid, he'll soon realize something is wrong." You made your monologue.

Jun sat up suddenly on the bed. She clenched her jaw. She looked like she was thinking about something.
"You're right. It can't go on like this any longer. I need to sort this out."

And for a moment, you were even glad, that she was finally back to her senses. But it soon became clear, that you and her weren't necessarily thinking the same thing.

"I need to find a way to end this pointless relationship between us once and for all." She said in an impassive tone. Her gaze was absent, you did not recognize your own friend. Not long ago, she would have sold her own soul for Namjoon just to look at her even once, and now, that she had a chance not only for his attention but for a real relationship with him, she wanted to let it all go so easily, she wanted to give up without a fight.

You looked at her in shock. You couldn't understand what was happening with her. You knew it was a very difficult situation, but no matter how you look at it, she carried a new life in her. And now, without even knowing what Namjoon would have to say about it, she preferred to make the decision to become a single mother, deciding not only her fate, but also the fate of her own child. It was very unfair. You personally thought he had a right to know.

"Jun, I think you should tell him. Your decision is too hasty, you will suffer the consequences in the future." You started cautiously, having no idea what edge Jun was at. She just snapped.

"And what possibly you can know about it? You're not in that situation. You're at peace, you don't have any responsibility or the feeling, that your whole world is in ruins. Now you dare to lecture me? By what right?!" She yelled at you, even though, you didn't do anything wrong. You sat in silence, listening humbly as she took out her frustration on you.

"Jun, I'm just trying to help you..." you said softly, but she wasn't going to calm down.

"If you want to help me, then get the fuck away from me. Stop meddling in my life. I've stayed here for too long. I should get back to my place. Living with you now hurts more than it helps." She poured bitter words on you. You felt hurt. You were living together before this all happened. You have always supported each other, no matter what adversities you had to face. And now, not only she is giving up her own happiness, but she's putting your long-standing friendship at risk.

"Surely that's not what you meant." You said hardly swallowing your tears. "You're nervous, plus you're pregnant. Rest please, we'll talk later." You got up and left the room, leaving her to mumble nervously.
You didn't have the strength anymore. You didn't know where to go, how to vent your emotions. Your phone buzzed again. Namjoon. "Fuck" you muttered rejecting the call.

One thing was for sure - you had to leave the house. Being here made you even more tired. You didn't know if you were going for a walk, to the company or maybe better to the shooting range, but you dressed in a hurry, grabbed the car keys and left the house slamming the door.
But it so happened, that you didn't have much of a choice. Namjoon was just parking in front of your house. Your heart stopped for a moment. "What am I going to do now..." you mumbled to yourself, feeling a cold sweat pour over you.

"Bad timing?" he asked standing in front of you. "Looks like you're in a hurry." He scratched his neck confused. You knew, that if you won't give him a bit of your time now, he would surely know, that you were hiding something. You had no choice but to continue this game of lies. You smiled faintly. Your heart was pounding like crazy. You tried to catch your breath before opening your mouth to speak.

"Actually, no. You know... Jun is at the company now. And I just wanted to get some fresh air." You prayed internally, that Jun wouldn't make any noise in the house, or worse, that she wouldn't go outside right now. Even though you knew, it wasn't your mess to clean up, you still didn't want to hurt her in any way. You knew, you had to get him out of here ASAP.
Now, that you said she wasn't home, you hoped he'd leave, but he had other plans. You cursed in your mind for getting yourself into this.

"Since you have some free time and I can't meet with Jun, would you like to go somewhere together? You and I haven't really had a chance to get to know each other, although it's been a long time." He smiled widely showing his dimples. You weren't able to refuse him. That would set off an alarm in his head. You laughed nervously.

"You're right. I didn't even have time to think about it. Do you have a specific place in mind? Just... not at home, I really need some fresh air."

"You won't find better person to spend time outside." He laughed cheerfully as he opened his car door for you. "I'll take you to my favourite park." You were glad, that you would drive away from here and you would avert danger for a while. But after one wave of stress - came another one. Namjoon looked at his phone - vibrating in his hand. "Yaah, it's Yoongi. I promised I'd stop by for a drink later, I forgot all about it. Maybe..."

"Gladly." you cut him off mid-sentence and jumped into the car without hesitation.

He looked at you in surprise for a moment, then laughed as he got behind the wheel. "You are completely different from your friend." he added as he started the engine.

"You have no idea how much." You muttered under your breath but he didn't hear you. You knew maybe Yoongi wasn't the smartest choice you'd made right now, but you needed that damn drink.
You've loosened up a bit over time. Namjoon was cheerful, he talked to you every now and then, not pressing on any more difficult topics. He also didn't ask about Jun, for which you were very grateful. Finally he stopped the car and you realized, that you were somewhere on the edge of the city, everything seemed green and peaceful here. He really knows the spots in Seoul.

"Namjoon? Won't anyone recognize you here? I wouldn't want to cause you any trouble." You smiled as you both walked down the alley. But he just closed his eyes, enjoying the winter sun.

"I'm here really often. It's rare to meet anyone at this hour. People are at work or at school, besides this place is far from the centre, not many people come here. I often come here to rest. Don't tell anyone" he laughed, putting finger on his lips playfully.

You smiled back, enjoying the walk. You wanted so badly to tell him everything. Someone like him wouldn't be able to hurt anyone, right? But you promised. You couldn't do that. It wasn't your place to tell him the truth. But you felt sorry for him. You knew the longer Jun waited, the more hurt he'd feel.
But you didn't really know him that well. What if it's just appearances? You had a tiny chance to test the ground and you were just going to use it.

"I noticed, you two got closer, you and Jun," you started cautiously and he chuckled.

"I hope so. There's something about her, that makes me feel like I've found what I'm looking for. I don't know if it's her way of being or if we just fit together."
You didn't know how you could get more precise information out of him. He spoke like in riddles.

"You guys... I mean, sorry if this is too personal, I'm just close to Jun and want the best for her...So...are you planning something more serious? I know, that in your situation, being an idol doesn't help and it makes being in relationship almost impossible."

Joon became serious.
"I know. It worries me a little. Such an open public relationship could mess up a lot. Of course, I'm interested. If only it would be possible I would tell everyone about us even today. But the agency will not be happy with this turn of events. They need to be prepared for this. You could probably guess, that soon our contracts will expire, it will be much easier for us then.
That's why I told Jun, that we need to take small steps, you know... take our time, let everything take a slow pace until it gets easier."

After that, you knew, that Jun was right to worry about his reaction. Not only would her pregnancy come as a shock to him, but it would also cause an incredible amount of trouble in his career, who knows, maybe he'd lose everything. But what's done is done. Jun got pregnant and he is the father. They both have to face the consequences.

"But as you know, your work effectively prevented me from further conversations with Jun. I don't even know where I stand, whether what is between us can be called a relationship. Lately, I feel like she's been avoiding me a bit. Busy, but not having time for two months? Maybe it's because of what I said last time, you know... I said to her: let's take our time?"

You sighed softly.
"No, it's not like that. We've really been having a lot of turmoil at the company lately and we've been working hard in shifts. We barely sleep. I assure you her feelings towards you haven't changed at all."

"Feelings?" he laughed and nudged you in the side. "Do you know anything more? Can you tell me, what she said about me? What chance do I have with her?" His wide smile never left his face. You stared at him in shock. Big Namjoon asks what chance he has with Jun. If she knew, she probably would have fainted. Although now, in this situation, you were no longer sure, what was in her head. The rest of the walk was spent in jostling and joking. He even asked about you and Jungkook, but you brushed him off instantly -embarrassed. He smiled under his breath.

You were so engrossed in your own thoughts about this difficult situation, that you missed how many times he sent messages to Jun, which didn't deign to reply even to one. But Namjoon was acting very well, if he wanted to, he could be a great actor. Even though he was incredibly stressed, he hid his emotions.
"So...what now? That promised drink at Suga's?"

You just realized what you agreed to. Now, apart from the obvious problem you have on your mind, there is that meeting with Min Yoongi again. The same Yoongi, which has been behaving at least strangely lately. You just hoped, that with Namjoon next to you, he wouldn't fawn like a cat again. Maybe you'll survive. It's just a drink, right? You were going to treat it like going out with friends. But...since when do you call Bangtans your friends? The world has really turned upside down. You got in the car and bit your lip. You got stressed. You were silent the whole way, from time to time you just nodded at Namjoon's words, although you had no idea what he was talking about. But he wasn't blind, he saw you thinking about something and eventually replaced his conversation with music. You closed your eyes for a moment. The drive wasn't that long, but you managed to take a short nap. He woke you up with a gentle touch, and when you opened your eyes, you saw the familiar neighbourhood where Yoongi was living.

"We're almost there. Wake up, sleeping beauty," he laughed as he parked in front of his house.


Namjoon knocked on Yoongi's door. He opened them with a burst.
"Yaaah, I thought you had changed your mind and that you wouldn't co..." His eyes widened as he saw you by his friend's side. He quickly straightened his shirt and smiled sheepishly.
"Ye Rim? I didn't know you were coming with Joon" he mumbled incoherently under his breath, but you immediately noticed, that he barely hid the joy, that overcame him. He invited you in. It's been a long time since you were here last time . You looked around the familiar corners discreetly. And when you looked at Yoongi, your eyes met. He smiled cheekily. You rolled your eyes on him.

Namjoon made himself comfortable on the leather couch. The same one - where you were jumping on, in Suga's tracksuit two months ago. Before anything similar could happen again, you sat next to Joon, grinning widely. He made more room for you and handed you a blanket, which you immediately wrapped yourself in. After a while, Yoongi joined you, he brought whiskey and glasses. His eyes landed on you and Joon. "Since when they are so close?" he thought in surprise, as he poured the golden liquid into the glass.
"Did you choose Namjoon as your drinking buddy for today?" he joked as he handed you a drink.

You shook your head. "I'm just so comfortable and cozy here," you chuckled softly. "I'm warmed by a blanket and by Joon" you nudged RM lightly on the shoulder. But you turned around instantly as you felt Yoongi sit down on your other side. "Hey! Where do you squeeze yourself in?" You were a bit surprised by his behaviour.
"You said Joon warms you, so now I'll warm you on the other side." he grinned.

"I don't want to comment on how it sounds." Namjoon laughed loudly as he sipped the alcohol Suga handed him. You blushed, slightly disgusted by their behaviour. You shook your head, letting them know they were acting like children, but they only laughed more.
"You're the only girl here, and we're two, so you need to be spoiled a bit" Namjoon joked as he ruffled your hair. You smiled. You weren't sure why, but you felt extremely relaxed today. It was all the more odd since you should have been rather nervous about the Jun's situation.

The next two hours passed with joking together, talking about everything and about nothing. More drinks warmed you inside, and on the outside you were sandwiched between these two bears.
When Yoongi went to the kitchen to get some snacks, you stretched out more comfortably on the couch.
The alcohol was buzzing in your head. Namjoon suddenly asked a difficult question and you were totally unprepared.

"I've been wondering recently ... how is it possible, that a company that produces and distributes perfumes, was appointed to prepare a reportage about us? I mean, what do you have in common with this form of media?"

You knew your silence was taking too long, but what were you supposed to say to him, when you weren't entirely sure why you were chosen? I mean... the perfume part was pretty obvious, but the reportage? You had to come up with some excuse, you couldn't just tell him the whole plan, right?
"We... um... I think it's because of our..."

Your hero and the saviour - Min Yoongi - full of smile just broke your stutter bringing snacks and another bottle. He put everything on the table, and seeing how you settled down on the couch, he didn't want to take away your comfort. However, you quickly returned to your previous position. He laughed under his breath. As soon as he sat down next to you, he pulled you down onto his lap. Namjoon seemed to ignore it completely, but you still felt some discomfort. Yoongi smiled looking down at you, stroked your hair gently, and when you opened your mouth to say something, he shoved a sweet cone in there. He knew you were going to whine and he didn't want to hear it.

And even though your reply to Namjoon was cut short, you knew he'd come back to this topic someday. You had to be prepared. You have to tell them something. At the moment you were furious with BigHit, that they didn't fully prepare you for this project. You reached for the glass, but Yoongi took your hand away quickly, intertwining your fingers. You felt like he is more and more pushy. And you really didn't feel anything for this boy. But now the alcohol was buzzing in your head, it was warm and soft and safe here. Namjoon was just humming something and Yoongi was stroking your hair. This one time, what's the harm in just relaxing?

By relaxing, you certainly didn't mean drinking one shot after another. Namjoon was already so sweetly joyful, you felt at least blissful, Yoongi also had very glittering eyes. You flinched at the sight of another full glass. You just had enough, slowly starting to think about returning home, although you were not sure, how you could go there now.
Joon suddenly placed his head on your shoulder. You froze on the spot.

"Ye Rim..." he said so softly, only you could hear it. "Tell me what have I done so wrong, that Jun treats me like air, like I am not existing at all?"

His words cut through you like a knife blade. He hadn't done anything wrong. She was the one irresponsible to make such a strange, selfish decision. And now both - she and he - suffer. And you couldn't do anything, bound by a promise.
You patted his head.
"Don't be silly, Joon. She just has bus..."

"Busy...A lot of work. Yes, I know, you told me a hundred times, she wrote about it even more often. But don't we find a moment for people we care about? You know ... what was between us ... was still fresh. How can you do such thing, right from the start?"

His words were bitter. You were dizzy enough, you couldn't put your thoughts together, you felt overwhelmed by it, and you knew, that if you kept talking about her, it wouldn't lead to anything good.
"Really, we're very busy over the Christmas period. We both have a lot of responsibilities. Not only a daily job, but also a lot of seasonal stuff, once the holiday season will be over everything will be back to normal, I promise you." You blurted out to him.
And he seemed to start to believe you. And really, everything would be fine, at least for a while. If it wasn't for the message, his buzzing phone alerted him to.

You saw his eyes widen, then fill with tears. How his jaw clenches tight and finally how the phone falls from his hands and a single tear rolls down his cheek.

"Namjoonieee?" you asked quietly, but got no response from him. He sat like he was petrified. You picked up his phone and he didn't even try to stop you. You looked at the screen and saw your friend's name there. And the bitter, unfair for both of them, message:

"Namjoon, I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time. I've thought about us, really. And I've come to the conclusion, that you and I, we have no chance of a future together. I need a normal, peaceful life. You will never be able to provide me such. No matter how hard you try, you'll never be what I really need. And my love will never be anything more than love for RM - an idol, not Namjoon - an ordinary boy. Forgive me. It will be better this way."

Even your heart shrank after reading this heart-breaking words. What must he have felt then? You looked at him sadly. He buried his face in his hands, tears dripping from his fingers. Did he get used to Jun so quickly? Yoongi crouched down in front of him worried about the sudden change in mood. Neither of you said a word to him, as if you knew, he was about to say something himself.

"How naive I was. I believed so easily and allowed myself to think, that I could be happy. That I could have a normal relationship, just like any ordinary boy. That I met someone, who knows who I am and at the same time is with me because of how I am, not who I am. I was happy, I allowed myself to dream about something more, about the future together. I got as close as I could and was ready to give her my all."

You clenched your hands into fists. You were furious. You knew, Jun wasn't like that. You knew, she valued him for everything, that she didn't care about his fame, or money. Why did she do it? Why, being a coward, would she break his heart rather than fight for him? You couldn't just watch it.
"Joon.." you started, but he continued on, like he was just alone there.

"I thought, that what the agency took from me all these years , I would make up for now - finally building my own life. But apparently we are just broken toys that, at the end of their long service, thrown out on the street, can no longer exist in the same way.
Now it turns out, that no matter how much I give, there's always something missing." His voice cracked, and your breaking point was just reached. You gathered all your strength, all your courage, and putting everything you had on the line... you took his face in your hands. You force him to look at you. And when finally he did, and you had his full attention, you took your last deep breath before the inevitable.

"She said that, because she's pregnant. She'd rather break your heart than ruin your years of hard work. Namjoon...pregnant. Do you understand?"

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