Chapter 31 - Who do you think you are?

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[ Namjoon's POV ]

"Now I will take care of everything here. Please leave us alone. Go to my place, to Yoongi's. Anywhere. Please..." he wasn't sure if he didn't cross any line. After all this was your house he asked you to leave. But he was so much hurt, he just wanted to solve this all, face to face with Jun, deal with this with the only guilty person. Speaking of guilt - he felt one, when you silently took car keys from him and without any word went out of there. After all, you were the one who took him out of that darkness, in which Jun was trying to keep him who knows for how long. He closed eyes for a short moment, trying to calm his breathing. He will talk to you, after he will confront Jun. He will apologize, he was sure you will easily forgive him. You were an understanding woman. He really liked you.

As the door closed behind you, he slowly turned to Jun.
"Who do you think you are?" he repeated in a slightly broken voice. She stood in the hall, pale as a ghost. He wasn't sure if she was that scared or if she wasn't feeling well.
She kept staring at him wordlessly.

"I asked you a question, Jun. Have you suddenly lost your tongue?"

"What should I tell you, Namjoon? I think, you already know everything. It seems that Ye Rim has already made sure of that."

Her slightly mocking tone was driving him crazy. "But it should have been you. You should have told me that."

"I wasn't ready for this."

That's all? He thought shocked. He wasn't sure what surprised him more. Whether she didn't have much to say to him or how dismissive she was when she spoke to him.

"You weren't ready... and I..." he bit his lip. "And I didn't even know. I didn't even have a chance to think if I was ready. When were you going to tell me?" He finally asked what he most wanted to know. "Because you were going to, weren't you?" He added while she was still silent. His heart shrunk in anticipation. His breathing was heavy, he felt like he was carrying some terrible burden on his shoulders, and his heart suddenly felt like stone. He felt nothing else at the moment. Only sorrow overtook him.

"I do not know. Probably not. Because..."

"Excuse me?!" he yelled, cutting her off mid-sentence. But that was the last thing he expected to hear right now. "Are you telling me, that you would hide this fact from me? Like...forever?" He gasped as he felt anger rise in him.

"It's none of your business..." she said softly, making him snort in amusement. She looked up at him, her eyes terrified a little now. This situation was not funny, his reaction made her realize, that Namjoon is now very unstable emotionally. And that didn't bode well.

"Not my business?" He took a step towards her. And she took a step back. But he didn't notice, that she was uncomfortable with his aggressive attitude. He continued until Jun had her back against the wall and he was almost touching her with his body.

He leaned towards her, bringing his mouth close to her ear. She squeezed her eyes shut tight, scared. She trembled like a frightened bird next to him.
"You're expecting my baby, Jun. MY baby."

He said it for the very first time. My baby. It sounded so far away, yet when he said it out loud he felt something new. A twinge in his chest, he couldn't tell if it was positive or negative, just new emotions that were tormenting him now.

"That's also..." she began, pushing him slightly, "my baby. And my body. As well my decision. I wasn't ready for it and I still don't know if I am now." Jun said it all in one breath, in a sudden surge of courage, although she wasn't fully aware of what words she was saying and how terrible their meaning was.

Namjoon couldn't believe what he was hearing from her. He pulled away from her and lifted her chin with his index finger. There were no tears in her eyes. She didn't look like she was lying either. No remorse. He released her chin and leaned against the opposite wall, staring at Jun intently. She didn't look away either.

"You've been on my mind ever since I saw you. Like a teenager, I fell head over heels for you. Since then, I've been trying to get to know you better and get closer to you."

"Maybe if you hadn't come closer, it wouldn't be a problem now!" She exclaimed, irritated by his sudden calmness. And as she wished, the calm Namjoon disappeared.

"A problem?! What are you calling a problem, Jun?! Our child? Or our relationship?!"

"Both." Stoically, she spit out words sharp as a knife.

"You ruined my happiness!" He finally roared, his voice echoing. He didn't know you were standing at the door, didn't know you heard them arguing. Anyway, he wouldn't care.

"I wanted to give you the whole world. In my complicated life, in which I had practically no time for myself, I wanted to give you everything I could. I tried to create the possibility that we could be together as soon as possible, like normal couples. I was preparing for it all. And I really wanted to give us a chance, I wanted to try to be together, to be happy. Make you the happiest woman in the world. And what did you do? The first time you stumbled, you chose yourself and pushed me into a corner."

He said everything that was heavy on his soul. Maybe he kind of hoped, it would somehow break the stupid armour she wore, unnecessarily. He hoped, that somehow it would force her to say, to share her feelings - the ones she really felt. But everything took a completely different turn.

"You know very well, that you and I would not stand a chance together. And certainly not now. You're still an idol and you still have limitations. And even if you're right and your contract won't last you think I should just wait?"

It hurt him a lot. Okay, they weren't together long, but love doesn't measure itself with time. And even though he didn't tell her how he felt, even though he didn't say those magic words, he did everything he could to prove it to her every day. And Jun had broken his heart at the first opportunity.

"Who am I to you, Jun?" He asked quietly, clinging to the last resort, wanting to handle everything delicately and still trying to save their relationship.

Jun froze. Her breathing quickened. She was facing a very important decision. It was such an unusual situation, when everything was going upside down. This time the fight between heart and mind was a comedy.

Her mind was telling her, that she should sort things out by Namjoon's side. That together they will overcome obstacles and that at the end of this road they will make a life together. She knew how she felt about him. She just preferred to lie, it was easier.

But the heart this time was the real battlefield. A field after a fight, when everything was a fresh wound.

She was hurt. Scared of the situation where she got pregnant too young, not ready for it, and with a man who is practically unattainable. Fear for the future with the idol surpassed everything else, suppressed every rational thought. Plus, you stabbed her in the back by telling him everything and putting her in front of him too soon. And then there were the hormones, that destabilized her completely.

And as always, the heart wins over the mind. And this time her own heart was the thing, that changed everything, the thing that turned her life into a nightmare. A few words and Namjoon just snapped.

"There's still time to fix everything. And even if it sounds scary, it is a way out. For both of us. After all, none of us are ready for this child. It would be better if it wasn't there."

If the flow of words would be visible, it would change in an arrow that hit him by its sharp head - straight through the heart.

"You..." he said through his teeth. A sudden wave of heat flooded his body. He never hit a woman. But now he really wanted to just grab Jun and shake her hard. He pulled out his phone and called someone.

"I'll send you the address. Just come here as soon as possible."

A male voice answered him something, but Jun couldn't understand anything.
Namjoon hung up, sent a short message and looked back at her.

"You didn't want it pleasant way, so let it be my way."

"Namjoon? What do you mean? Namjoon?!" She wanted to hear some explanation from him, but he left the house and slammed the door behind him.

Jun stood rooted to the ground staring at the doorknob, wondering if she should run after him, what he meant, what he was going to do now. etc. He sent someone the address, so she was sure the driver will pick him up right away. Will she see him again? This conversation seemed so unfinished, nothing had been clarified, nothing settled. And that threat at the end. Finally she opened the door.

Namjoon was sitting on the steps.
She placed a hand on his shoulder, but he slapped it away immediately.

"Leave me, Jun. It's over between us, you don't have to pretend anymore, you don't have to play or try so hard."

"This situation is difficult for me too. Please try to understand me. I...I'm not ready." Jun started to cry, but it didn't impress him anymore. Today she had turned him into a cold, emotionless bastard.

"What you said, that it would be better if it wouldn't be there... this is actually a part of me. It's a part of me you want to get rid of." He said quietly without looking at her.

"It's not like that, Joon," she began, feeling that things had gone wrong.

"I thought we...that we were something more. I believed I had found my place - my missing piece. But you turned out to be only a mirage, a mirage that I touched, that dissolved, and now reality hit me.

I thought I deserved love, I was happy to start building something together. But you smothered it before it could bloom.

And now you want to do it again, killing what I fell in love with in an instant. You may not want this baby. You can leave it, you can go far away and never come back. But only when its born. Because imagine... this baby has also another parent, and I ... I will be the father. And I will never leave him."

Tears streamed down his cheeks, though he didn't seem to realize it. He just admitted, that he loved his unborn child. In this whole complicated situation, he did not hesitate to separate his anger towards Jun from the innocent feeling towards the surprise, that life had prepared for him.

Jun leaned against the wall. She felt her strength starting to run out. She didn't know what she wanted. She didn't know who she was anymore.
"What are you going to do?" She asked trying to sound neutral.

Just then, a black car drove up to the house. The driver got out and walked over to Namjoon.
"Good evening, Mr Kim. How can I help you?"

Jun looked at the man carefully. He didn't look like usual driver. He had earphone with cable and receiver and a gun.

"Siwoon, this is a very delicate matter. I want everything to stay between us for now. I will provide you with more information as time goes on."

He nodded his head, letting him know that he could rely on him.

"This is Park Jun, my fiancée.
Unfortunately, we quarrelled a bit and now... my darling decided to cause me some trouble.
It's your job to keep an eye on her whenever I'm not with her. I need one full day to get everything sorted, so keep an eye on her until I get back. She can't leave the house without you. You are to look after her. If you need something from the store - send someone for it, don't leave her alone. If Miss Ye Rim comes back and asks questions, direct her to me. I'll explain more when I get here tomorrow. Do you understand me, Siwoon? For me it's very important. And no one, absolutely no one, can know about it. Including the rest of the guys."

The guard's eyes widened. Something was up. Nobody just locks a woman in the house. There was more to it. But he didn't ask anything, after all, Namjoon himself promised, that in time everything would be explained.

He turned to Jun and bowed low.
"I am pleased to meet you. I am Lee Siwoon and from today I am at your service.
I didn't know Mr. Kim was engaged. My congratulations."

Jun growled in rage.
"We're not engaged! We're not even together!" She exclaimed annoyed.

Siwoon was staring at Namjoon with a questioning look. But this one was still calm.

"I told you we had a fight. So now she's gonna say anything to annoy me. Ignore it."

"I see." He replied softly and turned back to her.
"If you need anything please let me know. I will deal with it immediately."

But Jun ignored him completely almost charging at Namjoon.
"What are you thinking in this head of yours? What is it? Are you locking me in the house now? I'm a prisoner? Who do you think you are?!"
Her hands flew towards him, she swung to hit him, but he grabbed her wrists and pulled her hard against him. Their faces were almost touching.

"I am the father of your child." he told her right into her mouth, brushing it slightly with his own.
"And you'll be a good girl now if you don't want your life to be even more of a nightmare."
His tone was serious and dominant. She had never seen him like this, but no one had ever pushed him to the brink either.
He stroked her hair.

"Now if you'll excuse me, darling, I have to do something. I will come as soon as I can. Don't miss me too much." He spoke loud enough for Siwoon to hear. He just smiled at the sight of the couple in love. Oh if only he knew what's behind the veil.

Namjoon called his driver and left from there, leaving shocked Jun behind him.

She burst into the house in a fury, smashing everything on the way. She had to let her emotions out. She didn't know what to do, she was helpless. Now she couldn't even run away. As she plopped down on the bed and calmed her breathing, she found a way to channel all the anger out of herself.

She put it in you.

Oh nothing she's ever hated as much as you.

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